Memory Lake

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Friday. At long last!

I slept in as usual because I didn't have anyone to wake me up and taunt me.

Cough Hunter Cough Cough

I got to the bus stop on time. For my bullies. It's never a perfect time for me.

A small group of five cheerleaders swarmed around me. I groaned. Just my luck.

"Ugh, look who it is."

"Who is it? I don't see anybody there?"

They all laughed. One stuck her hand out. I knew the routine. I surrendered my backpack to them. They took their Starbucks and poured it into my backpack.

"OMG! What a waste of Starbucks!" I heard a deep voice. It was a mocking voice, but it wasn't mocking me.

It was mocking them.

It was green eyes.

"Oh, hey there Derr," one of the girls drawled as she flirted with him. No, there was no with. Derek looked up at me utterly horrified.

I gagged, putting my finger in my mouth.

Derek smirked and pushed passed the cheerleader.

"So, when do you wanna hang out? How about after school?" she asked with her annoying nasally voice.

Derek motioned for me to follow him. "How about tomorrow? Or the day after that? I'm available any day actually! Yeah, that's totes cool. Just call me!" she called not taking a hint.

We speed walked away. Or more like Derek did. He was practically running away from that girl .

When he slowed down I couldn't help but say, "Talk about desperate."

He shivered, "That scarred me for life."

We talked and talked and I guess time flew by.

"Do you wanna hang out after school?"

"I would love to," I answered honestly, "But I already made a prior commitment."

He grinned, "Didn't know you were so busy!" I smiled back.

"Why have you been with Hunter recently?  Are y'all two..." he trailed off.

I blushed, "No it's nothing... we were just hanging out.

He stared at me as if he was saying, 'Just tell me the truth. You are such a bad liar.'

But it's not like I could tell him the truth because that was all there was to it.

That was the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Oh look at that!" I faltered trying to change the topic, "We are at the school!"

Really Mallory?! That's the best you got? That's pathetic.

He raised his eyebrows unconvinced. He acted as if he could see right through me.


There was something suspicious going on. I saw Hunter and Derek more often then I usually do in a day.

During lunch, Hunter threw his arm around my shoulder and whispered something into my ear.

It was about Ellie. He just wanted help. That was it.

Derek saw it and flinched. He gave Hunter a glare and walked away.

During passing periods, I went to my locker. I found Derek standing there waiting for me. He offered to carry my books. I told him it was fine and asked him what was going on.

"C'mon,  just gimme your books. And nothing is happening," he promised.

"Okay... I can carry it myself. It's not a big deal," I said unsurely.

"Really?" he said, "If it's not a big deal, then there should be no problem with me carrying them," he grabbed my books.

I smacked my forehead. This was going to be a long day.


After a tough basketball practice with Nick- I mean Coach Thrawn- everyone was sweating like pigs. No, wait, that's insulting to the pigs. It was that bad.

After I took a shower I went to grab my backpack which I left in the hallway, I heard people bickering, and before long, it became into a full blown argument.

"It's not my fault you're not good enough."

"I am. I'm better than you will ever be. I'm just telling you to stay away from her."

From who?

"It's also not my fault that you're a coward. She obviously likes me better than you."

"She thinks you're asking her best friend out dumb*ss."

I held back a gasp.

"Well at least I'm getting somewhere."

Then silence. My mind was running everywhere.

Was Derek protecting me?

Did Hunter lie to me about Ellie?

I was snapped back into reality when I heard footsteps. Shoot, I need to get outta here. I silently slipped away not wanting to be caught. Not wanting to know what was going to happen next.


I grabbed his arm and shoved him into my car.

"Heyyyyy," he whined, "I'm fragile. This beauty," he gestured to his face, "Is delicate. Very few can achieve this."

"Does it look like I give a sh*t?"

"Look who's in savage mode today... where are we going?"

"It's for me to know and you to find out."


I drove to Memory Lake. I loved to take pictures there. I always come here to relax and undwind... besides Knud Park of course.

"Why are we here?" Hunter asked as I sat down on a stone leading to the open lake. I patted the rock next to me. He sat down.

"We need to talk," I said slowly.

He nodded, "I agree."

"I really like-"

"You and you don't need to finish cause I feel the same way." Hunter said rapidly. The words left his mouth to fast. They escaped from him.

I stared at him blankly. "You lied to me," I whispered.

"No that's not what hap-"

"That's exactly what happened!" I exploded. "I actually started to trust you?!" I was so confused, angry, and I just... I didn't know what I felt.

"I trusted you," I whispered hurt.

I was silent not knowing what to say. Hunter took my silence as an invitation to explain himself.

"It started out real. I liked El, but as I got to know you... Well I like you. I wasn't lying. I did like her, but then you-" he took a breath, "Mallory Datford, I like you."

I wasn't used to this.
I had no idea what to say.
I didn't know what to think.

I didn't know what to feel.

I turned around and drove home. Without Hunter. I couldn't deal with him at the moment. So yeah, I left him with no way to get home.


I slammed my car door shut, and ran into my apartment.

I had my usual three options:

Ellie's house: No I needed to be alone.
Knud Park: Derek would find me.
Memory Lake: Hunter would be there.

I had no where, no place to go.

I paced back and forth in my room. My phone buzzed.

In case you're wondering, I got out of that lake alive.

Drama queen. I grabbed my phone and camera. I hopped into my car.

Guess I'm going to Memory lake.


I sighed and took in the gorgeous view. The sun was starting to set- perfect time to take pictures.
I snapped a couple pics, and walked up to the bridge. I took some with the trail and trees in the background.

There was something in my picture.

Not something, but someone.

So......... yeahhhhh! Whaddya think!
Please please please let me know how I can improve! Thank you all!



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