Too Late

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Hey can u give me a ride to ur party? Parents have another party so they r gone


Geez no need to be so harsh

No literally. U can't come with me


Of course u can :) I was being sarcastic
be at my house by... 9:30. I need to get to our hall to set up

Kk I'll be there

I sighed lying back on my bed. Last day of the year. I actually can't wait to see what the next year has in store for me. This year has been tough. Yet, I got through it.

One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time.

That's how I've done it all my life.

I grabbed my phone and started to head out the door, but my phone buzzed.

And wear something nice

I glanced down at my clothes. Yikes.

I do not know what 'nice' is


Do joggers count?

I'm going to ignore that
I'm going to pretend that I never heard that. If you show up to my house like that I will force you into one of my dresses.

I'm changing right now.

I quickly switched into a pair of "nice pants". I toss a formal-ish shirt on and threw a coat on. It's New York, of course it's gonna be cold.

Good enough for me.


The hall Mrs. Thrawn rented out was large and lavish.

It had to be big. Our whole senior class was gonna be there and more.

Ellie greeted me with a hug then inspected me.

"Really? Whatever, it's good enough for you," she said.

"Wow, I'm so very honored to have your validation."

She wore a simple, but beautiful dress. It was a light blue and had a white belt around it.

Many people were already here.
Derek, Ellie, and I were hanging out just like we used to.

"Girls, come here," Mrs. Thrawn called.

"So now I'm a girl?" Derek joked.

"Oh Derek, it's been so long," said Mrs. Thrawn pulling him into a hug, "Sorry I didn't see you there."

Mr. and Mrs. Thrawn were there with three other people. Mrs. Cooper and-


The man let out a small smile. "Derek, I'm sorry, but-"

"Where were you? We thought you were dead. You left us." Derek said bitterly.

Mrs. Cooper interrupted, "Pherhaps it would be better if we do this somewhere else."

"No! I want answers now! Mom, he left us."

"For reasons. And I wasn't asking you. All three of you need to understand the whole situation."

We entered a small room. There were 8 of us.

Derek, Ellie, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Thrawn,  Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Thrawn, me, and the unknown woman.

"Your dad left for all the right reasons. He left to help his family," Mrs. Cooper started.

Mr. Cooper continued, "My brother and sister in law were kidnapped many years before. I thought they were dead."

I couldn't help myself, "By who?"

Mr. Cooper inhaled sharply, "My brother and sister in law were spies. Kinda unbelievable. Well, I am too."

"Dad! You didn't tell me this?! You tricked me into thinking you were a travel agent!"

"I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell anyone. Anyway, everyone thought they were dead, until six years ago. When I left. We heard from them again. I left immediately. I told your mother to make up a death story if I didn't come back in time. I was captured too. I was able to escape with my family..."

"Who are you? I don't mean to be rude-" Ellie asked the mysterious woman.

"It's fine. I am Andrea, his sister in law," he motioned towards Mr. Cooper.

I took in the lady's appearance. She had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She smiled so easily as if there was nothing wrong. Her eyes sparkled no matter what.

"Oh," she said quitely, "Mallory is it?"

I nodded shyly.

"Such a beautiful girl..." she said with a hint of sadness.

Mrs. Thrawn threw an arm around her, "She's going to have to know sooner or later. It's easier to tell her and deal with it now. Leave it in the past, and forget about it in the New Year."

Too Late

The clock struck midnight.

Almost done my lovely readers!!!!!


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