hiccups part 1

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Laguna sat  on the bench as she read her book, she was waiting for synth to arrive so she could hang out with him, she smiled as she thought about synth and smiled, she closed her book at put it away in her bag, she smiled seeing her boyfriend and hurried over to him.

Synth smiled and greeted laguna with a gentle kiss. laguna giggled.

synth smiled. "I don'y know about you but i am thirsty, lets go get some smoothies."

"That sounds wonderful."

Later on, synth and laguna were on the bench sipping their smoothies, synth was sipping a blueberry smoothie while laguna was sipping a nlackberry smoothie. she sipped happily enjoying the taste of the delicious smoothie. she began to take longer sips, forgetting that drinking smoothies quickly could result in getting the hiccups.

"Be careful laguna, you're drinking a bit too fast." synth warned.

"Sorry synth, im really enjoying this smoothie its wonderful." Laguna replied as she continued sipping on her smoothie.

"It's ok, i just don't want you to end up getting a brainfreeze or the hiccups." synth said.

laguna smiled and kept on drinking her smoothie, before long, the smoothie was gone and laguna licked her lips."That smoothie was good."

synth smiled as he sipped on his  smoothie, all of the sudden he heard a noise


He looked up, on seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he shrugged only to hear the sound again and it sounded like it was coming from next to him


synth looked over and saw laguna  covering her mouth, her body jumping slightly as she hiccupped.  

Lagna lowered her hands. "Synth, i've...*hic* I've got the hic... *hic*  hiccups, i think i *hic* drank mt smoothie too *hic* too fast." she said blushing as she hiccupped.

synth chuckled and took her hand gently in his. "lets head to the library, perhaps theres a book on curing hiccups." he said

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