hiccups part 2

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Laguna covered her mouth as she hiccupped again, she really hoped they could find a scrapbook about curing hiccups.  She hiccupped again, a rather squeaky sounding hiccup. Synth carefully walked as he read the tittle of each scrapbook. Finally, he saw it.  "Ah, here we go Laguna. I found it." he said as he opened the book.  "Ok first cure is holding your breath."
"For how *hic* long?" laguna asked.  

"As long as you can." synth replied.

Laguna sighed and hiccupped. "ok here *hic* goes." she took a deep breath and held her breath

the seconds seemed to crawl by slowly, gradually laguna let out her breath, she panted.   She sighed. "well i think that *hic* it didn't work synth."

synth smiled that's ok laguna there are stil several more cures we can try." with that he turned the page  "ok next cure is..." synth looked away, "Let's go to cure number 3 instead."

"Wait what's *hic* cure number 2?"

Synth looked around then whispered. "A good scare. but i don't wanna scare you."

laguna looked stunned. Perhaps skipping the 2nd cure idea was a good idea.  "What's cure number 3?" she asked.

synth smiled. "Laughter can sometimes cure hiccups. Now lets see how can i have you laugh." His eyes lit up  and he picked up a feather from a nearby arts and crafts table.

"Synth, *hic* what are you doing?" laguna nervously asked.

"oh nothing." synth innocently said as he approached laguna who immediatly backed away from synth. she didn't want anyone to know this but... she was extremly ticklish.

the next thing she knew she was running away from synth and the feather only to trip and fall and be tickled all over by the feather.

She laughed "Synth hehehe stop please no please not my hahahaha shoulders." she begged.

synth continued to tickle laguna when he relized that he no longer had the feather, he looked at laguna and gulped nervously, she had the feather! He slowly backed up then made a run for it only to fall down as soon as he felt the feather tickle his arm. he laughed hard as laguna tickled him all over with the feather, he laughed verry hard, laguna chuckled as she tickled synth. but pretty soon she stopped tickling him so they could catch their breath.

synth opened his mouth and out popped a  hiccup he covered his mouth in surprise. All the laughing had given him the hiccups.

"Oh dear, I'm really sorry synth." laguna appologized. 

synth chuckled. "It's *hic* ok laguna getting the *hic* hiccups is worth seeing you stopped hiccupping."

laguna gasped her hiccups stopped she hugged her boyfriend.  "Thank you synth thank...*hic*" she covered her mouth in horror before she hiccupped again and again.

"Oops, looks *hic* like it didn't *hic* work." synth said hiccupping as he retrieved the book and turned the page with a hiccup.

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