Chapter 1

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The slow drizzle of rain could be heard outside as Harry Potter laid a tiny sleeping bundle down in a white cot. This was big for Harry. He had been named Teddy's godfather before Tonks and Remus died in the war, so the small boy was now his responsibility.
Distantly, thunder rumbled. The rain continued to patter down on the rooftop and disturb the leaves of the tree beside Teddy's nursery. In the dim light from the streetlight outside, Harry could just see the tufts of bright blue hair on the sleeping baby's head. He smiled and retreated from the room, pulling the door shut behind him.
Teddy was alot like Harry, in a few ways... He was parentless at a very young age for starters, and it was by the same person's hand that they died. If it weren't for Voldemort they would both have parents... But Harry wouldn't think about that. Oh no. He had had a good night, and he wasn't about to ruin it with the not-so-distant memories of the battle of Hogwarts.
Harry leaned against the wall nearby Teddy's nursery, and he vowed to himself right there and then that he would give Teddy the life he deserved. The upbringing he deserved. By no means was Harry his dad, but Teddy would be raised the way that Harry wished he had been raised- with love, and care, and three meals a day and a warm bed at night in his own room! Not a cupboard under the stairs. Yes. Teddy Lupin would have an excellent upbringing. And Harry certainly wasn't going to lie about how Teddy's parents died, or what they believed in either. He would know what they fought for, and he would grow up hearing about his parents' sacrafice.

Roughly ten years later...

"Teddy!" Someone called, "Wake up!" The incessant shaking the person was giving him was kind of annoying. "Teddy!" They called again. He blinked his eyes open to see Ginny hovering over his bed. "Get up, c'mon." She urged. Teddy groaned and sat up.
"What is it?" He blinked blearily at his godmother.
"It's time to get up." She quipped, and then left the room. Teddy frowned and begrudgingly dragged himself out of bed. He moved to his desk and grabbed his hairbrush. Once his hair was neat... Well neater than it had been- he changed into jeans and scrappy red converse sneakers, and a t-shirt. He wasn't feeling particularly in the mood to look very presentable, and besides, it was his birthday. He should be allowed to slack off a little. He paused for a moment to admire the framed picture on his bedside table. It was of himself as a newborn, with his parents either side. This photo was one of the only things he had to remind him of them. He kissed the glass and whispered "good morning", and then traipsed downstairs in search of something to eat.
"Happy birthday, Ted." His godfather said cheerfully, a tiny, two-year-old red haired girl perched on his hip. Teddy smiled back.
"Thanks Harry." Harry would never let Teddy call him 'dad', because he didn't want to replace his real father. He envied the Potter children for that. Lily took the pink pacifier from her mouth.
"Yes honey?" He smiled gently at his little daughter.
"I'm hun-gry." Lily didn't talk too badly for a two year old, but she still didn't quite have a grasp on english.
"Okay sweetie, i'll just put you down here-" Harry slipped her into her highchair "-and we'll have some breakfast." He smiled. Just as he turned back to the stove, a six year old James came barreling down the staircase, hair awry. He was giggling and wearing only his boxer shorts.
"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!" Ginny's warning tones could be heard loud and clear from where they sat. James giggled again and hid behind Lily's highchair. Lily twisted around to see where he was. Ginny entered the kitchen, eyes aflame.
"Get back here, or i swear i'll skin you!!" Her volume was much less now then before, but her voice was still raised. James snickered, still crouched behind Lily's chair. Ginny began to circle the table in order to get to him, and James ran around the other way at about the same rate, so that soon enough they were racing around the table in circles, Ginny getting more and more frustrated and shrieking profanities. Finally, Teddy stuck his hand out and caught James' arm, stopping him dead, and before the child had a chance to react, his mother was upon him. James was led back upstairs by the ear.
"Thank you Teddy." Harry smiled and placed a stack of pancakes in front of the eleven year old, who drizzled on some maple syrup and dug in. He was already pretty hungry. Ginny emerged as Teddy was finishing his plate, leading a now fully clothed James, who shot him a mischievous smirk as his mother led him to the table and turned to go back up the stairs. James was given a smaller stack of pancakes than Teddy by his father.
"Happy birthday." James smiled as he ate his first pancake.
Lily was given two small pancakes of her own, along with some chopped fruit and a sippee cup with what appeared to be apple juice.
"Alright. Just waiting on Gin and Albus now." Harry seemed in high spirits as he flipped another pancake in the pan. Finally, Albus carefully navigated the staircase, holding his mother's hand. He was four. Ginny helped him into a dining chair, and he got his own pancakes. Harry then served his wife and himself, and the stove was turned off as everyone tucked in.
"Happy birthday Teddy!" Ginny smiled at him.
"Eleven today! You'll get your letter." Harry grinned. Teddy was excited to go to the wizarding school, but he was just worried about what people would think of him. Last time he tried to talk to people his age, they ridiculed him for his blue hair, and he started to get upset. Being a magic child, when they upset him, he accidentally made all of their hair also turn blue, and his turned red because he wasn't very good at controlling his metamorphagus powers yet. Nobody but the Potters and the Weasleys seemed to want anything at all to do with him, so he was worried about going to Hogwarts.

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