Chapter 1

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Stiles P.O.V
My phone rings and I answer it.

Me: Hello?
Scott: Stiles? Hey, man.
Me: What's Up?
Scott: Can you come over?
Me: Yeah, dude. I'll be over in a sec.
Scott: Okay, but hurry.

I get my jacket and run to my jeep. I start it and drive over

I walk up to the door, open it, and walk inside. "Scott?" I yell. No answer. "Hey Scott!?" I yell again. Still no answer. "Where are you?" I mumble.
I feel a hand go over my mouth and I scream. Everything goes dark....


I wake up in this cage thing. It goes up. "Hey! Somebody help me!" I yell. Nothing happens. I hear some weird noises. It's an animal! I look at it and it squeels. The cage thing goes up faster and faster. "Hey!!" I yell as loud as a can. A light appears at the top. The cage stops and these doors open. A bunch of guys are standing at the top loooking in at me. "A new greenie!" One of them yells. "Gally, go get him." Another says. This guy with blonde hair comes and helps me out of that cage thing. "Hey greenie!" He says. I look around. This is really weird! I gotta get out of here! I start to sprint away. "We've got a runner!" Somebody yells. I fall and hear people laughing. They all come towards me and some guy throws me in this place with bars and stuff. "Listen, can you anything about yourself? Anything at all? Memories? Your name?" This man asks me. I shake my head no. "I-I can't remember a-anything." I say, sadly. "Hey, its okay. It happens to all of us. You'll remember in a day or two." He says. I think. Why can't I remember anything? "My name is Alby." Alby says. This place is very strange. What is it?
"Come on. Let's show you around." Alby says and helps me out of the hole. "This is Newt." Alby says, pointing to a guy with light orange hair. I like his hair color.
"Newt! Come here!" Alby calls to him. Newt jogs over. "Hey greenie!" Newt says. "Newt, can you introduce him to people?" Alby asks. "Yeah, come on greenie!" Newt says. We run to this little hut. "So, this is Chuck. Hey Chuck! He's gonna hang with you." Newt says. Man, everybody keeps leaving me! Whatever. "Hey greenie! So, today we have to do some chores." Chuck says. "What?" I ask. "In the Glade, everybody has a job. Today you'll be with me, helping with mine until you get your own." Chuck says. "Okay." I say. This can't be too bad, right? "Everybody to the circle!" Gally shouts. "What are we doing? I thought we were doing chores, Chuck?" I ask. "I don't know. Lets go." Chuck says.
We run to the circle. "So greenie! Come in the fight circle. We gotta see what your made of!" Gally shouts.
"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Everybody chants. I get shoved into the circle. "Come on, greenie! Fight me!" Gally yells. I throw a punch and Gally throws me to the ground. "Uugh." I groan. "Really, greenie? Is that it?" Gally taunts me. "Stop calling me greenie." I say. "Okay. I'll call you shuck." Gally says and everybody start cracking up. Gally punches me. I get up and throw Gally to the ground. "Nice one, shuck." Gally says. He gets up and throws me to the ground and then kicks me. My head hits the ground, hard. I remember something! The word Stiles keeps going through my head. "Stiles." I mumble. "What, shuck?" Gally asks. "My name is Stiles!" I yell, getting up. Everyone stares at me. "Stiles!" Alby cheers and everyone starts cheering and gathering around me. "Welcome, Stiles." Alby says and pats me on the back.

The first chapter is finished! I'm so happy! Tell me if you like it in the comments! Thank you!

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