Chapter 2

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New day
Stiles POV
"Newt, can't I do anything better than this?" I complain. I mean, why can't I do what he's doing? "Okay then, go fetch us some fertilizer." Newt says, looking me in the eyes. "Fine." I say, pick up the bucket and mini shovel, and walk to the trees.
"Go get some fertilizer, Stiles!" I say, mimicking Newt. Hey, I finally found some! I start to scoop it up, but one of the gladers runs up and starts to choke me! "Get. Off. Me!" I yell in-between gasps for air. "I'm going to kill you, Stiles!" He yells in my ear. Ow, that hurt. I lush him off me and sprint away. I run up the hill and he grabs my legs. I kick him off my legs and sprint to the center of the Glade.
"HELP ME!! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" I yell. Apparently I got attention, because some gladers started running toward the gladers attacking me. Alby, Gally, and Newt run over. Four of the gladers hold him on the ground. "Lift his shirt." Alby says, showing no emotion. Gally lifts his shirt. "He's been stung." Newt says. "Guys, we all know what to do." Alby says.
"Close in!" Alby yells. All of the gladers, except for Chuck and I, had a spear in their hands. The gladers who got stung was in the middle. They were all making it so that he had to go into the maze. "Please! Just listen to me! Please!" The gladers yells. The walls start to close. "Force!" Alby yells. Some gladers push him into the maze. "No!!" He yells. The walls close and the gladers is on the other side.
We stand in a moment of silence. "Okay guys, we have to get back to work." Alby says.
The rest of the day was spent working and at the end, I just went to bed. There was a big bonfire, but I was too tired for it.

Chuck accidentally hit me with his rock, so now I'm awake. I hop out of the 'bed'. "Hey Chuck, were is Alby and Minho?" I ask. I see everybody else but those two. Hmm. "Oh, Alby and Minho went into the maze. They'll be back, Stiles." Chuck says while chopping a tree down for wood.
"Okay." I say.
*5 hours later.*
"Hey, shouldn't they be back by now?" A glader asks. "What of they don't come back?" I ask Newt, worriedly. "They'll be back." Nest says. "But what if they don't come back?" I ask, pestering Newt. "Stiles, they'll be back." Newt says. Right after Newt said that, Minho was running back with a body. Who's body is it? Where's Alby? Is the body Alby?
The walls start to close.
"They might not make it..." Newt mumbles under his breath. The walls are closing more and more. I know what I have to do.
I run into the maze, the walls almost crushing me. "Stiles no! Stiles!" Newt yells. All the gladers yelling at me. I make it in. The walls close right behind me. I look over at the body. It is Alby! "Good job, you just killed yourself." Minho says, all out of breath. "What?" I say, not believing what he said.

So, this chapter is finished! Yay! I like writing this story! Do you like reading it? Let me know in the comments below! Hey! That rymes!

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