Chapter nine

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The next two days passed without any trace from the team. Damion also said he saw nothing of them. They would have thought it a good thing, but it also might be bad. At that very moment they could be cooking up a scandalous plan to demolish the entire city, killing everyone and taking it over, and the squad wasn't doing anything to foil it. The sqaud didn't know if they were planning that or not. It seemed like the other t team was taking the safe route, so hopefully they didn't have a demonic plan.

   But they weren't thinking of that today, for today was Sunday, and everyone was looking forward to a fun, sort of relaxing, and enjoyable game day. Everybody was awake, and had eaten breakfast. Everyone gathered around the couch, to decide what game to play first. 

"I just say the good old fashioned game of hide and go seek," Jax said, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

"Agreed," Alyna said, who was standing behind the couch. "They can be long or short, and it's fun and easy."

"Sure! Why not," Riah said, turning to look at Alyna.

"Alright," Darion said, leaning in the couch. "Now who would seek first then?"

  Silence followed, and everyone looked questioningly at each other, trying to get them to say the first word. Alyna cleared her throat. "Ok! It's settled your it!" Riah exclaimed at Alyna. Alyna's face looked shocked, but she rolled her eyes on defeat. "Fine," she sighed. "But I'm giving you guys two minutes! So hurry." She leaned back on the couch, covered her eyes with her hands, and began to quietly count.

  Selene dashed out of the room, and flew up the stairs. The looked around, and suddenly thought of a great spot, but it was all the way downstairs. She listened for a moment, hearing Alyna finish counting down from one minute. Speedily, she flew to the basement, and to a wardrobe. She opened it, and using her telekinesis, she removed everything from a large shelf that was on the top. She flew up to it, and got herself as snuggly as she could, while positioning the items back in from to her. She used her telekinesis to close the door, and as soon as she did, she heard Alyna call out, "ready or not!"

  Selene lay still, until she thought she heard a rustling. She heard a muffled voice, "is that you Selene?"

  She listened for Alyna before answering. "Yes, it is. Jax?" she asked in bewilderment.

" Yea, " he replied.

"Wow," Selene whispered. "I didn't even see you when I came in."

" I'm in a coat that's hung up, with a hat on, and boots on my feet, " he hurriedly whispered.

"Nice. She probably isn't going to notice you. Only of she shakes the coat."

  They fell silent when they heard Alyna yell playfully a floor up, then Darion's sigh in protest. They heard Riah being found, then everyone else began looking for Selene and Jax.

  Selene tried to move a bit, because her legs began to feel cramped, but found out she couldn't move at all. She stopped trying when footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. It was Alyna who had come down, and she was checking, and rustling everything, just to make sure they weren't hiding in any of those things. She finally threw open the doors to the wardrobe. Selene didn't hear anything, untill she heard a muffled yelp from Jax.

"Ow, you don't gotta hit the coat so hard!"

"I didn't know you were in there, " Alyna protested. "But I've found you, so Selene is the winner." She told Jax, as she stepped aside and let him get out of the closet. "Selene!!" She bellowed, really loudly. "I know you can hear me! You win, so come out!"

  Selene grinned, using her telekinesis to remove the items in front of her, she flew out, and swore she heard her legs crack. Alyna looked in amazement at her, the whole time she was coming out. "I wouldn't even think to check there." She said with a look of amusement on her face.

"Well, it worked then," Selene said, laughing at the look on Alyna's face. 

  They eventually stopped laughing, and went back into the main room were everyone else was waiting. "Can you believe it? She fit..." Alyna was telling everyone else.

"Nice spot," Darion said to her. "Now are we playing another round or something else? "

"Well, I'm not to keen on hiding again," Selene admitted, still trying to get the cramp out of her leg.

"Ok, I vote on tag then, sticking to the traditional games," Riah spoke up.

"Ok, I'm down for it," Darion said, sounding a bit excited. "And a rule for this, no powers," he added.

"Hey, easy for the man with no powers to say," Jax said, in a protesting voice.

  Darion chuckled, "Exactly," he pointed out.

"Fine, " Alyna said. "But if we are going to do that, can we make it that when we get tagged, and once we get someone else we are out? If would eliminate people and make it to faster."

"That sounds like a good idea, " Darion said. "Let's do that, also no tagging the person who just tagged you. But we have to find out who's tagger first. Whoever's first though, doesn't get eliminated when they tag someone, just to make it fair," he said, looking at Alyna for confirmation.  She nodded.

"So I guess I'll be it first," Alyna said.  "It was my idea after all." 

  Everyone else nodded, and stood up.

"Hey, give us 30 seconds to scatter, ok?" Riah asked. Alyna barely nodded, before everyone was gone.


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