Chapter ten

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Selene rushed out of the room, up the stairs, and onto the roof. They established a rule of no powers, which ment she couldn't fly, but she most certainly could dive into the ocean if discovered. She listened, hearing Alyna just finish counting. She heard a yell, then Alyna chasing someone. She must have cornered the person she was chasing, because Selene heard a, 'tag!' from Alyna, then frantic running.

  Selene relaxed, figuring no one would find her up on the roof of all places. But a moment later, the hatch popped open, while Darion dashed out, with Jax in hot pursuit. His eyes widened at seeing her, and she scrambled to her feet, as she and Darion stopped at the edge of the tower.

"Haha, I've got two trapped!" Jax laughed, stopping a few feet away. Darion shuffled his feet, and Selene nudged him, sliding her feet backwards, indicating they jump into the water.

"Well, you see Jax," Darion said, also stepping slowly backwards, "You don't have us yet!" With that, Selene and Darion jumped off the edge of the tower, diving with a splash into the water below. Jax ran over, peering down at them through eyes that seemed to be laughing, but he tried to act all cool.

"Smooth move," he called down, while Selene and Darion swam to the shore. "But, I'm not going to get wet. I'll get you eventually though," he shook a finger at them, as he disappeared from sight, going back down the hatch in the roof. They made it to shore, and Selene dried them off with a swipe of her hand.

"Thanks," Darion said, a little out of breath. "And that was close, he chased me all the way up, almost catching me several times. Good thing he didn't jump in, he probably would've gotten one of us."

"Your right, He would have gotten you!" Selene teased him.

"Yea right," he replied, grinning. They started towards the tower, but stopped when they reached the side of it abruptly when shouts and laughs were heard.

"Now that sounds like Jax tagged Riah, who tagged Alyna," Selene whispered, who had been listening.

"Ok, I'll take your word for it," Darion said. "Now that means Jax and Riah are out. So Alyna has to tag Zain, or one of us...."

"Yea," Selene replied. "It makes it increasingly harder. Should we split up?"

"Yes, we are talking, which she could hear. "

"Who could hear what?!" Alyna's voice came from a window above them. Darion and Selene immediately took off running in separate directions, each running around the base of the tower trying to get to the front. Alyna jumped out of the window, grabbing onto a tree branch, and swung down, taking off in a sprint after Selene.

   Selene glanced behind her, and saw Alyna chasing her, but was separated by a good 15 feet. She pushed herself, and ran even faster, dodging a tree and jumping over a rock. Finally, she reached the front. She placed her finger on the keypad, and with a click, the door appeared. Letting her self in, the door closed behind her. She noticed someone had turned off every single light, but she didn't bother to turn them on, since she didn't need the light to see. The click of someone opening the door spurred her to dash up to the second floor.

  Suddenly, a shadow flitted around in front of her on the stairs. 'It must be Darion, ' Selene thought. 'he's doing his shadow maneuver to misidirect me.'

  She headed right up the stairs, knowing that he wasn't over there, but somehow got behind her from coming up the other set of stairs. If she ran away from the shadow down the hall, then she would run straight into him, which was the whole purpose of the shadow diversion. She dashed up the stairs, figuring she'd head out onto the roof, and dive off again. She knew Darion would follow her, so she tried to go fast and get a head start. When she reached the door however, she found it was chained. The big thick chains. And she couldn't use her strength to break them, since technically it is a power. Standing back in a shadow, she waited for Darion, and tried to think of a way she could get past him, since there was no other way out.

"I know you're down here!" Darion's voice rang from down the hallway. He rounded the corner, purposefully making his heels click on the floor. He looked around, and easily spotted Selene. He sprinted at her, while she tensed to spring out of the way. Halfway to her, both of their communicator phones suddenly went off, and he stopped in his tracks, whipping it out to see what was happening. Selene took hers out and saw the letters, "robbery in progress at museum."

"Team, meet at the location! " Darion shouted into his communicator phone, which then the rest of the team would immediately hear his message. He nodded to her, as she easily snapped the chains on the door. She grabbed his wrists as she flew out the door, quickly in the direction to the museum.


They reached the museum in a matter of minutes, before the rest of the team. Immediately they could see and hear the destruction.

"It's the chaos trio," Darion told her. He looked up at the sky, probably hoping to see the rest of the team, but they were no where in sight. "Alright, we go in. The team will join us."

  She nodded, as they ran through the doors. She first saw the tall but muscular shape of the villain Volt. He could shoot lightning from his hands at will. He could even make lighting dance on top of water. That's what they where up against. Of course they had defeated them before, but not without singed hair. They even gave him the nickname 'zappy' which he hated, and make him rage. He was more dangerous, but also a bit more vulnerable, being blinded by rage. 

  He saw them, and finished stuffing a bag with some priceless gems and stones.

"Put the bag down," Darion ordered calmly, aiming an arrow at his back. Volt stopped, and turned around to face them slowly, putting his hands to his side, with no fear showing at all. He lifted the bag up, and dropped it to the floor, making a loud shattering sound that echoed down the halls.

"He just told the others," Selene said, quickly learning what Volt did. And she was right, his two other teammates rushed out of two separate hallways, dropping loot on the floor, and stared menacingly at the team.

  One teammate was a boy who went by Cosmos. Cosmos was a Alien, and from what Alyna said, was the neighboring planet to hers. He had almost tanned skin, and messy blond hair, that complimented his sharp green eyes. He always wore deep blue skinny jeans and a black shirt which he sometimes folded up the sleeves to 'show off his muscles.' He indeed he did have muscles, since he is strong, but not from super strength. His real powers are flight, the ability to be camouflaged, and teleport, but only in areas within sight that has a light source.

   The other member of the trio, is Lightwave. She wears white pants, a blue tank top and a black almost trench coat. Her snow white hair always is sticking up in any direction, and makes her bright blue eyes stand out. Her power is, she can shoot beams of white light.  She can also absorb any energy thrown at her. Her powers makes for a dangerous combo between her causing light for Cosmos to teleport out of.

  The trio grinned devilishly at the team. "Now, is this going to be done the easy way, or the hard way?" Volt asked.

  Darion released his arrow, which snagged a bag of loot from Lightwave's hand, pinning it to the wall. "I may be asking you the same question." Darion told him, smirking.

"Fine. "Lightwave snapped, looking at her hand that was still up, then to the bag on the wall. "The hard way."

  She and Cosmos raced at the team, while Volt knocked Selene into a wall with a lightning bolt. Darion glanced at her when she got up, and she nodded saying that she got him.

  Volt smiled almost sweetly at her. "Just give up now," He said, flexing his hands. "I wouldn't want to, hurt you!" With that, he sent thousands of small lightning bolts zipping through the air towards her, but she flew around, dodging them. Flying around him, then stopping in front of him, Selene kicked him in the chest, sending him spinning back. He began punching at her, but only to be blocked. He prepared an electrical punch, but Selene was ready. The moment he swung, she created a water bubble which surrounded his arm, and when he made contact with her, he electrocuted himself, knocking him out cold.

  She suddenly heard sirens, and flew up to peer out a window. Several cop cars came blazing into the driveway, carrying guns and the special handcuffs. She went down the grab Volt, but discovered, he was gone. Absolutely gone. "Guys!" She yelled, flying out of the room, and running into them racing to her.

"They're gone." Darion said, stopping.

"Yea, they escaped again," Alyna said, folding her arms. "How do they always do that?"

"We'll get em' eventually," Jax said, staring to the door, Riah following.

"True," Darion said. "Oh, and Selene. " he said, going up to her.

"What?" She asked.

"Tag," he said, touching her arm, while they both grinned.

"Aw sweet!" Zain said, " That means I win, right? Guys, right?"

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