July 7, part 2

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The drink burned going down. I coughed, as my eyes watered up.

"Jeez, Ellie. Take it easy." Connor said.

"Can I get another one of whatever that was?" I asked. The bartender smirked and fixed me another drink.

He passed it to me and I thanked him, sipping my drink.

"Seriously. You need to go easy on the drinks." Connor said looking me in the eye.

I rolled my eyes and downed my second drink.

"You aren't the boss of me Connor." I said grabbing another drink and walking away. I could already feel the alcohol effecting me. My mind felt fuzzy and I was much more outspoken than my usual shy self.

"Hey, wanna dance?" Some guy, who I vaguely recognized as one of Connors cousins asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I downed my third drink then joined him on the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"So, your Connors girl?" He asked, his lips right by my ear so I could hear him over the music.

"No, I'm single." I responded.

"But your his girl right? His flavor of the week or month or however long it takes him to nail you?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. My brain was muddled by the alcohol and he wasn't making any sense.

"Freshman year Connor dated a senior girl. Before that he'd never been serious with a girl. She was the first girl he ever slept with. His player ways started after they broke up. He dated other senior girls over his freshman year. That summer he met a girl in London who was completely inexperienced. They had a little summer romance and he enjoyed being the one to do the teaching. After that he went after any girl. Short, tall, fat, skinny, it doesn't matter. He sleeps with them all. He likes the older girls when he's bored. But his favorite is the young ones. Says he likes teaching them." He told me. "Basically if it wears a skirt you know what he does. And you, my dear, are his next conquest." With that he left me alone on the dance floor, utterly confused and slightly dizzy.

I stumbled my way back to the kitchen for another drink when I felt my phone start buzzing in my bra. I pulled it out seeing Toby's name flashing across the screen. I vaguely remembered that I was mad at him but answered it anyways.

"Hey, Eliana. I'm so sorry I didn't answer you I was-" he broke off. "Where are you? Are you at a party?" He asked.

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p'. He had a nice voice and a nice face. I erupted into giggles. "Yep! Yep! Yep!"

"Wait... Are you drunk?" He asked his voice deadly serious.

"Noooo." I said tripping over my own feet and catching myself on the bar. "Oh! There you are!" I said to the guy behind the bar, completely forgetting that I was on the phone. "Get me another fruity drink will ya?"

"No!" Toby shouted over the phone. "No more drinks! I'm coming to get you."

"Hmm?" I looked around for who was talking to me. "Oh!" I said realizing I was still on the phone. "Okie dokie. You come to the party at Connors house too! I'll get you a fruity drink!" I exclaimed hanging up the phone.

The bartender smiled at me in amusement. "Here's your drink."

"Thanks!" I said cheerfully. "Can you make another one for my friend? He's coming too!" I said enthusiastically.

He chuckled. "I don't know if your boyfriend is gonna want a fruity, girly drink."

"Toby's not my boyfriend." I giggled. "He's my neighbor."

"Ahh. So, this guy Toby,  who happens to be your neighbor, is coming to get you?" He asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "I overheard your phone conversation." He explained.

"Ohh." I said nodding. "Well I'm not leaving cause I'm having fun." I crossed my arms and stuck my lower lip out.

The bartender smirked. "So, what's your name baby doll?" He asked leaning on the counter.

"Ellie." I smiled back. "What's yours?"

"Travis." He replied grinning broadly. "Are you Connors girlfriend? I saw him with you earlier at the bar."

"Oh no. I broke up with him. Now we're just friends." I explained.

He smiled at me knowingly. "You be careful tonight, okay? Some of these boys might try to take advantage of you while your drunk." He warned me.

I nodded before heading off with my drink. I was staggering around when I ran into Connor, literally.

"Oh hey!" I said smiling up at him. "I was looking for you!"

"Were you?" He smirked wrapping his arms around me to keep me from falling.

"Yep! Toby thinks I'm drunk and is gonna make me go home!" I pouted.

"I won't let him take you." He promised.

"Yay!" I squealed excitedly. "Your my hero!" I smiled.

His smirk widened. "Gosh, Ellie. I think you are drunk."

"No way, Jose. Let's go do shots!" I said pulling him towards the bar.

He chuckled. "Okay. But only a few."

"Travis!" I called when I reached the bar. "Give us some shots!"

He laughed. "Yes ma'am." He set up a few shots for me and Connor.

"Ready?" Connor asked.

I nodded enthusiastically and downed my first shot. My face scrunched up in disgust. "Eww. That's terrible!" I said my words slurring together.

Connor just laughed and passed me another one. I downed it quickly. A wave of dizziness swept over me and I gripped the bar tightly.

"Ellie, are you okay?" Connor asked, concern lacing his voice.

I nodded. "A tad bit dizzy."

"Let's get you upstairs to lay down."

Hey! As promised this chapter is longer than the last. Turns out Connor isn't as perfect as he seems. Next chapter will be full of drama! What do you think will happen to Eliana?

Mara :)

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