July 7, part 3

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Toby's P.O.V.

As soon as I got home I rushed upstairs to find my phone. I turned it on to see messages and missed calls flood in. How could I have been so stupid as to forget my phone at home for a week?

I quickly texted everyone to let them know I was okay before calling Eliana. I figured she'd be pretty upset and probably wouldn't answer. However she did pick it up on the third ring.

I immediately started apologizing. "Hey, Eliana. I'm so sorry I didn't answer you I was-" I broke off. There was really loud music and shouting I the background. "Where are you? Are you at a party?" I asked quickly. She'd never been to a real party before. Just the little things we throw with the group.

"Yep!" She said popping the 'p' and erupting into giggles. "Yep! Yep! Yep!"

"Wait... Are you drunk?" I asked seriously.

"Noooo." She said. I heard a slight crash on the other end of the line as of she'd ran into something. "Oh! There you are!" She said to someone at the party. For a moment it seemed she completely forgot that she was on the phone. "Get me another fruity drink will ya?"

"No!" I shouted over the phone. She sounded royally drunk. The last thing she needed was more alcohol. "No more drinks! I'm coming to get you." I said grabbing my keys and heading for the door.

"Hmm? Oh! Okie dokie. You come to the party at Connors house too! I'll get you a fruity drink!" She exclaimed hanging up the phone.

Great. Just great. She was drunk and alone at a party where all kinds of guys could take advantage of here. At least she told me where the party was before hanging up on me.

I sped over to Connors house as fast as I could. I had to park a couple blocks away because of the number of cars blocking the street. I ran as fast as I could to the house and fought my way through to the bar hopping she might still be there. Sadly, she wasn't.

"Hey." I said to the bartender. "You haven't happened to talk to a girl named Eliana have you? She has black hair and green eyes?" I asked hurriedly.

"Yeah but you just missed her." He replied eyeing me suspiciously.

"I'm Toby. She's a good friend of mine. Could you happen to tell me where she went?"

His looked at me gravely. "Connor just took her upstairs."

I felt the color drain from my face. Then I turned and ran.


Eliana's P.O.V.

Connor led me upstairs to his bedroom and closed the door behind us. I staggered over to his bed to lay down for a minute.

"You have a comfy bed." I told him bouncing on the mattress.

He smiled in amusement. "Yes it's very nice."

I kicked my shoes off and started looking around his room. He had pictures on the wall of him and his family. He also had several pictures of him with his friends. When I turned back around Connor was standing very close to me.

"You look beautiful tonight." He said trapping me against the wall.

"Uh thanks." Even with the alcohol clouding my mind I knew there was something wrong with the way he was looking at me.

"Ellie, I want there to still be an us." He said leaning closer so that his body was pressed against mine.

"Sorry." I said. "But I don't want a boyfriend right now."

"Fine with me." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

I was shocked for a minute. Once I realized what was happening I started to struggle against him.

"What are you doing?" Connor asked pulling back.

"I could ask you the same." I replied feeling panicky.

He narrowed his eyes. "Here's how it goes, your mine until I'm done with you. I don't care if we are actually dating or not." He said leaning towards me again. "It's my game, we play by my rules. Right now I'm not done with you."

I stared at him in fear as he tried to kiss me again. I ducked under his arms and moved to get away. He caught my by my wrist and pulled me back to him.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked, his voice cold and hard.

"Connor, let me go your hurting me." I cried as he tightened his grip on my wrist. He backed us up into a corner and pressed himself against me so I couldn't escape. He let go of my wrist only to wrap his arms around my waist. His lips crashed into mine again as he kissed me roughly. When I didn't respond he tightened his grip on my waist until I cried out in pain. He used this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. His hands traveled over my body, touching me in places they shouldn't. I was terrified and alone and I didn't know how to get away.

Just when I thought all hope was lost the door burst open and Toby walked in. Connor let go of and I crumpled to the ground in relief.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Connor smirked maliciously. "A depressed orphan. What you gonna do Toby? Try to save her? You can't save anyone. It's why your parents are dead. Why your uncle hates you. It's why your last girlfriend fell for me. Because your worthless." Connor sneered.

I gasped in shock. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so cruel. I looked at Toby to see that the words effected him deeply. The thing that happened next surprised me. Toby sent his fist flying for Connors face.

The blow was followed by a sickening crunch as Connors nose broke. Blood started gushing out. Connor retaliated by punching Toby in the jaw. He staggered back slightly before sending another blow in Connors direction. The two continued to pummel each other for several minutes. Finally, Toby managed to knock Connor out with a round house kick to the face. Connor crumpled to the floor lifelessly and Toby rushed over to me.

"Are you okay did he hurt you?" He asked griping my face lightly.

I could respond I just sobbed in his arms. The impact of all that had happened hit me all at once. Toby held me tightly as a cried in his arms. When I had calmed down a bit he asked me again.

"Eliana, I need to know if he hurt you." He said urgently.

I shook my head. "N-not like you th-think. He hurt my wrist." I said holding it against my chest.

"Let me see." He said taking it gently. He examined it, bending it and putting pressure on different places. "Does this hurt?" He asked moving it around.

I nodded. "It hurts really bad and so does my head." I said leaning against him.

"That's could a hangover." He smiled slightly. "It sucks doesn't it?"

I nodded again. "Please take me home." I whispered.

"Okay." He replied. "Where's your stuff?"

"My shoes and phone are over there." I pointed in the direction they were. "I-I think I left my purse at the bar." I stuttered.

"Okay. Let's go see, yeah?" He helped me up and grabbed my stuff. We go downstairs and find that Travis did have my bag behind the bar. Toby thanks him and we head out. "Where's your car parked?" He asked.

"Over there." I said pointing at it. We walked over to it and he helped me get in the passenger side before going around the other side. "What are you doing?" I asked stupidly when he got in the drivers seat.

"Driving you home." He replied looking at me like I had lost my mind. "Your definitely in no condition to drive."

"But what about your car?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

He chuckled. "My car will be fine. What's most important is getting you home." He leans over and kisses my forehead before starting the car.

The drive home was silent. I was still trying to process everything that had happened and I suppose Toby might have been too. At some point I dozed off. I woke up to Toby carrying me inside. He laid me down gently on my bed and turned to leave.

"Toby, wait." I called sitting up. He turned towards me. "Thank you for saving me tonight." I said shyly.

He came over and hugged me. "I'm just glad your okay." He said.

I looked up into his eyes and thought back to our first kiss that night at the party. I leaned forward until our lips were almost touching then hesitated. Did he want this two? Next thing I knew he leaned In the rest of the way and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds but was better than any kiss I had ever had.

"Goodnight." I whispered. I laid down and fell asleep before I could hear his reply.

Hey! I know this chapter got a little rough but I was trying to portray how bad Connor really is. Also Toby's back so that's exciting! Hope you have a great weekend!

Mara :)

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