~First Meeting and New Friends~

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It was now the next day and early afternoon at 'Wong's Flowers' and it was a little busy but not too much. Customers were coming in and out to order flowers for all sorts of reasons. There were some familiar faces, but there were also new ones that always came into the shop. After a couple of customers come in the shop is pretty chill. Since the shop was a little dirty they decided to clean it. Mei-Wong swept the floors with the broom, Emi organized the flowers into special places, and Takeo dusted since he loved doing that job. 

While they were cleaning, Emi's phone rang as it got a notification. She stopped sweeping and pulled her phone out of her pocket to see what it was about and once she saw it she screamed excited internally. There was an outdoor movie happening in Brooklyn and it was going to play one of Emi's favorite movies of all time which was Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Usually she wouldn't make a big deal about something, but this is Ferris Bueller were talking about! She couldn't miss this one in a life time opportunity! Quickly putting her phone back in her pocket Emi rushes to Mei-Wong who was still sweeping. 

"Mei, Mei! You won't believe it!" Emi exclaimed with a smile. Her behavior surprises Mei-Wong and even Takeo who had stopped dusting. She looked surprised but then smirked a little since she was seeing Emi being excited instead of Takeo for a change. 

"Woah, woah, I never seen you this excited for a little bit. What has you gotten this worked up?" Mei-Wong asked with an amused smile with her hand on her hip. 

"There's an outdoor movie happening in Brooklyn tonight soon. But do you want to know what the best part is? It's playing Ferris Bueller's Day Off!" Emi squealed like a fangirl who was excited to see a celebrity. 

"Oh yeah, Ferris Bueller! It's one of your favorite movies." Takeo said with a childish grin. 

"I know! Mei, can I please go see it?" Emi asked, practically begging. Even though Mei-Wong would say yes she wanted to tease her. She puts her finger on her chin tapping it as if she was thinking.

"Hmmm...I'm not sure." Mei-Wong said with a hint of teasing in her voice. Emi then got onto her knees now pleading.

"Please? I promise I'll do anything you want me to do if I go. Can I go? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?" She pleaded making puppy eyes. Her cute behavior made Mei-Wong chuckle and shake her head sighing before looking back at her.

"Alright you can go." In less than 3 seconds Emi got up from the ground and jumped in the air excited whooping which made Takeo laugh. 

"But after the movie ends you need to come back home, alright?" Mei-Wong to which Emi nodded. Takeo then comes up behind Mei-Wong asking her, "Mei-Mei can I go with Emi to the movie? I promise I'll be good."

"I'm sorry Takeo but your a little to young to see that movie yet. It's rated PG-13 and your only twelve."

"AWWW! No fair!" Takeo crosses his arms and pouts. 

"Remember I said we can do something together this week. You didn't forget did you?" Emi teased which make Takeo blush in embarrassment. 

"W-Wha-? Of course I didn't...okay I did." He sighed in defeat but perked back up, "But now I remember thanks to you." Emi smiles at his cheerful behavior.

"The movie doesn't start until 8 pm so I have time to get ready." Emi said.

"Well, you don't have to worry now. You still have time to get everything done." Mei-Wong said. Emi nods and then gets back to work organizing the flowers.


It was now 8 pm and time to watch the movie. Emi had changed into one of her nice outfits that she wears when she goes somewhere to look presentable. She wore a cream tan shirt with blue leggings with holes in them, white shoes, and a brown purse that she borrowed from Mei-Wong.

She looks at herself in the mirror at her outfit making sure she wasn't missing anything. Once she checked she lets out a breath with a smile, she was ready. After that Emi left her room and went down the stairs where she saw Mei-Wong holding a rag in her hand and Takeo reading a book about how to prank people.

"Do you have everything you need?" Mei-Wong asked Emi, hoping she wasn't forgetting anything. 

"Yeah, I double checked. I'm all ready to go." Emi said and was about to head out the door when Mei-Wong grabbed her arm gently stopping her.

"One more thing." Mei-Wong then wipes her face with a smile, "Now you're ready." 

She then lets go of her arm and Emi opens the door and Takeo calls out, "Have fun sis!" 

"Yes, have fun watching the movie. But stay safe." Mei-Wong added.

"I will." She smiled and then closed the door and headed out. It was a peaceful night tonight, the stars were out and it was really peaceful. These were nights she loved more than anything else. After about 10 minutes of walking, she could hear the voices of other teenagers and the movie rolling. Emi smiled to herself since she was excited to see the movie. Ah, this night couldn't just get any better, it was so peaceful, she was going to see her favorite movie, the voices above her coming from a rooftop and-wait, what? There were voices coming from a rooftop just above Emi, it was soft but it was loud enough for her to hear from down below.

"I wish I had hair like that," A cheerful voice said.

"I wish I had hair period!" A much more geeky voice said and then she couldn't hear what they were saying after that. Emi was now getting anxious, she really wanted to watch the movie but...then again...she was also curious about the voices coming from the rooftop. 'Ah screw it, the movie can wait. Time to find out who these strangers are.' Emi thought to herself. Near the nearest fire escape, Emi quickly but quietly climbs up the ladder so they wouldn't hear. Once she reached the top, she peaked her head to see who the voices were coming from and what she saw surprised her greatly. Right in front of her watching the movie were four humanoid talking turtles. Each one of them wore a different headband color, blue, red, purple, and orange, and they all had weapons they were carrying on their shells.

'Woah, that is something you don't see everyday. Hmm, maybe I should go greet myself-no Emi, you can't they might be dangerous...Eh-aw god let's just do it!' Emi violently thought as she got up from and walked toward the turtles.

The red-masked turtle sighs and mumbles, "Maybe one day everyone will love us like they love Ferris Bueller."

"Yeah...yeah, you know...maybe...maybe one day..." The blue one spoke sadly. Finally Emi reaches up to them and asks hesitantly, "Um, e-excuse me?" 

Hearing her voice makes all the brothers yelp in shock as they turn around to see her. They then start to panic since they have been spotted by a human.

"AH! It's a human! We've been spotted!" The orange one cried out.

"We have to get out of here!" The purple one shouted, Emi started to panic since she scared them and she didn't want to.

"Ah-no, no, no, wait! It's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you! I come in peace!" She waved her hands up in surrender. Once the brothers calm down they are still panicking since they didn't know what to do in this type of situation.

"Um...listen human woman, this is not what it looks like. These are just um-" The purple one stutters trying to come up with an excuse.

"Costumes. These are costumes." The red one lied with a scared grin in which the others nodded following along with him.


"These are our costumes." 

"What he said, totally costumes." The orange one smiled nervously. Emi just looked at them confused with a raised eyebrow. 

"Okay..? Um, sorry to say this but you don't  have me fooled. There is no way that those are real life costumes. They can't be that realistic." Emi said. Knowing that there was no point in lying anymore they sighed in defeat.

"Alright you got us. We are mutants." The blue turtle sighed in defeat.

"Are you gonna tell others about our existence?" The red one asked a little mean.

"Why would I do that?" Emi asked with her hand on her hip which surprised him a little bit.

"Wait, hold on. You're not scared of us?" The orange one softly asked.

"No, not really." Emi causally replied.

"But why? Look at us. We are literally talking humanoid turtles carrying weapons! That doesn't freak you out even a little bit?" The purple one exclaimed/asked. But still, Emi remained the same and just smiled.

"So what if you guys are talking humanoid turtles with weapons? That doesn't really scare me." She smiled. The brothers just stand there flabbergasted at Emi. No human has ever said that to them before, well, since they try to keep away from them but this was huge, she wasn't scared of them. The orange turtle was the first to say something after the awkward silence as he approached Emi with a smile, showing that he had braces on his teeth.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I can't believe you're not scared of us! This is amazing! It feels like a whole door has just opened up-" As the orange turtle was about to ramble on he got interrupted by the red one when he pushed him to the side.

"Mikey, give her some air," The red chuckled before looking back at Emi, "Sorry about my brother. He can be a little too excited sometimes."

"It's alright, I know what it's like to have a sibling do that." Emi chuckles a little to herself. "So...what are your guy's names? Just curious." 

"Oh right! How rude of us. Um, well, I'm Leo, and these are my brothers, Raph, Donnie, and lastly Mikey." The blue turtle who revealed his name as Leo introduced himself and his brothers. 

"Hello." Donnie waved.

"Wassup!" Mikey grinned.

"How are ya doin'?" Raph smirked while crossing his arms. 

"Wow, those are some nice names. My name is Emi, Emi Kimura." Emi greeted herself. 

"Emi? What kind of name is that?" Raph asked, clearly confused about what her name meant.

"It's a Japanese name. I'm Japanese American since I moved from Japan." Emi casually said which perked Donnie's attention. 

"Hold on, you're from Japan? That must mean you know about anime and other cool things!" Donnie geeked, his eyes practically sparkling. Raph sighs and shakes his head, "Don't mind Donnie here, he is an absolute geek over anime." 

Emi giggled at Donnie's reaction. She then turned to Raph and says, "I think it's kind of cool though." Raph grins showing a missing tooth in his smile. But then Leo clears his throat as he breaks the silence.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt this but, me and my brothers should probably get going." The three of them groaned not wanting to leave.


"C'mon Leo!"


"As much as I don't want you to leave, you should probably go. I don't want to stop you." Emi spoke. When the brothers grabbed their groceries, Emi looked at them and asked.

"Hey, I am just curious. Will I ever see you again?" She asked, wondering if she will ever see them again. 

"Well maybe we might. But that all depends." Raph teased with a smile. They then say their goodbyes and then they jump down into an alleyway and into the sewers. Emi is still on the rooftop thinking to herself, 'I just met some mutant turtles. How awesome is that?'


This chapter is done now! I am sorry for the short wait, I was at my dad's and I had a small writers block. The next chapter will be posted soon though ^v^


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