3rd Place 2024

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3rd Place Winner of 2024

Always More

by LilliannaBerry2003

Title/Cover: 10/10

Throughout the story, I wondered where the title came from. You told us at the very end and it struck home with me. Since you named the story as you wrote the first chapter, I believe this was an amazing feat.

Blurb: 6/10

This was your weakness. The blurb was much too short and missing the hook that would bring in your reader. I would recommend rewriting it or asking for help if it's not your forte.

Character Development: 10/10

You dove into Melody right away, while showing the Aunt and twins for what they were. As the story goes on, you also show deep insight into Stephanie as well as Majorie. The twins and the girls in the dorms did well as secondary characters.

World Building: 8/10

While you did describe the areas we were in, especially the school, I felt there was something missing but just could not place my finger on it. I would guess it may be more building around her previous life at the beginning, however, that would take away the shock of who Honey was. I would ask a Beta reader to look it over.

Grammar and Punctuation: 8/10

I found about one mistake per chapter on average. I pointed out the bigger ones, but it's nothing a quick grammar check can fix.

Plot: 10/10

The plot was common as an abused girl is rescued and flourishes in her new environment with the nasty cousin attempting to join her life and create havoc. However, you managed to make us root for Melody and desperate to watch her grow. You also managed to insert huge hooks in each chapter to captivate your reader and keep them reading. Perfect score!

Prompt Usage: 20/20

You managed to use the meaning of each prompt in the appropriate chapter, which is a feat in itself. You were the only story to do that for every prompt and I applaud you for your work.

Flow: 20/20

This is the hardest part and you did it beautifully. I did not get lost even once nor did I have to reread something that did not make sense. Nicely done!

Total: 92/100

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