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The whole week Hyunjin was absent. Of course, I'm worried even though I know what happened. He got ill because of a high fever. I didn't get the courage to visit him to his house, because we're not so close.

As of now, I'm inside Felix's house and there's something that I forgot to tell him.

"Seungmin, will you stop spacing out while playing it's like I'm fighting an AI." I glared at him before going back to beating his ass in Tekken.

"Don't you have overwatch or something else? I suck at this game." I sighed as another 'DEFEAT' flashed on the screen. Felix patted my back, "I only have plants vs zombies do you want me to install it for you?"

"Nevermind. I remember I have something to tell you." The australian boy turned off his big flat screen tv and quickly spun to look at me.

"It's about Hyunjin." I started, but Felix already had that shocked as hell face.

"MATE, YOU TWO ARE DATING!? OH MY GO—" I stuffed a stuff toy to his mouth, making him quiet.

"Shut the duck up, Felix. No we're not dating, I wish we were though. It's something else." This time he grabbed both of my shoulders and shook me.

"SOMETHING ELSE!? YOU MEAN FRIENDS WITH BENEFIT—" I put my fist inside his mouth. What's surprising was it actually fits.

"SHUT UP! We both are too young for that. PLUS I'M INNOCENT!" Seriously, I want to smack his head right now he's been watching too much K-Drama.

"You almost broke my jaw, dimwit." Hitting his shoulder, I remarked, "Who says dimwit until now? Dumb baby!" Felix just gave me a not-so-straight look.

"Just accept it, we're both lame at insulting." And accept it we did.

"Okay, now to FINALLY continue what I'm saying. You know our first homework for physics?" I said emphasizing 'finally'.

"Why are you bringing back that pain in the arse? Yes of course. What about it?" I rolled my eyes before continuing.

"I was searching something from google when an ad decided to pop." Felix brought his hands to his mouth.

"Oh my gosh, it's Hyunjin's meme scandal?" Why am I friends with him again?

"Have you seen your masking tape?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yup, it's in my box right here why?" I got the tape and pulled it. Placing the masking tape to Felix's lips.

"There shut up and Hyunjin doesn't have a meme scandal."

"As I was saying, an ad popped and it's asking me my crush's name saying that it would connect me to his mind. At first I didn't believe it, it's stupid! But then it answered me! I was hesitant to put Hyujin's name though, but I did and now I can hear his thoughts." You didn't expect that I would really tell Felix right? Oh well.

Felix removed the masking tape from his lips, wincing a little. "So you're telling me you can hear Hyunjin's mind?" I nodded.

"That means you can hear him answer his test paper! That's great Seungmin, I want that too and I will type the top 1's name from our year and I'll pass the test!" I facepalmed, literally. But he's right, I might fail my test if I can't focus on my own mind!

"You know Hyunjin's thoughts are adorable. He sometimes get noisy inside his mind because he's learning a new choreography every single time, but he's a great person." The australian boy 'aaawwwned' at me. I can't believe him.

"You're so whipped for him Seungmin. Is he gay?" I almost choked on my own saliva.

"W-why are you asking me that?" He raised a confused eyebrow at me.

"Because, if he isn't then that's bad for you." My mouth formed into an 'O'. That'd make me really sad though.

"Well, when I'm with him.... He thinks I'm cute, but that's all!" Felix had a meme look again.

"Then he's gay! No boy tells another boy he's cute unless! Seungmin, you're supposed to be smart." Rolling my eyes, I let my back rest on Felix's bed side.

"Yeah, and you're smarten't."(it's the yesn't joke guys (; )

I just wish he likes me back.

Sunday, I left my house carrying abit of homework for Hyunjin. I'm so bad that I forgot to give it to him yesterday! Now he has to cram the sht up until midnight and it makes me super guilty.

I was debating on to push or not push the doorbell button because most of it aren't working and is just a display.

"Hi can I help you with something dear?" I turned around a little bit frightened from the sudden voice. A middle aged woman stood before me, she looks pretty and has plump lips.

"A-ah yes, I just want to give Hyunjin his homework. I'm Seungmin a classmate of him." I bowed 90 degrees. I think she's Hyunjin's mom because she looks like him.

"Seungmin dear, why don't we go inside it's cold here. My sons probably awake by now." I bowed a little, a sign that I agreed.

We entered a comfortable looking house. Walls painted in cream, a clean looking living room, all in all it looks warm.

"Would you want some juice or water?" I shook my head, "It's fine Mrs. Hwang. I'll be quick." She smiled at me before motioning me to go upstairs. She's a very kind woman. Since Hyunjin is an only son, his door was easy to find. Knocking twice I gripped on my bag, nervous.

"Yes, come in!" He thinks I'm his mom. Gulping a big lump on my throat, I twisted the doorknob open.

"Hi?" I popped my head to the door, giving me a full view of his warm yellow colored room. Hyunjin layed on his stomach to his galaxy themed bed.

"Seungmin?" He sounded surprised. Of course he is. I awkwardly laughed before completely entering his room.

‘What's going on? Why is he here? Fudge, I haven't taken a bath.’ was his thoughts.

"I'm here to give you our homework. I'm sorry this was late, it slipped of my mind." I answered his thoughts. His mouth formed an 'Ahh' as he stood up from his bed.

"Nice room." Yeah Seungmin, coz boys compliment other boys' room. Great.

"Oh thanks! Sit anywhere you like." What about beside you, I wanted to say. I'm cringing at my own thoughts ew.

I sat down to his little white rug. When I heard a yelp.

"OH MY GOD I SAT DOWN ON YOUR DOG!" I shouted. I might've killed the poor thing!

"KKAMI OH GOODNESS! Come here boy." He did the 'chuchu' calling, you know it and his dog leapt on his bed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was a dog." I explained.

‘Good thing you're cute or I might've...’

This got me sweating.

"It's fine, Kkami looks like a rug. He needs a haircut soon." Now I ruined my chance to with him. Kidding.

"Would you mind staying for a bit? I need someone to look after Kkami." If your dog bites me, I'm suing.

"Okay, only because I like you." I whispered the last part. Wouldn't want to risk getting exposed.

"What? I didn't hear you clearly." I abruptly shook my head with had motions.

"Nothing, nothing! I'm willing to take care Kkami!" Hyunjin gave me a killer smile. MY HEART.

"Thanks man." My heart crashed.

Man, it was great before you added man.


Finally I have the plot for this! (;

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