Chapter 1

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  The bright rays of sun slid into my dark room, waking me up. I covered my eyes and sat up, the clock read 10:49 am. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I noticed a scar from last week and frowned. Being Sheriff really was harder than I thought. I dreamt of growing up to be just that. A protector of my own town, a Sheriff. But now that i'm here, I see it's not all fun and games until you are in a situation that is life threatening. I finish up and walk to the kitchen and grab the note left on the counter.

"Headed to work early, there's some pancakes in the fridge. Don't forget about the trash. - Adorabat

I sighed and took the pancakes out the fridge. I put them in the microwave and took out the trash while I waited. Once done, I sat and enjoyed my brunch. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the latest news. Nothing I already didn't know, so I opened Netflix instead.

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