Chapter 2

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    The clock now reads 11: 05 am as I clean up after myself and head back to my room. I flick on the light switch, walk to my closet, and pull out a pair of gym shoes. I also slip on a pair of jeans and a blouse. I notice my scar and change into a hoodie instead. Grabbing a book bag and house keys, I quickly jolt out the door and down the street to the art studio. Waving to people I know, I notice a car vehicle that looks similar to one I knew growing up. An oak green motorcycle with a small blue windshield, and two engines on the side. An areocycle, cool, haven't seen one of those since I was little. I look closer and notice a small button on the side and the power source in the middle of the front part of the vehicle is somewhat cracked. I swear there was even a little duck or something yellow painted on the side. Could it be? Was that really it? My dad's areocycle? No, it can't be. Maybe it was just a coincidence or dejavu, or maybe he sold it. Yeah that's what happened, there's no way he was all the way out here. As I got lost in my train of thought, I accidentally bumped into someone. As I looked to see who it was, the figure sped away. I turned around to face them and all I saw was a glimpse of blue hair and a grey tail. I automatically knew who it was and smiled to myself. As I arrived at the studio, my boss was there at the door watching my every move.

"Hi boss, sorry i'm late. I had the night shift again." I said out of breath.

"No worries Leah, you only missed one class." he said sarcastically.

"S-sorry..." I answered slightly ashamed of myself.

"No need for apologies, just go teach the last two classes." my boss responded sounding annoyed.

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