Bonus Chapter

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Kouyou looked down at her son sadly as he laid in his bed covered up by his blanket.

"He took one hell of a hit from your ability." Yosano commented. She removed her hand from Chuuya's chest and deactivated her ability. "But all in all he'll be okay. He's definitely going to need a lot of rest. You said he's never used his ability like that?"

Kouyou nodded. "I never even knew he had that part of his ability. He never had to use it. I shielded... I shielded him as much as I could... and in the end it still wasn't enough and he got hurt..."

"Madame you can't blame yourself." Megumi reminded her. "You brought Chuuya home safely and he's okay." Megumi smiled.

"She's right you know. You seem like a good mother so don't be so hard on yourself Ozaki. You're going to have to be strong for Chuuya."

Chuuya groaned in his sleep and his eyebrows furrowed. It looked like he was having a nightmare. "Mama... please... save me..." Chuuya mumbled as he gripped the sheets tightly.

Kouyou was immediately by her sons side and she brushed his ginger curls to the side, and held his hand tightly in hers. "I am right here baby. Mommy is right here. I'm here..." Kouyou said as she rubbed Chuuya's hand gently.


Chuuya opened his eyes slowly, and he looked around taking in his surroundings. Chuuya was back in his own home, his own bedroom, he was back in his own familiar space. Chuuya looked over to his right, and he saw his mother sitting in the chair beside his bed. She had to be watching him sleep. He could only imagine how concerned she was. She had never seen that dark side of his ability. She had never seen him fully use it the way he did when Fitzgerald brainwashed him. Chuuya reached out groaning loudly in pain, and he grabbed his mother's hand gently. Chuuya was panting as he held on to her hand.

Kouyou felt the sudden grip on her hand, and she woke up and automatically looked at Chuuya. Kouyou's eyes started to fill with tears as she looked at her son. Kouyou jumped up out of the seat and she rushed over to his side and embraced him in her arms tightly. Chuuya winced at his mother's tight hug and she pulled away and cupped his cheeks. She kissed all over his face whispering apologies.

"I'm so sorry baby... I'm so so sorry... are you alright?"

"I'm okay mom... just sore... but I'm alright..." Chuuya looked at his mom with his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at tears slip down her face. Chuuya reached out and he wiped his mother's tears.

"Maman... please don't cry... I promise I'm okay..."

Kouyou sobbed as she looked at her son. "I thought I almost lost you..."

Chuuya shook his head. "You could never lose me... you taught me how to be strong... you taught me how to love and what it's like to be loved unconditionally... you showed me that you'd do anything in this world to keep me safe... and happy... Fitzgerald may have fed me lies temporarily... but in the end the love you've showed me as a mother beat him... You loved me even when I wasn't human..." Chuuya said crying.

"Oh Chuuya..." Kouyou said as she sniffled and wiped her son's tears away. She kissed his forehead, and then rested hers on his as she looked into his crystal blue eyes. "You... will always be my baby... no matter what. I will always love and protect you... how you were created... where you came from... none of that matters... the only thing that matters is here and now... To me you are human. To me you're the little boy who hid behind me when he was scared, the boy who would cuddle up at my side for comfort or because he missed me... the little boy who would cry when you didn't get my attention or you wanted my hugs and kisses... to me you're my son. And you always will be. In here..." Kouyou said placing Chuuya's hand on her heart. "In here... you'll always be my sweet boy... my Chuuya... and don't ever forget that okay...? I love you so much."

Chuuya nodded crying. "I-I love you too Mom... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Kouyou pulled Chuuya into her arms and she ran her fingers through his ginger hair. "Oh my sweet boy... you have nothing to be sorry for... I'm here. And I always will be."


After a few weeks Chuuya was finally back on his feet and the after effects of corruption had finally subsided. Kouyou smiled tenderly as she watched Chuuya and Dazai slightly bickering over how to arrange the flowers in the garden.

"No Mackerel, you put the soil in the ground like this!"

"Oh like this?" Dazai said flinging dirt at Chuuya. Dazai laughed as it hit him.

"Oh fuck you!" Chuuya laughed as he threw dirt back at Dazai.

"Alright. Alright you two. That's enough and Chuuya, language. You know better."

Chuuya blushed embarrassed as he looked down. "Sorry Mom."

Kouyou ruffled her son's hair and she kneeled down between Dazai and Chuuya laughing. "Now let me show you both how to properly do it."

Dazai and Chuuya smiled as they watched Kouyou. 

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