I Love You, Chuuya

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After the Port Mafia had successfully saved Chuuya, and took The Guild. They had returned back to base, and they all worked together to fix the parts of the Port Mafia which had been destroyed by Twain’s ability, and swallowed whole by Chuuya’s gravity compressed balls. And after that things proceeded as normal around base, except Mori gave Chuuya and Kouyou a week off because he figured they both needed some good rest. Especially Chuuya who had drained all his energy from Corruption and being controlled by The Guild’s relic.  

Chuuya was now lying in bed comfortably reading a book. He was still really sore from everything that happened. Okay maybe sore was an understatement. He honestly felt like he had been hit by a semi-truck. Chuuya was honestly feeling pretty lonely right now. He wondered what Dazai was up to. Chuuya hadn't seen Dazai since he was brought back to base. It wasn't because they didn't want to but Chuuya's mother insisted he just rest. Chuuya was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock at his door. 

"Come in!" Chuuya yelled. 

Kouyou opened Chuuya's bed room door, and she walked in with a tray of food. On the tray was a sandwich she had made for Chuuya, and his favorite chips. 

"I brought you lunch. I figured you might be hungry." Kouyou smiled as she handed Chuuya the tray. 

"Thanks mom." Chuuya smiled and he took a bite of his sandwich. 

Kouyou sat next to Chuuya in his computer chair and she ruffled his hair giggling. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"I'm still in a lot of pain." 

"Did you take the medicine I gave you?" 

Chuuya nodded. "M-mom..." 

Kouyou looked at Chuuya and smiled. "Yes?" 

"I-I'm sorry..." 

Kouyou looked at Chuuya in shock. She got up out of the computer chair and she sat on the edge of Chuuya's bed and pulled him into her embrace hugging him tightly. Kouyou rubbed her hand through Chuuya's hair. 

"Whatever are you sorry for?" 

"For everything... I said some really cruel things to you when everything happened with The Guild... I just... I want you to know I never meant what I said... about you not being my mother... You're the only true family and mother I've ever had..." 

Kouyou looked down at Chuuya and she rubbed his cheek sweetly. 

"You don't have to apologize for that Chuuya. I know you didn't mean it. I know you'd never say anything like that. So, don't feel bad okay?" 

Chuuya nodded at his mother and she kissed his forehead before standing up. 

"Eat your lunch, and try and get some more rest okay? I'll come get your tray later." 

Chuuya nodded again as he watched his mother leave out of his room. Once she was gone Chuuya laid back and sighed. 


Dazai had been training his subordinates all day long. Dazai had just stepped into the position of being a mafia executive, and he had an annoying new subordinate named Akutagawa. Boy was that kid just too much to deal with. He was an absolute brat, and he made Dazai consider suicide more than what he already did. And the fact that Dazai hadn't seen his hat rack in days had him even more on edge. 

Dazai really wanted to visit Chuuya but Kouyou insisted Dazai left him alone until he was fully recovered. And Mori of course backed up Kouyou on this just to spite Dazai. But Dazai just couldn't help but worry and think about him. He needed to know Chuuya was okay. And as much as Dazai knew it would be the end of him if he got caught he decided to visit his hat rack anyway. 

Dazai was now standing outside the brothel, and he was looking up at Chuuya's window. Dazai climbed up on to the roof and he gained his balance, and climbed up the other roof. He kneeled down and he was by Chuuya's window. He knocked on Chuuya's window lightly. 


Chuuya heard a knock on his window and he pulled his curtains open, and he looked out and saw Dazai waving at him through the window. Chuuya couldn't help but laugh and he click the latch on his window and opened it. Dazai crawled in through Chuuya's window, and Chuuya closed the window back lightly so Kouyou wouldn't hear. And then he closed his curtains back, Chuuya also got up slowly, and he slowly walked over and locked his bedroom door. Chuuya turned around and Dazai was in front of him. Dazai picked Chuuya up bridal style and Chuuya blushed brightly at the gesture. 

"You could have just asked me to do it." Dazai chuckled as he walked over to the bed laying Chuuya down. Dazai laid down beside him. 

"What are you doing here?"  

"I missed my petite mafia." Dazai whined. 

Chuuya laughed softly. "I missed you too. But my mother will kill you if she finds you in here Osamu." 

Dazai laughed. "Well then we-" Dazai said pulling Chuuya closer to him by his waist. "-will just have to be really quiet."  

Dazai finished his sentence as his nose was now touching Chuuya's. They eskimo kissed before Dazai pecked Chuuya on the lips. Chuuya giggled as Dazai kept kissing him on the lips. 

"How are you feeling?" Dazai asked concerned. 

"I am still in pain. As you can see. But I'm getting better." Chuuya said smiling at Dazai. 

"Good you're getting better." Dazai smiled and he kissed Chuuya again. 

"I love you." 

"W-What?" Chuuya said blushing furiously. 

"I love you." Dazai said. 

"I-I love you too." Chuuya said blushing. 

"I'm glad you love me but I super short tempered, feisty, and I am in love with a suicidal manic and bandaged freak." Chuuya laughed. 

"Well I am glad you love me but I am in love with a feisty short tempered red head, and I am a bandaged freak who loves suicide." 

"Mmm I think we can work past that." Chuuya laughed and so did Dazai. 

They both kissed again and Dazai ran his hand through Chuuya's hair.  

"Yeah everything will definitely be okay." Dazai said. 

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