I'm Going To Save You Chuuya

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You're not my mother!"  

Kouyou looked at her son heartbroken. The ground started breaking under Chuuya's feet as his eyes narrowed looking at Kouyou.  

"I am going to kill you! All of you... for everything you've stolen from me!" 

Fitzgerald laughed. "Now then, kill each other like good mother and son!" 

Chuuya lunged at Kouyou and she tried to block Chuuya's attacks. She didn't want to use Golden Demon because she was not trying to hurt Chuuya. Chuuya threw a hard blow at her and Kouyou couldn't block it in time, and it sent her across the room making her smack into the wall. 

Chuuya panted heavily as using this amount of energy was taking a huge toll on him. Chuuya opened his eyes looking at Kouyou hatefully. 

Kouyou winced and looked at her son. "Chuuya..." 

"Don't say my name!" Chuuya said hatefully as he threw a red ball at her. 

Kouyou dodged it and landed on her feet behind Chuuya. 

This is going to take some time Kouyou thought.  First,  Fitzgerald will have to be taken out or I will never be able to save him. 

Kouyou used Golden Demon to put Chuuya in a bind so he couldn't attack her. But Chuuya broke out of the binds and shot four red gravity compressed balls at Kouyou. They exploded around Kouyou and the blasts from them made her fall to the ground. Kouyou pushed through the pain and stood back up. Chuuya threw another one at Kouyou but this time she blocked it with Golden Demon and sent it flying somewhere else. But that didn't stop Chuuya, he threw another at her and she dodged it, and then a lot of power burst from her using Golden Demon. So strong that it sent Chuuya flying back. Chuuya ended up sliding but landing on his own two feet. Chuuya looked at Kouyou annoyed, and Kouyou again used Golden Demon to put Chuuya in a restraint.  

Dazai was running closer to where Kouyou was, and Dazai was looking around the halls for any secret passage ways. Dazai put a finger on his ear piece and talked to Kouyou through it. 

"I'm looking right  now  Kouyou. But it might take some more time!" Dazai told her. 

"Hurry Dazai!" Kouyou responded. 

Chuuya broke the binds again and he ran at Kouyou kicking at her. Kouyou was dodging and blocking as best as she could. While also being pushed back by Chuuya. She has never seen him filled with this much hatred. Chuuya threw several punches at her and Kouyou made a shield but it had broken. And sent her sliding across the floor. Kouyou only stopped sliding when she hit a wall. Kouyou couldn't keep this up much longer with her body in this state. But she wouldn't give up. She'd do whatever she had to save Chuuya. 


Dazai had found the hidden room and Dazai broke the door down and ran inside. Fitzgerald turned around smirking. 

"Ah. Dazai Osamu, isn’t it?" 

"Tch." Dazai said annoyed as he points a gun at Fitzgerald. 

"Oh, don’t tell me you think you're actually a match for me you little brat?" 

"I don't need to be." Dazai said confidently. 

"And why is that?" Fitzgerald chuckled amusing the young brunette. 

Dazai shot at the computer behind Fitzgerald which made them short circuit and break. Fitzgerald eyes widened and he turned around hitting the computers trying to get them to turn back on.  

"You fucking brat!" Fitzgerald said as he went to punch Dazai but his hand was caught and being crushed. 

"I don't think so." Mori said smirking. "Your opponent is me now." 

Mori said looking at him sadistically.  


Chuuya broke out of Kouyou's restraints again, and Chuuya grabbed his head wincing in pain. 

"Chuuya?" Kouyou called out. 

"Chuuya!" Kouyou ran towards him. 

"M-mom..." Chuuya threw a punch at Kouyou as she got closer.  

"No, run!" Kouyou blocked it but it sent her sliding back.  

"It's no good..." Chuuya said as the whole room got illuminated in a bright red from Chuuya's ability. 

"I-I can't go back to how I was before..." Chuuya said sadly as the room was slowly falling apart. Kouyou's eyes widened in shock and Chuuya attacked her again. Chuuya and Kouyou were going toe to toe now. Both Chuuya and Kouyou's energy from their ability clashed, and there was a mix of Chuuya and Kouyou's ability between them. 

"Chuuya I am going to save you!" Kouyou yelled. 

"It's no good! I can't stop!" Chuuya said with hopelessness. 

"It's not hopeless!" Kouyou yelled back. Their energy finally broke and Chuuya moved behind Kouyou. Kouyou saw this and Chuuya threw heavy punches at Kouyou and Kouyou was sent flying down to the ground and she landed hard. Chuuya planted his feet back on the ground and he was panting heavily. 

"Stay away..." Chuuya said sadly. 

Kouyou stood back up shakily and she looked at Chuuya. 

"I know..." Chuuya said. 

"I am just a weapon of destruction... Someone that was hated at birth... and was never meant to have real parents... I knew you could never be my real mother... because my happiness never lasts too long... I am just something used to obtain a great goal..." Chuuya was crying now. 

Kouyou looked at her son, hearing him say this broke her heart. She looked struck with sadness. "That's not true!" 

"I never had a mom. I never was meant to be here this long. When you took me from the hospital... I was just looking for someone to protect me... someone to gather ability data from and use..." 

"That's not true!" Kouyou yelled again. 

"It is!" Chuuya yelled back tears falling down his face.  

"All my sadness, all my pain, they were all created, fake things..." Chuuya said with his eyes closed while tears continued to spill over. 

"I can't be allowed to live!" 

Kouyou shook her head. "That's not true. No matter how you were born, the Chuuya who is crying in front of me isn't just a weapon of destruction. He's the spoiled boy who use to cry all the time, and couldn't get up on his own. The boy who hates green peppers, and would pat my head when I was lonely. He is the little boy who would hide behind my kimono because he was scared, and would stay snuggled at my side because he was afraid to be alone. My beloved Chuuya. I'm not your real mother, but I have and will always try my best to be." 

Kouyou said stepping forward making Chuuya take a step back. She stepped forward again making Chuuya step back again. 

"So, don't say you can't be allowed to live! Tell me your true feelings." 

"I..." Chuuya said choking on tears. "I... I love you! I want to stay with you forever! I don't want to feel this way anymore!" Chuuya said sobbing. 

"Mom..." Chuuya said crying and he looked at her. "Please save me..." 

"I will." Kouyou said activating the full force of her ability. "Whenever, no matter what happens!" 

Kouyou and Chuuya lunged at each other. Kouyou caught Chuuya's punch, and she put him in a tight bind. Chuuya struggled for a second, and then he looked at his mother, and Golden Demon. 

"I'm sorry... this might hurt a bit."  

Chuuya nodded as he was crying. Kouyou made Golden Demon send a huge blast from it. The blast struck Chuuya with complete accuracy. Chuuya screamed from the pain of the blast hitting him full force. The blast brought the relic out of Chuuya's body and it made the relic shatter and break. The blast finally stopped and some of the crumbling debris was still falling. Kouyou breathed out from pain and she fell to the ground from using that much power. But as much pain as she was in Kouyou pushed through it and started walking towards Chuuya. 

"Chuuya..." She called out softly. 

"Stay back..." 

Kouyou's eyes widened as she stopped dead in her tracks. 

"I-I can get up on my own..." Chuuya stumbled and he grabbed on to a piece of fallen wall beside him to catch his balance. 

"I-I always promised you I'd be strong..." 

Kouyou's eyes widened at those words. 


"Mama!"  Chuuya  said happily as he ran towards Kouyou. 

Kouyou looked up from her gardening and she smiled at  Chuuya . " Chuuya  be careful!" 

Chuuya  nodded but he had ended up tripping and falling face first into the dirt. Megumi and Kouyou both saw him fall and Megumi was about to run and pick him up but Kouyou stopped him with her hand. 

"Don't." Megumi looked shocked. "He fell smoothly so he isn't hurt too bad." 

Chuuya looked up whining, with tears falling down his face. "Mama...?"  Chuuya  called out. 

"Yes?" Kouyou smiled. And she put out her arms for Chuuya  to come to her. "I'm right here. Come to mommy." 

Chuuya hiccupped and whined more. "Mama...?" 

It was obvious  Chuuya  was waiting for Kouyou to pick him up. But  Chuuya had to be strong on his own. He had to learn how to stand on his own two feet because Kouyou would not always be there. Chuuya  broke out into tears, and Kouyou gave in and stood up and she went over to  Chuuya picking him up. 

" Shh . You're okay." Kouyou said rubbing  Chuuya's  back. Kouyou pulled out her  hand kerchief , and she wiped  Chuuya's  eyes and face clear of tears. Kouyou looked into  Chuuya's  eyes and she spoke softly. 

"Next time you have to try really hard to stand on your own okay?" 

Chuuya nodded. And Kouyou stuck out her pinky. 

"Promise mommy?" 

"I promise!" Chuuya intertwined his finger with her's and smiled at Kouyou. 


Kouyou ran over to Chuuya and Chuuya met her half way. Chuuya's body completely gave out and he fainted into his mother's arms. Kouyou held Chuuya close and she just cried. She couldn't believe she was actually holding Chuuya, and that he was okay. Kouyou thought she had lost him. And Kouyou sighed in relief because she was able to keep her promise. She was able to protect and save Chuuya. 

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