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Kouyou jumped up panting heavily, and she looked around taking in her surroundings. She was in the Port Mafia infirmary. She had taken a fatal wound to the chest. She looked next to her Dazai laid in the next bed over. Kouyou pushed herself up and out of bed as good as he body would let her. Kouyou walked over to Dazai and she looked down at him. He was pretty banged up himself. And Kouyou's eyes saddened. She covered up Dazai before she stumbled her way to the infirmary doors, she pushed the doors open and she walked out. She walked the halls of the base in hopes of seeing Chuuya. In hopes that someone caught Fitzgerald and saved Chuuya. Megumi was currently coming to visit Kouyou and also give her a message. Megumi looked up and she saw Kouyou holding onto the wall moving slowly. 

"Madame Kouyou!" Megumi ran over to her and stopped in front of her. "You shouldn't be out of bed!" 

"I need to find Chuuya!" Kouyou snapped. 

Megumi's eyes saddened. 


Megumi didn't answer. Kouyou grabbed her face and made her look at her. 

"What Megumi?! What is it?!" Kouyou asked demandingly. 

"I really didn't think you should see it... but I found it on the dining room table this morning..." 

Megumi put the small micro SD chip into her phone and she waited for the chip to be compatible with her phone. Once it was she lifted up her phone to show Kouyou and she played the video. 


Fitzgerald stood in front of the camera, smirking. 

"Ah Ms. Ozaki Kouyou. Charmed. I am the leader of The Guild Francis Key Scott Fitzgerald. As you can see I have your son with me." 

Kouyou's eyes widened as she saw Chuuya strapped to a chair behind him. 

"He would have been dead sooner. But. You had to interfere. You had to come that day and save him from the horrible life he was  destined  with. His mother sold him to me you know? For  heroin . And  Chuuya  here was going to be my vessel. He still is. I'm glad I found you. I found my prize. There was a huge bounty on his head for whoever found him first." 

Kouyou watched as a dark light illuminated around where Chuuya was sitting. Her eyes started filling up with tears. She watched Chuuya's eyes fly open and she saw as Chuuya trembled and he screamed out in pain. 

"Well I guess that money belongs to you Ms. Ozaki. Thank you for taking care of him really. But he's no longer your issue. Ta-ta." Fitzgerald said as he waved goodbye, and then stopped the video. 

Kouyou started crying, and she was trembling. She felt sick to her stomach, and like he was going to faint at any second. Her heart ached in ways she couldn't describe. Her son was suffering. He was scared and alone, and she felt so helpless and useless. She couldn't protect him like she promised. Kouyou started sobbing uncontrollably. 

"Madame..." Megumi said sadly. 

"He's in pain! A-And I can't do anything... Chuuya's alone and suffering... And I'm not there... What kind of mother am I when I can't even protect my baby?!" Kouyou cried out. 

Megumi hugged Kouyou tightly while she tried to hold back her own tears. 

"You're a good mother! Don't say that! You’re the mother who Chuuya always needed and was lucky to have. You're the mother who saved him from being abused every day. You're the mother who held him when he was sad, and was there through all his smiles. You're the mother who never missed his birthday, holidays, or any special occasion he had. You're the mother who would stay in his room and stroke his hair until he calmed down from his nightmares. You're the mother who would poke his nose and pinch his little cheeks. The mother who would tickle him just to make him laugh. You're the mother that would play hide n seek with him, and any other games he wanted on your days off. And you're also the mother who would read him bed time stories, give him kisses and more affection than anyone could ever ask for. But most of all, you're the mother who has loved and taken care of Chuuya for 12 years. The mother who has never given up. So, don't now!"  

Kouyou was shocked by Megumi's words. And she smiled softly as she hugged her back. 

"You're right... Thank you." 


Chuuya screamed loudly. The pain he was feeling was more than unbearable. Chuuya felt like this was it for him. This is where he'd die. The same way he came into the world is how he would go out. Alone and scared. Maybe it was best. Fitzgerald told Chuuya he had been nothing but a burden to Kouyou. And that she gave him up for money from him. Chuuya should have known better than that. He was hated from birth. He was one of the unfortunate. The unloved. The motherless. That was the reality of his life. That he was hated. Always had been and always will be and that he was a burden to this world. Yeah dying sounded better than living in pain. Chuuya couldn't take it anymore he thought as he slowly passed out sitting in the chair. 

Fitzgerald smirked. 

Nathaniel looked at Fitzgerald who was pleased. "It seems he lost his faith." 

"The more vulnerable the better. He will finally wipe out the Port Mafia with his bare hands. And I am going to finally get a hold on that book I've waited for so long." 


Kouyou had told the Mori what was happening with Chuuya, and by then Dazai had woken up also. Kouyou showed the video to them. And Dazai and Mori both knew how bad this was. How destructive Chuuya's ability was. How it could completely destroy everything while destroying him in the process. They all quickly made a plan to save Chuuya from Fitzgerald. And so far, the plan was being carried out well. 

Dazai found the location of where Fitzgerald was. And the whole Port Mafia went to attack the base where The Guild was. The members of the Port Mafia cleared the way for Kouyou to reach Chuuya. Kouyou used Golden Demon to slice the door down and she ran into the room and saw Fitzgerald standing next to Chuuya. 

"Chuuya!" Kouyou called out as she saw Chuuya strapped to the chair. Chuuya was whimpering softly in pain. 

"I am going to kill you with my bare hands." Kouyou said bitterly. 

"A-ha. Your kid's in trouble and all you can think about is killing me? Pity." Fitzgerald went to put his hand under Chuuya's chin and she had Golden Demon attack him. Fitzgerald dodged it and disappeared into a secret passage way behind Chuuya. 

"I wonder how calm you can actually stay." 

Kouyou saw an electric shock around certain parts of Chuuya's body. 

"Chuuya!" Kouyou said as she tried to get to him. 

"Ahhhh!" Chuuya screamed out in pain and his ability bursted out making Kouyou slide back a little. 

"Let me tell you a little something Ms. Ozaki. Chuuya is a weapon of destruction. That's all he's been destined for since birth. You attached yourself to something in human. Something that never deserved to be loved. Can you see now? Why his parents treated him the way they did?" 

Chuuya screamed louder and his body trembled from the over whelming pain. 

"Chuuya!" Kouyou tried walking forward again only to be pushed back by Chuuya's strong ability. Chuuya cried out as the power was consuming him now. There was a huge blast of red energy, and when the smoke finally cleared Chuuya was up in the air. Chuuya whimpered. 

"Now now Chuuya don't fret. You want revenge, don't you? To hurt those who are the cause of all your despair? The Port Mafia is the cause of your pain. The reason why your parents hate you. And the woman in front of you-" Chuuya looked at Kouyou with his eyes widened. "She is a demon, and the main reason of your pain. She even talked your mother against you." 

Kouyou looked in shock as Fitzgerald was brainwashing Chuuya. Chuuya shook his head. 

"It’s alright Chuuya. Let the hate consume you. Use your power to crush all those who caused you pain. Use that and the power of the relic." Fitzgerald smirked. 

Chuuya screamed loudly as a red glow consumed him. The relic diamond glowing and being fused with Chuuya's body. Chuuya was swallowed by a red glow and Kouyou covered her eyes as the flash was so bright. 

"No! Chuuya!" Kouyou called out and she saw Chuuya through the red glow. Chuuya's eyes were filled with anger and sorrow. Chuuya planted both of his feet on the ground, and he looked at Kouyou with hate. 

"You're going to pay for all my pain..." 

"No! Chuuya it's me! It's mom!" Kouyou said looking at her son. 

Chuuya looked at her shocked for a second and then he shook his head.  

"No! Liar." Chuuya said to Kouyou. 

Kouyou looked at Chuuya hurt. 

"You're not my mother!" 

Kouyou looked at her son heartbroken. The ground started breaking under Chuuya's feet as his eyes narrowed looking at Kouyou. 

"I am going to kill you! All of you... for everything you've stolen from me!"  

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