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Dazai and Chuuya were now back at Port Mafia Headquarters. The mission was a success, and Mori would no longer have problems out of that organization. Dazai and Chuuya made sure to leave a clear message for them. Chuuya was sitting at the computer desk in his room and he was typing up the mission report, while Dazai was lazily laying on Chuuya's bed with his eyes closed. Which annoyed Chuuya to his core. He was always stuck with all the work. Chuuya spun around in his computer chair and he called out to Dazai. 

"Oi! Lazy bastard! Would it kill you to finish this report?" 

"Eh?!? But Chuuya is so good at it though." 

"I'm not your damn lapdog!" Chuuya said annoyed. 

"Well I couldn't find a lapdog so I had to settle for you instead." Dazai retorted smartly. 

Chuuya ran over to punch Dazai, and Dazai caught Chuuya's punch tossing Chuuya under him. Dazai now had his weight on Chuuya and one leg in between Chuuya's legs. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's chin with his hand, and he pecked Chuuya on the lips. 

"Chuuuuya~" Dazai chirped. "You're cute when your angry." 

Chuuya blushed brightly while pouting. "Whatever shitty Dazai." 

Dazai chuckled and he kissed Chuuya's cheek. Dazai then kissed Chuuya's nose, and then moved to his lips pecking them again. Chuuya was laughing now. He couldn't stay mad at his Osamu when he was being this cute, and sappy. Chuuya kissed Dazai again before pushing Dazai off of him. 

"I need to go turn in our report." Chuuya said as he got up off the bed and walked over to his laptop. Chuuya printed out the report and grabbed it fresh out of the printer. Dazai got up and grabbed Chuuya's hand. Chuuya blushed at the sudden gesture.  

"Let's go together." Dazai said smiling. 

Chuuya nodded and smiled back. Chuuya and Dazai walked out of his bedroom, and made their way down the brothel stairs. Chuuya saw his mother and immediately let go of Dazai's hand. 

"Where are you two going at this hour?" Kouyou asked. 

"Just to turn in our report to Mori-san. Then we will be right back." Chuuya said. 

"Alright. You both be careful, and look out for each other." Kouyou said before she walked past them and up the stairs to her private quarters. 

Megumi smirked as she looked at Chuuya and Chuuya just blushed and continued walking with Dazai. Megumi shook her head smiling. 

"That boy thinks his crush isn't that obvious." Megumi chuckled. 


Dazai and Chuuya stepped into Mori's office, and Mori lifted his head up looking at his infamous Soukoku. Mori smirked as the brunette and small ginger walked forward, and both bowed showing Mori respect. 

"Chuuya. Dazai. What brings you to my office?" 

"We finished the report you wanted sir." Chuuya said as he handed Mori the finished report. 

Mori scanned through the report and he got to the end and chuckled. Chuuya and Dazai looked confused at Mori and then Mori turned around the report showing the last page. Mori tapped his finger on the unfinished few sentences. 

Chuuya face palmed. He completely forgot messing around with Dazai. 

"We're sorry sir. We can-" 

"Don't fret. It isn't a big deal. I actually found the mistake quite amusing. Next time just make sure you finish." Mori said as he leaned back smiling. 

"With that being said. Good work you two. You're dismissed." Mori waved his hand dismissively. 

Chuuya and Dazai nodded and they bowed again, before leaving. Once they were outside Mori's office Dazai chuckled. 

"How could you possibly forget that?" 

"Because you're such a distraction, stupid mackerel!" 

"It was your fault hat rack not mine." Dazai said chirping teasingly. 

Chuuya huffed out of anger and snatched Dazai up by his shirt pulling back his fist. Chuuya was about to sock Dazai across the face until they both heard a huge explosion that made both of them lose their balance. Chuuya fell into Dazai and Dazai wrapped his arms protectively around Chuuya's waist. 

"What the hell was that?!" Chuuya said. 

"I don't know. But standing out in the open definitely isn't safe. Come on." Dazai ran with Chuuya's hand in his, getting out of there. 


Twain made another blast in the wall, and he laughed. Now this was the kind of fun he was talking about. 

"Keep going." Fitzgerald said smirking. 

"Yes sir!" Twain said as he continued to blast random walls, and then he found out. 

"Ohoho~" Twain cooed. "That's it, isn't it sir? The brothel?" 

Fitzgerald looked in the distance and smirked excitedly. 

"Yes! That's it!"  

Fitzgerald and Twain ran over to it. Twain then proceeded to blast the wall down. But Twain was shocked once the smoke cleared. "There is no one here." 

Fitzgerald smirked. "She's smart. Staying one step ahead." 


Chuuya and Dazai continued running through the halls and Chuuya saw his mother. 

"Mom!" Chuuya yelled as he and Dazai ran towards Kouyou. 

"Chuuya!" She said as she hugged him tightly. She then pulled him back to look him over. 

"Are you okay?! Are you uninjured?!" She asked worriedly. 

"I'm okay mom." Chuuya said to reassure his mother. 

"Are you okay Dazai?" Kouyou said looking him over too. 

"We are both fine Kouyou-nee."  

"Okay good... We need to get the hell out of here." 

"I don't think so!" Twain said as he shot a bullet. Kouyou pushed Chuuya out of the way and took the bullet to her chest. 

Chuuya's eyes widened in shock and tears started to form in his eyes. "M-mom...?" 

Chuuya called out for his mother but he didn't get any response. Chuuya was panicking now. And he called out again hyperventilating. 


Chuuya started crying and the gravity shifted in the hallways. Chuuya's emotions haven't reflected on his ability in a while but in times like these. His ability did what it wanted. 

"Mom!" Chuuya screamed in pure agony as a red glow surrounded Chuuya and bursted outwards with a strong wind. So forceful it threw Dazai from Chuuya. Dazai winced and he looked up, and looked at Chuuya's skin. Dazai's eyes widened in shock. 

"Corruption activated on its own?!" Dazai said taken by surprise. "This is bad. Really bad." 

The ground beneath Chuuya's feet was crumbling and cracking with a great force as he walked. Chuuya made a compressed ball of gravity. Chuuya shot it at Twain and Fitzgerald and the both dodged the ball. But Chuuya was relentless and he definitely wasn't going to let up. Not with corruption taking over any common thought Chuuya could have. 

Fitzgerald laughed. "Yes! Now this! This is what I wanted to see! The rumors are true!" 

Twain shot bullets at Chuuya and Chuuya stopped them and reversed the bullets back to Twain, and he sent them flying his way. Twain dodged most of them but one went through Twains leg. He winced in pain and put his hand on his leg. 

Dazai looked at Chuuya. It has been 4 minutes already, and Chuuya wasn't going to last much longer. Chuuya was already making one last gravitational ball. 

"Chuuya, Don’t!" Dazai yelled as he ran for Chuuya who was now looking at him. Dazi caught Chuuya just in time before he let the ball go, and his ability activated. Stopping corruption completely. Fitzgerald caught Dazai off guard and he kicked Dazai across the long hallway with his powerful ability. Fitzgerald had caught Chuuya in his arms, and he lifted the small ginger into his arms bridal style. Fitzgerald started walking away with Chuuya. 

Kouyou could only watch helpless as she was bleeding out. "N-no!...C-Chuuya...!" She reached out her hand, her vision blurred as Fitzgerald walked out of the base with Chuuya. 

Kouyou's eyes widened and this was the worst feeling a mother could ever experience. Watching her child being taken and she can't get to them. Kouyou screamed. 


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