You'll Always Be Okay Chuu

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Chuuya was laying in his bed with his body covered in sweat, and he was panting heavily. Megumi was sitting next to Chuuya's bed and she was freaking out. She's never had to take care of someone in such poor condition before. Megumi decided it was way out of hand now and that she needed to call Kouyou. As much as she didn't want to disturb Madame Kouyou she was getting worried with how poorly Chuuya was doing, all the women were getting concerned. Megumi picked up her phone and called Kouyou. Megumi waited, and Kouyou finally answered the phone. 

"What is it Megumi? I am in a very important-" 

"Chuuya isn't feeling well Madame Kouyou... and I don't know what to do! He's throwing up and he's really hot, and he's drenched in sweat, and his breathing is really uneven and I am really worried!" 

Kouyou's eyes widened. "Okay! I'm coming right now! Until I get there go get a bucket, fill it with cold water, add a few cubes of ice and get a wash cloth. Put it in the bucket, squeeze it out, and dab it across Chuuya's forehead. I am coming. I will be there in 10 minutes." 

"Alright!" Megumi hung up the phone. And Megumi ran into the bathroom and she pulled a bucket from under the sink. She placed the bucket up to the sink and she let it fill up with cold water. Once it was full enough she made it quickly back to Chuuya’s room and sat it beside his bed. She then ran down stairs and she got a bowl of ice, and she ran back up stairs putting ice into the bucket of cold water. Megumi set the bowl on the night stand and then she grabbed the wash cloth she placed there, and she gently started dabbing Chuuya’s forehead. 


Kouyou ran into the brothel, and she immediately ran upstairs to Chuuya's room. Kouyou saw Megumi on the side of the bed, and Kouyou stepped over to Chuuya, and Megumi stood up so Kouyou could sit down next to Chuuya. Kouyou sat down and she laid Chuuya's head on her lap. 

She stroked his hair tenderly. "Chuuya?" 

Chuuya groaned. 

"Chuuya baby what's wrong? Tell mommy what hurts." Kouyou looked at Chuuya worriedly. 

"M-my stomach..." Chuuya answered weakly. 

"What was the last thing Chuuya ate?" Kouyou asked Megumi. 

"We took Chuuya out for a burger earlier this morning. And then he started throwing up this afternoon. And we'd thought it'd get better with some rest and once he threw up but it just got worse." 

Kouyou was panicking. She stood up and she picked up Chuuya holding him tightly. 

"Go tell one of the bouncers to bring the car around. Now." Kouyou demanded. 

One of the courtesan's closest to the door went and told the bouncer. 

"I am going to take Chuuya to the hospital. I think he caught food poisoning. God do I hope I am wrong." Kouyou sighed. The courtesan ran back upstairs telling Kouyou the car is ready. 

Kouyou headed down stairs and she put a coat on Chuuya because even though she knew he was hot it is the dead of winter and it's snowing out. Kouyou slipped on his shoes quickly and she ran out of the front door of the brothel, and quickly got in the car. She sat in the back seat with Chuuya and she rubbed his head comfortingly the whole way to the hospital.  


Kouyou was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. It had been a long night. She was so uneasy. She had been sitting in the waiting room for hours with no word of how Chuuya was doing. At least Hirotsu had been kind enough to come keep her company and at least a bit reassured that Chuuya was okay. 

After hours of waiting and worry the doctor finally came over to Kouyou. 

“Ms. Nakahara?” It wasn’t unusual for her to answer to this since it was Chuuya’s last name and people often just assumed Nakahara was her maiden name. She looked up at the doctor. 

“Yes? How is he?” She asked worriedly. 

“Unfortunately. He does have food poisoning like you thought. Seems the meat was a bit too under cooked for him. But good news is he is stable and he’s resting and Chuuya will be just fine in a few days. He will stay here until he is a hundred percent.” 

Kouyou nodded. “Can I see him?” 

“Of course. Come on, I’ll take you to your boy.”  

Kouyou walked behind the doctor but she was stopped by a familiar voice. She saw Dazai and Mori. Dazai was now running towards her with Chuuya’s stuffed animal, a bouquet or yellow roses, and a balloon that said get well. 

“Kouyou-nee!” Dazai said as he was panting heavily and stopped by her side. 

“Lad what are you doing here?” Kouyou asked. 

“I went to your house to play with Chuu.” Dazai said as Kouyou knew that her house meant brothel but Dazai was a smart lad and wouldn’t say such things in public. 

“But Megumi-chan told me Chuuya had gotten sick… so when I heard I got some stuff and rushed here.” 

Kouyou looked surprised. 

“All that is for Chuuya?” 

“Mhm! I even got him a new stuffed animal too. See?!” Dazai said holding out a green medium sized frog plushie. Kouyou couldn’t help but smile at how sweet the gesture was. She grabbed the bouquet and balloon from Dazai helping him with his gifts. 

“Well come on. He’s waiting for us.” Kouyou smiled. 


Dazai and Kouyou stepped into Chuuya’s hospital room. Chuuya being as heavily sedated as he can for a child was finally sleeping. As he wasn’t getting any rest before. Kouyou went over to Chuuya’s bed and she sat beside him and she gently rubbed her hand through his hair. She could feel he had cooled down a bit. Which was a huge relief to Kouyou. 

Dazai gently sat the bouquet in the vase he had bought next to Chuuya’s bed on the small dresser next to Chuuya. Dazai then tied Chuuya’s balloon to one of the sides of his bed. Dazai then climbed up next to Chuuya and laid beside him. He lifted up Chuuya’s arm and put his stuffed animal from Kouyou under his arm and then he laid his froggie stuffed animal next to him. 

“I brought your favorite stuffed animal Chuu. And I bought you a new one so you’d feel even more safe. And I got you a balloon and flowers. I thought that’d make you happy.” Dazai hugged Chuuya from behind and laid his head on Chuuya’s shoulder. 

“Please get well soon Chuu…” 

Kouyou smiled at Dazai and Chuuya and she covered them both up. 

“He’ll be alright Dazai.” Kouyou reassured smiling. 

“I know. I’ll make sure of it.” Dazai said softly. 


Chuuya had made a full recovery. It took a good week in a half but he got through it. And the whole time Dazai never left his side. Chuuya sat on his bed holding the stuffed animal frog Dazai had gave him when he was 6. Chuuya was now 17 years old. And no matter how old he got something as small as this still meant a lot to him. Chuuya smiled as he sat it on the bed by his pillow.  

“Chuuya?” Dazai opened the door to Chuuya’s room and he looked at his short partner. 

“Are you ready to go? Kouyou-nee said our flight will leave soon.” 

“Ah.. yeah.” Chuuya smiled. “I am coming stupid mackerel. Get out.” 

Dazai shrugged it off smiling at Chuuya and he went towards his bedroom door. 

“As you wish petite mafia.” 

Chuuya threw his lamp at Dazai it hitting him directly in the back of the head. Dazai fell forward with a smack and landed with his butt in the air. 


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