A Day With Kouyou

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Today was one of Kouyou’s rare days off and she hasn’t had the chance to spend as much time with Chuuya as she wanted. So she figured today was a good day to do so. She got up out of bed, and grabbed her robe off of one of the clothes hook. She slid the robe on and closed it, tying it up. She walked to the door of her room, and she slid on her slippers next to the door before slipping completely out of her room. Kouyou closed her door behind her and she made her way down the stairs to the second floor. She walked down the long hallway going to Chuuya's room.  She gently opened the door and smiled as she walked over to the bed. She sat on the side of the bed next to Chuuya, and she gently ran her hand through his hair. 

"Chuuya?" She said softly. Chuuya stirred and rolled over groaning pulling the cover up over him. Kouyou laughed at how hard her son was to get up out of bed. 

"Chuuya?" She said again softly as she reached her hands under the covers, and pulled Chuuya out. She pulled the small ginger headed child into her lap and he nuzzled in to her chest as he held his stuffed animal tightly. 

"5 more minutes Mama..." Chuuya groaned displeased. 

She shook her head. "I am sorry my little love but I have a lot planned for us today. It is my day off and I want to spend it with my favorite boy. Starting with a pancake breakfast." 

Chuuya opened his big blue eyes then. "Pancakes?" 

Kouyou laughed. She knew her son loved pancakes for breakfast, and she knew it was his weakness when he was being lazy about getting up. 

Kouyou nodded at his question. "Yes, pancakes." 

"Can I help?" 

Kouyou smiled as she stood up picking Chuuya up with her, holding him on her hip. 

"Of course." 

Kouyou walked out of Chuuya's room and continued down the long hallway to the stairs. Kouyou walked down the stairs down to the living room, and the courtesans greeted her and Chuuya. 

"Good morning Madame Kouyou and little Chuuya!" They said. 

"Goodmorning girls." Kouyou said smiling and then she looked at Chuuya. She knew Chuuya still wasn't too confident with his Japanese even though it was perfectly fine, and she also knew his accent behind it bothered him. But she made him practice anyway because she didn't want him to be uncomfortable forever. 

"Chuuya what do we say?" Chuuya looked at her and he blushed embarrassed, moving his stuffed animal to cover his face. 

"G-Good morning." Chuuya mumbled. 

The girls laughed at how cute and shy Chuuya was being. Kouyou also laughed at how adorable Chuuya was. And she grabbed his hands and pulled them down making him uncover his face. 

“We are going to work on you being so shy.” Kouyou laughed. “You have to be a bit more out spoken Chuu.” 

Kouyou said as she walked into the kitchen. She sat Chuuya down on the counter, and she kneeled down after she did getting a mixing bowl from under the cabinet. Kouyou took eggs out of the fridge and she gave them to Chuuya, and Chuuya opened the carton.  

“Make sure you don’t get any egg shells in the bowl Chuu.” 

Chuuya nodded as he cracked two eggs over the bowl neatly. Kouyou gave Chuuya a measuring cup and she filled it with milk until 1 cup. Chuuya poured that inside, and then she poured one fourth more and Chuuya poured it into the mixing bowl again. Kouyou then added two tablespoons vegetable oil, and two tablespoons sugar. And then one fourth teaspoons salt, and 3 teaspoons baking powder, and then two cups of flour. Kouyou then plugged up the mixer and turned it on, while Chuuya stood on the step stool near the sink washing what they were done with. Kouyou mixed the batter until it was well and mixed. Kouyou then started making the pancakes and it didn’t take her long. Thirty minutes at the most and she was finished. Chuuya sat at the table kicking his legs, waiting happily for his pancakes. She sat the plate of his pancakes in front of him, and Chuuya grabbed the syrup squeezing a decent amount on his pancakes before he started eating them. 


Chuuya looked at Kouyou nodding with syrup and pancakes all over his face. She smiled and laughed, and she went over to Chuuya with a napkin in her hand, gently wiping his mouth. 

Chuuya quickly finished off his pancakes and he handed his plate to Kouyou. She put his plate in the sink and then she took his hand, and they both went up stairs to go get changed for the day. 


Chuuya  laughed as Kouyou gently pushed him on the swing. He was kicking his legs back and forth to give him more momentum. Kouyou stepped to the side and she watched Chuuya happily swing back and forth, as she took her phone. Kouyou started recording a video of Chuuya. 

"Chuuya look at me!" Kouyou smiled. 

Chuuya turned his head looking at Kouyou and he smiled waving at her. Chuuya kept swinging until he heard a familiar voice. 

"Chuu!" Dazai yelled as he ran waving at Chuuya. 

Chuuya gripped the swing chains in annoyance. And he gritted his teeth. 

"Don’t call me that, bandaged-freak! Only Mama is allowed to call me that." 

"Uwwwwa! But why?!" Dazai said as he was now standing by Chuuya. 

"Because it is special." 

"Am I not special enough?" 

"No." Chuuya said with his head to the side blushing. 

Dazai gasped dramatically grabbing his chest. "Chuuya! That hurts!" 

"Too bad." Chuuya said sticking his tongue out at Dazai. 

Dazai pushed Chuuya off the swing and Chuuya fell into the uncomfortable wood chips. Chuuya got up his face red with anger. 

"Why you little-!" 

Dazai ran off laughing as Chuuya chased quickly after him. 

"Hey! You both play nice!" Kouyou yelled standing next to Mori. 

"Chuuya is awfully fast. Too fast for a normal 6-year-old." 

"Hm. Think so? He is just very hyper active. Always has been." 

Kouyou knew exactly what Mori was getting at. 

"Huh. If you say so Kouyou." Mori smirked. 


Elise looked at Mori as she was going down the slide. And then she ran over. 

"What is it Rintarou?" 

"Come on. Let's go try on some pretty dresses while Dazai and Chuuya play." Mori said with a gleam on his face. 

"Don't wanna." Elise said stubbornly. 

"Ehhh?! Don't be like that! I'll buy you cake!" 

Elise looked at him in annoyance with her eyebrow twitching. 

"Fine. But only for cake. Not because of you." She said hot headily as she started walking from the park and Mori followed. Kouyou shook her head at the both of them and just laughed. Mori was such an unbelievable child sometimes. Anyone who didn't know Mori would find it hard to believe he was even a mafia boss. Kouyou was pulled out of her thoughts when she turned her attention back to Chuuya and Dazai who were playing nicely in the sand box. 

“What is that supposed to be?” Dazai asked. 

“Ha? It’s a castle Osamu.” 

Dazai looked at him confused and laughed. 

“That’s a castle? Doesn’t look like one.” 

“Oh like you can do any better!” Chuuya said rolling his eyes as he stood up, dusting off his clothes to the best of his ability. Chuuya ran over to Kouyou and he began to whine. 

“Mama I’m hungry!” Chuuya complained. 

Kouyou giggled slightly and she grabbed the snack out of her purse she grabbed before they had left. She knew Chuuya would get hungry again not too soon after breakfast especially with all the running around he’d be doing at the park. She pulled out a bag of animal crackers and gave them to him, and Chuuya took them climbing up on the bench next to Kouyou, and he sat down and went to go put his hand in the bag until Kouyou stopped him. 

“Absolutely not. Wait until I sanitize your hands with wipes. You’ve been touching filthy things.” 

Chuuya groaned as he had to wait for Kouyou to find the wipes. He was such an impatient child Kouyou thought as she pulled out the wipes. Taking two out, one for each hand. She wiped both of his hands thoroughly, and then tossed the wipes in the trash bin beside her. 

“Now you can eat.” 

Chuuya sighed happily as he started to eat his animal crackers. Dazai looked at Chuuya chewing on his animal crackers next to Kouyou and he felt his stomach growl. Dazai ran over to them and he climbed up sitting next to Chuuya. 

“Chuuuuya! Can I have some?” 


“But Chuuuuya I am hungrrrrry!” 

Chuuya sighed heavily as he turned the animal cracker bag towards Dazai. Dazai went to reach into the bag but Kouyou smacked his hand lightly. 

“Don’t you dare stick your dirty hands in the bag.” Kouyou said as she pulled out two more wipes and she wiped Dazai’s hands clean also. After she did Dazai then grabbed in the bag taking a few animal crackers. 

“Eat up you two. We are leaving after this.” They both nodded. Kouyou allowed Chuuya and Dazai to eat a few more animal crackers before taking the bag and closing it up putting it back in her purse. She then pulled out a juice and she opened the straw packaging and she stuck the straw inside the juice hole. She handed it to Chuuya, and he took it happily as his mouth was really dry now and sipped his juice. Chuuya figured Dazai’s mouth was probably just as dry, so he only sipped the juice halfway and then he looked down blushing giving the rest to Dazai. 

Dazai looked at Chuuya shocked. 

“…T-take it you mummy… before I change my mind and drink it all.” Dazai looked at a flustered Chuuya and he smiled as he took the juice. 

“Chuuya is so sappy.” 

“Whatever you waste of bandages.” Chuuya said in a tone of annoyance. 

Mori was just coming back from shopping with Elise, arms full of bags. And Elise looking well more than overly annoyed, and ready to get as far from Mori as humanly possible. 

“Oi, Dazai. It is time to leave.” Mori said calmly. 

Dazai sighed as he jumped down from the bench. Dazai looked back at Chuuya. He knew Chuuya wasn’t big on hugs but he went for it anyway. Dazai pulled Chuuya off the bench and he pulled Chuuya closely hugging him tightly. Chuuya blushed as red as a beet, and he tried to shove Dazai away. But Dazai only sighed contently and kept hugging Chuuya. Dazai eventually pulled away leaving a more than flustered Chuuya standing by the bench. Dazai put his hand out twirling his finger in Chuuya’s ginger locks where his hair hung over his shoulder. 

“Later Chuuya.” Dazai said slyly as he walked off with Mori. 


After that, the rest of the day went pretty smoothly, and it was fun. Once Kouyou and Chuuya left the park, Kouyou took Chuuya to the aquarium. Chuuya enjoyed seeing the different animals. From the sea otters to the dolphins, he was more than happy and amused. Chuuya never got to do anything like this. It was never allowed from his real parents, but Kouyou always tried to do stuff like this with Chuuya when she had a clear schedule for the day. Once they had seen all the animals at the aquarium, Kouyou took Chuuya to an Italian restaurant. Chuuya ordered a children’s pasta, and Kouyou ordered a dish with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Chuuya and Kouyou ate and talked, and Kouyou got a few genuine laughs and smiles out of Chuuya. She enjoyed those the most when the fragile ginger headed child was genuinely happy. After they finished dinner and Kouyou paid the bill, it was late and time to go home. Kouyou walked all the way back to the brothel, and she held Chuuya the whole way. The small boy sleeping in her arms with his head rested on her shoulder. 

Kouyou stepped into the brothel and she sighed in content as she was now home. She was also just as exhausted. Megumi stepped into the kitchen when she heard the door and she smiled. 

“Ah Madame Kouyou. Welcome back. Did you have fun?” Kouyou nodded at her question and Megumi smiled as she saw Chuuya was sleeping. Megumi reached out and gently stroked her hand through Chuuya’s hair, and she leaned over gently kissing his cheek. 

“Seems like this little guy had fun too.” 

Kouyou laughed lightly. “He did. He’s exhausted.” 

“Ah, yeah. He couldn’t even wait till you got home to fall asleep. But it’s precious isn’t it? Seeing him like this? Seeing him so calm. Chuuya’s so on edge and frightened when he is awake.” 

“You’re right. But I plan to take all those fears he has away. And I will do whatever I have to, to protect him.” Kouyou said holding Chuuya tightly and rubbing her hand through his ginger hair.  

“He really has softened you Madame.” Megumi said smiling. 

“That he has. He is my everything.” Kouyou said smiling. 

And you will be my everything until the end of time. 

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