I'll Be Here For You

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Dazai had finally finished all his annoying and over whelming studies and he was more than ecstatic to go see the cute little ginger for a bit. Mori insisted Dazai found information on Chuuya but Dazai didn’t want  to. Could he have? Of course. But Dazai didn’t because he knew it made Mori upset. He did it just to spite him. Not to mention when it came down to Mori or Kouyou being more scary. It was definitely Kouyou. The last thing he wanted to do was cross her son and be the main target of her wrath. Dazai had finally arrived at the brothel. Dazai opened the door making the doorbell chime, and then it shut behind him. Megumi came out to greet a new gent until she saw Dazai. 

“Hey kid you can’t be in here.” Megumi protested putting her hands on her hips. 

“I came to see Chuuya. Kouyou-nee said we could play after my studies.” 

“Hm. Alright. Stay here.” 

Megumi walked back into the living room and she walked to the end of the stair case stopping. 

“Chuuya! You have a guest!” 

Chuuya heard Megumi and he was surprised by what she said. What did she mean guest? No one ever came to see Chuuya and he definitely didn’t have any friends. But then Chuuya thought back to last night. No. It can’t be can it? Chuuya thought as he got up and sprinted down the long hallway. Chuuya ran down the stairs and he walked past the living room and into the kitchen where he saw Dazai. 

“W-What are you doing here?” Chuuya asked curiously. 

“Ah Kouyou-nee said I could come play for a bit once I finished my studies.” 

“O-oh well I was kind of in the middle of practicing something.” 

“Want my help?” 

“N-No… It’s fine it can wait. We should go play in the garden.” 

Dazai nodded as he followed behind Chuuya to the back yard. Dazai looked at the garden with a gleam and Chuuya noticed his excitement.  

“There’s so many! And they’re all so nice!” Dazai said excitedly as he was walking around the garden. 

“You say it like you’ve never seen a garden before. Mori is the boss of the Port Mafia. Doesn’t he have a garden?” 

“Yeah. But I never get to go in the garden.” 

“Why not?” 

“Mori says I have to focus on becoming a boss one day. That I don’t have time to play. I really shouldn’t even be here right now. But I am tired of being a prisoner to my own room.” Dazai sighed as he looked down sadly. 

Chuuya felt bad for Dazai. Chuuya knew exactly what it was like to feel all alone. To feel trapped and suffocated. To feel like you have to be labeled what everyone else wants you to be instead of your self. It was an awful feeling that Chuuya understood all too well. Chuuya got an idea that might cheer Dazai up. 

“Oi, Osamu!” Chuuya said smiling at him. “Come help me pick some flowers.” 

Dazai looked at Chuuya confused at first but then he shook it off and quickly ran over to help the ginger headed child. Dazai and Chuuya had picked a few different flowers such as sunflowers, a few roses, and other flowers. Flowers Chuuya could make a flower crown with. Once they had picked a great amount of flower Chuuya grabbed Dazai’s hand and he ran inside the brothel with him. They had ran past the kitchen and living room and up the stairs. They stepped into Chuuya’s room and Chuuya closed the door. Chuuya sat at his desk in his room, and Dazai pulled up a chair next to him. Dazai sat and watched Chuuya skillfully make a flower crown, and assort the flowers beautifully. Chuuya had finished up and he smiled. He turned to Dazai and he put it on top of Dazai’s head. Dazai smiled at the gesture as he touched the top of his head. Chuuya looked down blushing. 

“Y-You looked upset… so I thought it would cheer you up.” Chuuya mumbled. 

“Chuu Chuu is so kind. Thank you shorty.” 

“You’re welcome.” Chuuya then realized Dazai’s insult. “Hey I am not short!” 

“Huh? But you areeeee. That’s why you wear hats. To make yourself look tall, right?” 

“NO I WEAR THEM BECAUSE I LIKE THEM YOU MUMMY!” Chuuya gritted his teeth in anger. 

Dazai gasped. “How meeeean Chuu. That really hurts!”  

Dazai gripped his chest dramatically sighing. Chuuya gritted his teeth even more and he turned his back completely ignoring Dazai. 

“Chuuuuuya?! Hat rack?! Chibi?! Short stack?!” 

Chuuya was getting irritated more and more by the minute. Chuuya’s anger was spilling over as Dazai kept calling his name and shouting out.  

“Be quiet!” Chuuya yelled and when he did that made his ability activate. The whole gravity of the room shifted and things started floating around them. Dazai sat in Chuuya’s room mouth a gape. Chuuya stood up complete anxiety filling him. His secret was out and there was no way he could cover this up. 

An ability that  manipulates  gravity. He can  manipulate  the things around him including himself. Interesting. 

“No… Why now?!" Chuuya said trying his best to make everything drop to the ground. 

It was clear Chuuya didn’t want this ability. That he didn’t want to deal with it. It was also clear he had absolutely no control. Dazai sighed and he walked over to Chuuya. 

"Stay away from me!" Chuuya trembled chewing at his bottom lip. 

"Chuuya... It's okay." Chuuya looked up at Dazai with his eyes full of tears. Dazai reached out and gently whipped Chuuya's tears and hugged him tightly with one of his hands resting in Chuuya's hair. Everything clattered to the ground and Chuuya's eyes widened in shock. 

"I'm sorry Chuuya... I didn't mean to make you so upset." 

"H-How did you...?" 

"Stop your ability? I have an ability too. And my ability nullifies other abilities just by simple touch." 

Dazai noticed Chuuya was still trembling and he reached out and grabbed Chuuya's hands and looked Chuuya right into his sapphire eyes. 

"It's okay Chuuya. Anytime your ability gets out of control I will be there to nullify it. I promise." Dazai smiled. 

Chuuya blushed at Dazai's honestly and he looked down. Dazai laughed at Chuuya's cute little blush and he hugged him close. Little did they know Kouyou was watching through Chuuya's door as it was cracked. She smiled at the scene. She thought to rush in there when she saw Chuuya's ability getting out of control. But she was surprised that Dazai managed to calm Chuuya down. She never saw Chuuya that open with anybody so she was happy to see he was finally getting comfortable with a friend. 

Chuuya and Dazai played for a little while longer until Kouyou told Dazai it was time to go home. 

"Bye Chuuya!" Dazai waved as he ran out of Chuuya's room. 

"Bye Osamu!" Chuuya waved with his eyes closed smiling. 

Chuuya smiled as he watched Dazai leave. And he couldn't wait to see his friend tomorrow. 

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