My Precious Angel & A New Friendship

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Chuuya was running around in his mothers garden. He kneeled down and picked some flowers as he wanted to make Kouyou a flower crown for when she had came back from her mission. Chuuya was 6 years old now. He had been with Kouyou a full year and she was the best mother he had ever had. So Chuuya often loved to show his appreciation for his mother. Chuuya was picking sun flowers. Those were his mothers favorite. He smiled happily as he picked them. 


Chuuya looked back to see Megumi as she walked over to him. 

“It’s time for dinner and Madame Kouyou is home.” Megumi smiled. 

Chuuya smiled and he ran off into the brothel. Kouyou wasn’t suppose to be home until tomorrow. But she figured she’d surprise Chuuya early. Chuuya ran to the living room and he smiled when he saw Kouyou sitting on the couch. 

“Mama!” Chuuya yelled excitedly as he ran and jumped on Kouyou. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around the small child and littered his tiny face with kisses. All over his cheeks, forehead, eyes, and she gently placed the last one on the top of his head. 

“Someone missed me.” Chuuya nodded smiling up at his mother. 

“Ah. Wait here Mama.” Kouyou looked at Chuuya confused as he jumped down. He ran up stairs to his room to receive all the flowers crowns he made for each day Kouyou was gone. Chuuya sprinted back down stairs and he went over to Kouyou. 

“Mama close your eyes.” 

She smiled and listened to the small child’s demand. Chuuya put a flower crown on the top of her head and then put the rest in her lap. 

“Okay open!” 

Kouyou opened her eyes and she looked at her lap seeing all the flower crowns. She smiled and grabbed Chuuya hugging him tightly. 

“Thank you Chuuya. I love them.”  

Chuuya smiled and hugged his mother back just as tight. She pulled him back looking at him and she brushed the hair out of his face. 

“Chuuya I need you to be on your best behavior tonight. We are having guests for dinner.” 


Kouyou nodded. “Remember how I told you about Mori-san? Him and his kids are coming for dinner tonight. And we need to talk a few things over so I need you to be a good boy okay?” 

Chuuya nodded. Not too long after the doorbell chimed. 

Kouyou stood up. “Ah that must be them.” 


Dinner had actually went smoothly. Chuuya was pretty nervous about dinner as he still had no idea how to control his ability yet. And Kouyou and the women in the brothel had worked very hard to keep his ability a secret. They really wanted Chuuya just to be a normal child like he was now. So he was overjoyed his emotions didn’t reflect on the objects in the room. Since they were finished now Kouyou told Chuuya to get ready for bed. Chuuya nodded. And Mori told his children until they were done talking to watch TV in the living room. 

Chuuya had started making his way up stairs. When he made it to the top step he walked down the long hallway and into his bedroom. Chuuya gently closed the door and he started to take off his play clothes and slip into his pajamas. Chuuya then walked back out of his room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed. But when he walked into the bathroom Chuuya was met with a boy around his age. He was covered in bandages. He had a bandage over his left eye, one on his cheek, they were wrapped around his arms, and he had one on his knee. He had wavy brunette hair, and his one almond eye stared into Chuuya’s sapphire eyes. Chuuya blushed violently and he slammed the door closed.  

“S-sorry…” Chuuya said loud enough for the boy to hear but not enough to disturb anyone else. 

Dazai after washing his hands once he was done using the bathroom opened the door and he smiled stupidly at Chuuya. 

“That’s okay! I mean we are both boys. We have the same parts so it isn’t a big deal!” Dazai reached out his hand to be shaken. 

“Dazai. Dazai Osamu! Nice to meet you.” 

Chuuya looked at the boy questioningly. He had never seen anyone this weird or this happy about meeting someone. But Chuuya shook his hand anyway.  

“C-Chuuya… Nakahara Chuuya.” 

“Nakahara? But I thought Kouyou was your mom. Why not Ozaki?” 

“She’s my adoptive mom…” 

“OH. That makes sense.” Dazai said with a gleam. 

“W-what about you…? Why isn’t your last name Mori?” 

Dazai chuckled. “Mori isn’t my dad. I’d rather commit a beautiful suicide then be his biological child.” 

Chuuya looked at Dazai confused. His eyebrows furrowed together. 

“Is he really that dense?” Chuuya thought. 

But Chuuya was pulled from his thoughts when Dazai grabbed his hand. 

“W-What a-are you doing?!” Chuuya stuttered blushing as red as a tomato. 

“Shhh. I want to show you something cool. But I can’t do it in the hallway or Yumeno will start to whine.”  

Dazai pulled Chuuya along and he stopped in front of Chuuya’s bedroom opening the door. Dazai and Chuuya walked in and Dazai closed the door behind them. Dazai pulled out a white wand with a hole at the top and a button in the middle. Chuuya eyes the device wondering what Dazai could possibly have to show him. Dazai pressed the button and a whole bunch of bubbles filled the room. 

Chuuya smiled and laughed at this. Dazai kept doing it and him and Chuuya popped bubbles and laughed together. Sadly though there wasn’t that many left. And Dazai eventually used them all. 

“Ahhh there all gone!” Dazai whined loudly. 

Chuuya laughed. “It’s okay. It was fun while it lasted.” Chuuya said while he hopped up into his bed. Dazai climbed in the bed with him and Chuuya turned the light off only leaving his froggie night light to illuminate the room.  

“I have an idea!” Dazai said excitedly.  

“Do you have any story books?” 

Chuuya nodded and he slid off the bed for a moment grabbing a random book. Dazai talked as he did so. 

“Where are you from? With your looks you have to be foreign. And you have a bit of an accent.” 

“F-France… And I know I have an accent…” Chuuya said clearly embarrassed. 

“Really? That is sooo cool. What’s it like there?” Dazai asked curiously. 

“I-I don’t remember much about it… But it is nice from what I do remember.” 

“You’ll have to take me there one day Chuuya.” Dazai said with a gleam smiling. 

Chuuya walked back over to the bed and got back up on the bed giving Dazai the book. 

“Also…” Dazai looked at Chuuya seriously. “You shouldn’t be so embarrassed by your accent. I think it’s really cute.” Dazai smiled. 

Chuuya blushed violently and he hid his face in his stuffed animal. Dazai laughed at the cute red heads embarrassment before he looked at the book opening it. Dazai scanned the room and he noticed a flash light on the floor. Exactly what he was looking for. Dazai leaned over Chuuya’s bed and he picked it up. Dazai leaned back up as he turned on the flash light. Dazai sat the open book on his lap. And he pointed the flash light across the room on the wall. 

“Once upon a time there were three bears who lived in a house in the forest. There was a great big father bear, a middle sized mother bear, and a tiny baby bear.” Dazai read and Chuuya held the flash light while Dazai made out the bears with his fingers. Chuuya laughed at this and Dazai continued. 

“One morning, their breakfast porridge was too hot to eat, so they decided to go for a walk in the forest. While they were out a little girl called Goldilocks came through the trees and found their house. Goldilocks being the mischievous girl she was stepped into their home. The nerve am I right Chuuya?” 

Dazai shook his head in shame for her as he continued. Chuuya listened to Dazai tell the story. He watched the little play Dazai had put on to go with the story on the wall. Once Dazai was finished he yawned loudly and so did Chuuya. Dazai put the book and flash light on Chuuya’s night stand. And both of the boys laid under the covers of Chuuya’s warm bed. They both were quickly taken by slumber as the laid close together sleeping peacefully. 


“Alright. Let’s go children.” Mori smiled as he walked out to the living room. Mori looked around and he turned to Kouyou. 

“I am missing one.” 

Kouyou noticed. “Ah I am sure he is just in the bathroom. Come with me.” 

“I think he is with Chuuya.” Elise said. “That was an hour ago he went to the bathroom.” 

Kouyou nodded and she walked up stairs with Mori straight down the long hall and to Chuuya’s bedroom door. She knocked softly. 

“Chuuya. It’s time for Dazai to go home and I told you to go to bed an hour ago my love.” 

She waited but there was no answer. She then opened the door gently. 

“Chu-“ She cut her sentence short and smiled at the sight in front of her. Chuuya and Dazai were both sleeping peacefully, curled up next to one another snoring softly. 

“Seems Dazai was tired too.” She laughed softly. 

Mori stepped over to Chuuya’s bed and he woke Dazai up. Dazai opened his eyes and looked at Mori and then Kouyou. 

“It is time to go home lad.” Kouyou smiled.  

Dazai whined. “Can’t I stay Kouyou-nee?” 

“No lad you can not. I am sorry.” 

Dazai looked at Kouyou sadly. Heart broken even. Dazai always seemed so isolated, and lonely. She knew that was because Mori was so strict on him being a Mafia Boss one day that Dazai honestly never had the time to just be a real kid. But it seems like tonight, whatever him and Chuuya were doing he genuinely enjoyed. Kouyou felt bad for telling him no so instead she made him a promise. 

“Tell you what lad.” Kouyou looked at him. “After you finish all your studies tomorrow. You can come play with Chuuya all you like. I am sure he would enjoy that. How does that sound?” 

Dazai nodded excitedly and then he got off the bed and walked out with Mori. Dazai turned one more time waving bye. Kouyou waved bye as they walked back down stairs to leave. Kouyou heard the brothel door close signaling their departure. 

Kouyou then turned her attention back to Chuuya. She smiled at her sleeping son holding the stuffed animal she had got him a year ago. The way his russet ginger hair was falling in front of his face and scattered all over his pillow. The way he made silent little snores and his chest fell up and down to show he was still breathing. Kouyou sat on the edge of the bed next to Chuuya and she covered him up. Chuuya rolled into her touch and he laid his head on her looking up at her with his big blue eyes tiredly. 


“Sh. I am right here. It is okay.” She smiled rubbing her hand through his hair softly. He grabbed some of the fabric of Kouyou’s kimono and fluttered his eyes back closed but not before whispering something Kouyou almost didn’t hear or wouldn’t hear if not for the dead silence. 

“I love you mama...” Chuuya said before he drifted back off into sleep. 

Kouyou smiled. “I love you too.” 

I’ll love you today, tomorrow, next year, and for all eternity. Even after I take my last breath I will still love you and watch over you.  You’re my precious angel. A gift I will keep on loving until I have no more love to give.   

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