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Chuuya was walking down the hall of the brothel to the bathroom. He tiredly rubbed his eye with the hand that wasn't holding his stuffed animal, and he yawned loudly. Chuuya finally made it to the bathroom, and he stood on his tippy toes and grabbed the door knob gently turning it. Chuuya walked into the bathroom and he stepped up on to the step stool placed in front of the sink. He turned on the water and grabbed his tooth brush, and put tooth paste on it. Chuuya started brushing his teeth thoroughly. Up and down, in circles, side to side. He did this for a minute or two and then he brushed his tongue. Chuuya rinsed his mouth out and grabbed floss out of the dresser next to the sink. He flossed his teeth throwing the floss into the trash, and then Chuuya used mouth wash to complete it. Chuuya then took soap and wet the soap and his hands well. He rubbed the soap all over his face, and then he put it back down. Then Chuuya splashed water on his face to get the soap off. He turned the water off, and Chuuya felt around for the towel to dry his face. His eyebrows furrowed as he felt around. 

One of the girls in the brothel walked past the bathroom, and she saw Chuuya was feeling around for his towel. It was a few inches too far back from his tiny hand. She picked up the towel and handed it to Chuuya. 

"Ah." Chuuya smiled happily as he dried his face. He pulled his face out of the towel and then looked at the girl. 

"T-Thank you..." 

"You're welcome." She smiled. "Your Japanese is getting a lot better. You've been practicing I see." 

The first woman that spoke with Chuuya using his stuffed animal when he arrived walked by seeing him and the other woman talking. 

"Ahhh Chuuya-kun! Ohayo!" She kneeled down to his height smiling. 

Chuuya shrieked and he blushed and shyly spoke back to her. "O-Ohayo..." 

"And what does ohayo mean?" 

"...G-Good morning...?" 

"Right! Very good!" She smiled. 

"He is getting better, isn't he?" 

"He is." She smiled and she put out her hand for Chuuya to grab. Chuuya hesitated at first but then he grabbed her hand. He stepped off the step stool while keeping a hold of her hand. He followed behind her, walking down stairs. 

They stepped into the kitchen. And Chuuya looked around for Kouyou. He looked down sadly when he realized she wasn't here. The girl holding Chuuya's hand looked at him. 

"Hm, Chuuya-kun what's wrong?" 

Chuuya shook his head and he let go of the girl's hand. He went to the table and put his stuffed animal on the table. He pulled the chair back and climbed up on to the chair. He sat down and grabbed his stuffed animal again. He held it close to him and he looked down, his bangs covering his face. 

"I think Chuuya misses Madame." The girl whispered. 

"I do too... What should we do?" 

She smiled. "I have an idea. Come on." 


Kouyou stepped into Mori's office, and she sat down in the chair across from him smiling gracefully. 

"Kouyou. How nice to see you." Mori smirked. 

"Feelings mutual." 

"I have no mission for you to attend on. So, I am assuming this is about the little ginger child you brought home with you. Chuuya is it?" 

"Chuuya will now be staying with me. I have taken him under my wing." 

"Hm is that so?" 

"It is." 

"And of what use is he to the Port Mafia?" 

"None as of this second." Kouyou was lying. She knew exactly what he meant. An ability Mori could use as an advantage. She was well aware Chuuya had an ability but she wasn't going to tell Mori that. She wanted Chuuya to live as a normal, and happy child for as long as he could before he got dragged into the dark deep pits that was Port Mafia. 

"I see. Well as long as he does not become a nuisance it is fine with me. But if he does-" 

Kouyou narrowed her eyes and glared at Mori. He smirked back at her evilly. "I know." 

Kouyou stood up and she started to walk out of Mori's office. "But don't give me a reason to end you Ougai." 

"Is that a threat?" 

"It's a promise." Kouyou said before she walked out of the office closing Mori's door harshly. 

Mori sighed smiling. "What an easily anger woman." 

Dazai stood up stepping from behind the desk and now standing in front of Mori. 

"Keep a close eye on that boy Dazai. Do you understand me? Find out any information you can." 

Dazai looked at him emotionless and nodded his head. 

"Good boy my demon prodigy." Mori smirked. 


The girls and Chuuya sat at the table. They were playing a board game. They really didn't know how to comfort Chuuya. Kouyou seemed to be the only one who calmed the fragile boy down, so they figured a game would at least distract him. They had gone through a few games now. Like hide and seek, UNO, go fish, and monopoly but it was more than clear that Chuuya still was unhappy, and he was getting irritated very quickly. Things around the room started to float. Chuuya's emotions were becoming over whelming, and his ability was taking a mind of its own. Chuuya looked around at the floating objects, and his eyes widened and tears started to form in his eyes. 

"Chuuya... D-Don't cry..." 

"It's okay really." The other girl tried to help. But it was far too late for reassurance.  

Chuuya broke out into a crying fit. His breathing became uneven, he was hiccupping through sobs, and his face was turning red from the long holds of breath while crying. More things around the room started to float up. Even one of the girls started floating. It had gotten completely out of hand so quickly. The other girls were about to try and calm Chuuya down until she saw Kouyou walk past her. 

Kouyou pulled Chuuya into her embrace lovingly. Chuuya knew this comfort. He knew this warmth. He looked up at Kouyou with a face full of tears. Kouyou kneeled down to his height, and she pulled a handkerchief out of her kimono. 

"My my. Such a fuss you've made." Kouyou wiped Chuuya's tears and she tapped his small nose, and smiled. She moved her hand to his cheek, and stroked his cheek gently. 

"Now. What is the matter?" 

Chuuya just looked at her for a moment. 

"Hm?" Kouyou looked back at him. 

Chuuya reached out and wrapped his arms around Kouyou's neck. He whimpered as he put his head on her shoulder holding on to her with the strength of a death grip. Kouyou sighed smiling and she gently rubbed Chuuya's head. She stood up, and pulled him up with her. Chuuya was calm now since Kouyou was back, and everything as it had once before fell back on to the ground. 

“I’m sorry Madame Kouyou we tried to- “ 

“It is alright my child. He was just a bit over whelmed. You did your best. All of you.” 

They nodded. “Listen to me girls. We all must keep this between us no one must know of Chuuya’s ability understood?” 

The nodded again. 

“I want you to all do everything in your power to protect him and keep his ability at bay when he is with you. I will teach him how to control it but it will take some time.” 

The head girl of the courtesan’s talked to Kouyou. “We understand. And we swear to you we will all do our best to protect our little Chuuya-kun.” 

Kouyou smiled. “Good. Well that is enough down time. All of you get to work. Megumi change the sign to open please.” 

“Yes, Madame Kouyou.” Kouyou walked past the girls with Chuuya as the prepared for opening. Kouyou walked up to the very top floor of the brothel and she stepped into her bedroom. She put Chuuya down gently on the floor. She walked over to her bed where bags were sitting. Chuuya followed behind her and she opened the bag taking out the new clothes she bought for Chuuya. She put together an outfit for the day for him. 

Kouyou took Chuuya’s stuffed animal out of his arms. She then pulled his night shirt over his head. First, she put on Chuuya’s white button-down shirt. She then put a blue tie around his neck and tied it in the form of a bow. Then she put on his black shorts that stopped at the knee. She tucked his white shirt in neatly before zipping up and buttoning his pants, and then she put on a belt so his pants would stay up. She then put a black waist coat on him and buttoned it up. She slid on his socks and she put Chuuya’s shoes beside his feet. He slid into his shoes while Kouyou grabbed a comb. She then combed through Chuuya’s fiery ginger hair. Once she was done Chuuya ran to the long mirror that sat against the wall she had in her room. 

Chuuya was shocked when he saw himself in the mirror. Chuuya had never looked so clean. Chuuya was used to being filthy. For once Chuuya’s face was clear of bruises. His hair didn’t look dingy, dirty, and matted. It glowed bright ginger, was clean, and combed through. Chuuya smiled happily at his appearance and Kouyou smiled at Chuuya’s happiness. She walked over to where Chuuya was and she put both hands on his shoulders. 

“Do you like it?” 

Chuuya nodded happily and he smiled at Kouyou through the mirror. 

“Thank you!” Chuuya said excitedly as he hugged Kouyou’s legs. 

Kouyou was in shock as she heard Chuuya say thank you in Japanese properly. “You said thank you properly in Japanese.” 

“Been learning… Megumi and other girls… teach me...” 

Kouyou smiled and rubbed Chuuya’s cheek. “Well we will have to reward them later, now won’t we?” 

Chuuya nodded. “Cake!” 

Kouyou giggled. “Cake it is then.” 

“Can I…go…show…them…?” Chuuya didn’t know how to say clothes so he just pointed at his clothing. 

“Of course.” 

Chuuya smiled and he happily ran out of Kouyou’s room and down the stairs. He wanted to show Megumi and the girls his new clothing Kouyou had bought and how nice he actually looked. Chuuya finally made it down stairs and he ran into the living room. 

“Ah Chuuya-kun! Don’t run we don’t want you to fall!” Megumi shouted. 

Chuuya stopped running and walked the rest of the way. Chuuya showed Megumi and the girls his new clothing he had on. They all smiled and gleamed at Chuuya. 

“Awww! Chuuya looks so kawaii!” One of the girls said as she pinched his cheek. 

“He’s growing too fast!” Another said sighing heartbrokenly. 

Megumi smiled as she lifted Chuuya up off the ground which shocked him. He blushed violently as he wasn’t use to anyone but Kouyou picking him up. Megumi kissed Chuuya’s forehead and she smiled.  

“Chuuya-kun is definitely so handsome!” 

They were interrupted when the brothel doorbell ringed signaling a new gent just arrived. He stepped into the living room, as regular customers already were aware of how their business worked. 

“Welcome sir. Take your pick.” One of the girls said.  

The man looked through the woman and his eyes stopped on Chuuya. He looked Chuuya up and down. And Chuuya automatically got uncomfortable. His dad used to look at him that way before he "punished" him. Chuuya's grip tightened on Megumi. Megumi was about to ask Chuuya what was wrong until she heard the sinful words that came out of the man's mouth. 

"The boy." 

Megumi scoffed and narrowed her eyes. Just as the other girls narrowed theirs too. "Excuse me?!" 

"You heard me. I want the boy. How much is he?" 

"He isn't up for grabs." 

"Oh, c'mon cut the crap. It's a brothel. He' the perfect age to start being up for grabs." He smirked. 

"Would I be his first? I would love to get to-" 

The man's words where cut short when Megumi kicked the man's ankle sending him flying into the air and landing on his stomach. Megumi held his arm and wrist in her hand and she twisted it. 

"I said no you disgusting fucking pervert! Don't you ever talk about him that way..." She twisted his arm more and the man yelped in pain. Kouyou heard that loud scream and she came rushing down stairs. Kouyou walked in the living room to see Megumi violently twisting a client's arm as the other girls stood behind her and behind them stood Chuuya. He was trembling with fear. Like when she had first met him. And for the girls to act like this something had gone terribly wrong. 

Kouyou walked over to Megumi and the man. 

"What has happened?" 

"This disgusting pedophile wanted to have his way with Chuuya." 

Kouyou narrowed her eyes. 

"Hm, is that so?" Kouyou pulled her blade and she put it to the man's neck. 

"We don't run that kind of brothel here. And preying on a child is absolutely unforgiveable. What a vile man you are. I should kill you. But I don't want my boy to have to see such a thing. So, this is one warning. Don't ever show up to my brothel again. Don't ever come near or look at my boy again or next time I will slit your throat, cut up your limbs, and feed them to the dogs. I hope we are more than clear, yes?" 

Megumi broke the man's arm before she let him go and he screamed in agony. "Get up. Quickly now. Before I change my mind." Kouyou said deadly. 

The man got up as fast as he could and ran out of the brothel door. Kouyou now turned her attention to Chuuya who was still very wracked. Kouyou walked over to Chuuya and she pulled him into her embrace. 

"It is alright Chuuya. We are here. No one can hurt you." 


Kouyou was blown between sadness and shock. Chuuya up to this point her never called her anything, not even by her first name. But the first time he does say anything to call to her it's mama. Kouyou's heart softened at this and she kneeled down to Chuuya's height. 

"Whatever are you apologizing for my love?" She looked at him sadly and cupped his small face in one of her hands. Chuuya looked at her and then looked away tears threatening to spill over any moment. 

"M-my fault... nuisance..." Chuuya mumbled. 

Kouyou made Chuuya look at her and she shook her head and put her forehead on his looking him directly in the eyes. 

"Don't say that. Don't you ever say that Chuuya. You're not a nuisance in any way. We all love you Chuuya. We love hearing the little pitter patter of your feet run across the floor boards. We love when you bring us those cute little flower crowns you love so much. We love hearing your little giggles, and seeing your bright smile in the morning. We enjoy getting to play with you. We enjoy how excited you get at all little things. We even love how you have your little tantrums and outbursts when you can't get your way. We love the fact that you're here, breathing, and safe. So, don't you ever say that." 

"Mama...?" Chuuya hiccupped as he was about to cry. Kouyou just smiled and opened her arms. Chuuya hugged him tightly as he started crying. The girls behind Kouyou tried to reassure Chuuya that it was okay also. Kouyou knew Chuuya wasn't use to this. Being loved, cared for, showered in affection. And he was having a hard time adjusting. Any child who went through something so traumatic would. But Chuuya was just starting to become happy. He was just starting to begin to feel comfortable. And she'll be damned if she let anyone ruin it for him. 

"I will definitely be the mother you need me to be, my Nakahara  Chuuya ." 

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