You're Not Alone

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Kouyou was so busy the past couple of days. She sadly had not had time to go to the hospital and check on Chuuya and she felt bad for it. So since today was a day of for her from the social work agency and she finished her duties early at Port Mafia Headquarters. She figured now was a good time to go check on the small red head. But before she headed over to the hospital she had stopped by a toy store. Kouyou was currently looking around thinking about what the small boy may like. Kouyou knew a toy with noise was out of the question. Chuuya wouldn't seem to like that too much. Plus, the nursing staff would probably take it if Chuuya made too much noise. Kouyou walked further down the aisle of the toy store, and she stopped when she saw a big stuffed animal bunny. It was pink. But she figured Chuuya wouldn't care too much about the color. She picked up the stuffed animal and it was extremely soft, it was the kind of soft that brought comfort. She figured that's what he needed. She decided she'd buy it and she headed for the counter. She got into line and stood there patiently while she waited for the customer before her to get done. Once she was done Kouyou handed the cashier the toy, the cashier rung it up, and Kouyou paid her. The cashier handed her the stuffed animal and Kouyou thanked her leaving the toy store. 


Kouyou finally made it to the hospital. Traffic was a bitch, and she cursed traffic for taking up so much of her time. But she made it. That was all that truly mattered. Kouyou walked up to the nurse's desk to ask for Chuuya's room but noticed no one was there. That was more than odd she thought. There is always someone here especially on the children's ward but Kouyou's thoughts were cut short when she heard a loud scream. Kouyou quickly rushed to where she heard the scream coming from and when she stepped into the room her eyes widened. Everything was floating, and around the floating objects was a red glow. Even one of the nurses where floating. Kouyou was confused as to what was going on. She looked at the nurses standing terrified behind her. 

"What happened?" 

"W-We don't know! We tried to give Chuuya a shot because he isn't up to date on his vaccines. But he flipped out when we touched him, and then everything just started floating!" 

"An ability that manipulates gravity. This must be his first time realizing he has it with his lack of control." 

Kouyou stepped over towards Chuuya who was in a corner kneeled down with his face in his knees trembling. Kouyou looked at Chuuya sadly, and she lifted her kimono a little as to not get it dirty and then kneeled down near Chuuya. 

"Chuuya?" Kouyou spoke softly. "What's wrong?" 

"I-I...I don't want to get..." 

"You don’t want to get your shot?" 

Chuuya shook his head. "S-scared..." 

Kouyou heard Chuuya was having a very hard time communicating, so she reached out and she picked Chuuya up. She stood up and walked over to the bed. Shockingly one of the only items that was not floating. Kouyou sat down on the bed and she sat Chuuya on her lap. Kouyou looked at Chuuya's face, and she was met with a face full of tears and fear. Kouyou used sign language to communicate with him. 

"You remember how we talk right?" 

Chuuya with shaky hands talked back to her. 


" Chuuya you have to get your shot . It's something everyone has to get at your age." 

"But... It'll hurt. I don't like it. My mommy use to stick me with needles all the time." 

Kouyou tried to contain her anger. What a vile woman Kouyou thought. She was utterly disgusted at what Chuuya just told her but as angry as she was. She tried her best not to show it. 

"She can not hurt you anymore little one. I promise these nice nurses are only trying to help and it will be quick. And I will stay with you okay?" 

Chuuya shakily nodded.  

"You. Come hurry and give him the shot." Kouyou said to one of the nurses that weren't floating. She nodded and she came over to the bed. Kouyou put her hand on Chuuya's head, the sleeve of her kimono blocking Chuuya from seeing what the nurse was about to do. Kouyou held him tightly so he wouldn't be able to fidget. The nurse gently but quickly gave him the shot, and Chuuya started sobbing again. Kouyou rocked back and forth holding Chuuya and she hummed softly and rubbed through his hair soothingly. Chuuya slowly started to calm down. Kouyou reached over for the stuffed animal bunny she had sat on the bed and she put it in front of Chuuya. Chuuya completely stopped crying and looked up at the plushie with excitement in his eyes. Everything that was floating fell to the ground. Luckily the nurse that had fell wasn't injured. 

"Are you-" 

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." 

The nurse nodded and she left Kouyou and Chuuya alone. Chuuya looked up at Kouyou and then back at the stuffed plushie. 

" Yes, little one. It is for you." 

Kouyou handed Chuuya the stuffed animal. And he looked at it and for the first time since Kouyou has met him he smiled and was happy with the stuffed animal. Kouyou smiled at his excitement. 

"T-Thank you..." 

"You're welcome Chuuya." She smiled rubbing his head. 

They were interrupted when one of the nurses knocked on the door. "Ms. Ozaki, a word please?" 

Kouyou nodded and she sat Chuuya gently on the bed. Chuuya looked at her sadly and she smiled rubbing his head.  

"I will be right back. I promise." Kouyou then walked to the door where the nurse was standing. The nurse had Kouyou follow her to the nurse's desk. 

"Ms. Ozaki, does Chuuya have any family he can stay with?" 

"He's a foreigner. The only two people here related to Chuuya was his parents." 

"Well we have to release Chuuya today. He doesn't need any further medical treatment from us now. As his injuries can now be tended to at home. But seeing how he has no family other than his parents we are going to have to release him to foster care." 

"Foster care? Do you have any idea what that will do to that boy? He's already fragile and feel all alone. What if I take him?" 

"Ms. Ozaki you can't you're a social worker. You're already more involved than you should be." 

"Then I will quit." 

"Ms. Ozaki-" 

"No listen to me well child. I will not let you put him in foster care just for him to end up with another set of parents who don't care about him." 

"Ms. Ozaki I can lose my job..." 

"You won't if you just pretend you don't know. Now this conversation is over." Kouyou started to walk back towards Chuuya's room. But she stopped and turned her head slightly looking back at the nurse with a glare. 

“Heed my warning girl.” 

The nurse shivered and took her threat very seriously. 


It was night time now. Kouyou had stayed with Chuuya the rest of the day. And he had been resting most of it with his new stuffed animal. Kouyou hated to wake him as he was sleeping so peacefully but now was the time to leave when there wasn’t as many nurses and doctors prowling about. Kouyou wrapped up Chuuya in the hospital blanket and she gently lifted him up, holding him tightly in her arms. Chuuya was still half asleep as he wrapped his arms around her neck and rested his head on her shoulder. She picked up the stuffed animal she had got for Chuuya also and her umbrella and she made her way to the hospital room door. She opened the door slightly. She peeked out the door to see the nurse she had spoke to earlier. Kouyou stepped out and looked at the girl. The nurse looked up at her obviously wracked with fear. 

“Remember what I said girl. Not a word. You better have a good excuse as to why he is suddenly gone. Don’t make me come back.” 

The nurse nodded quickly and she put her head back down as Kouyou headed for the entrance. Kouyou activated Golden Demon having every security camera taken out before her and Chuuya passed by them. Kouyou saw a door leading to a set of stairs. She decided to take the stairs all the way down to the bottom floor. She had made it to the end of the stairs and opened the door slowly as she slid out. She heard Chuuya groan slightly and she rubbed his head with her hand. 

“Shh little one. It’s okay.” Kouyou continued to walk as she soothingly rubbed his head. Kouyou made it near the entrance but there was a problem. There was one security guard patrolling near the entrance. Kouyou gently laid Chuuya on the ground and she waited till the security guard turned his back and she grabbed him from behind and put him in a choke hold. Kouyou tightened her grip more and more until he passed out. Usually Kouyou would just kill the guard but there was no need to bring unnecessary attention. Once he was passed out Kouyou went back over to Chuuya picking him up again, and she walked out of the entrance of the hospital. 


Kouyou after a long walk from the hospital with Chuuya finally arrived at Port Mafia headquarters. Of course it would have been easier to take a car. But no mastermind like Ozaki Kouyou was going to give the police anything to go off of. And that was just if she was caught which was never. Chuuya was up now and he was looking around the headquarters. 

“W-Where are we?” 

“My home my child. Your new home too.” 

Chuuya looked at her surprised. 


“Yes, home my young lad.” 

Kouyou finally reached the door of her brothel and she stepped in. She closed the door and she quickly locked the door back. Kouyou put Chuuya down now letting him walk on his own. Chuuya looked around the brothel and he was more than amazed. He figured Kouyou must be very rich. Everything was so clean, the air smelled of nothing but a bunch of beautiful fragrances, perfume maybe? Chuuya thought. And the brothel was actually decorated and it had some obviously expensive items. Chuuya had never seen anything like it. He didn’t even know something like this could exist. Chuuya stopped admiring his new home when Kouyou grabbed Chuuya’s tiny hand and walked past a second door with him. This is when Chuuya was greeted with a whole bunch of different woman. Some small, some thick, some short, some tall. And they all seemed to adore Kouyou. Chuuya was a bit frightened as he was not use to ever being around anyone but his parents. And he definitely wasn’t use to large crowds. He quickly hid behind Kouyou’s kimono.  

“Ah! Ms.Ozaki welcome back! We made you a lot of money today.” 

One of the girls handed Kouyou her profit from the day. Kouyou counted the money. 

“Such a lovely amount. I am so proud of my girls. Good work.” 

One of the girls looked at Chuuya and Chuuya started trembling and he dropped the stuffed animal Kouyou gave him. 

“Ahhhh kawaii!!! Ms. Ozaki has a child with her. Look at how cute and tiny he is!” The girl said with a gleam in her eyes and this is when the other girls noticed Chuuya, and they also looked at him that way.  

“All of you quit it. You’re scaring the poor boy.” Kouyou scolded her girls. She asked the girls to back up a bit and give him some space. Kouyou walked over to the big red couch and sat down with such poise and elegance. 

“Come here Chuuya.” Kouyou held her arm out as the little ginger haired boy walked over to Kouyou. She gently picked him up and put him on her lap. 

“Girls this is Chuuya. He will now be staying here. I want you to take care of him and watch over him as if he was your own son or younger sibling. Be kind to him. If I figure out any of you have mistreated him or harmed him in any way the punishment you recieve will be great. Do we understand?” 

The girls nodded. 

“Chuuya this is your home now. And these are some of the girls you will see from time to time. You can also put your trust in them.” Kouyou smiled as she looked at Chuuya. 

One of the girls looked at Chuuya’s stuffed animal on the ground. She went over to where it had fell to retrieve it. Once she picked it up she leaned down to Chuuya’s height. She used the bunny and made a different voice to play with the child. 

“Welcome cute little Chuuya-kun!” She said as she moved the bunnies arms to gesture excitement. Chuuya stared for a minute at the girl and his stuffed animal and then he laughed happily. The girl with the bunny in her arms smiled at him and then the other women welcomed Chuuya as well. Kouyou smiled as she saw how happy Chuuya currently looked. And she knew she had definitely made the right decision. 

"You're no longer alone."

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