05 || In Paradise With The Jerk

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Nandini's POV

I am not a person you'd tag 'Lucky' instead it's the term 'Unlucky' that has been frequently put with my name. They say there comes a point in everyone's life after which everything changes. Perhaps this was the beginning of that drastic change.Well, its not everyday that you win free vacation to a place that's been on your bucket list since you were in tenth grade. Especially for a woman like me, single since born, unconditionally unlucky all year round since birth, makes money decent enough to run her life with very little savings.Stroke of luck will you call it?

I could feel the adrenaline rush as I looked down from the plane's tiny window. Jiyatha Island in the tropics, popularly known as the 'Paradise of the Tropics' just the mere far away sight had excitement bubbling inside me. I had put all my savings on shopping the best for this trip. My gut told me that this would be that trip that I would remember until deathbed. Taking leave from office wasn't much of a task. If anything they were only glad to give me the leave, as I barely took leaves. I love my work. Editing a real-estate magazine may not be rosy to all but to me it was love.

Thank my love for magazines that I was finally going to live a dream I had dreamt, for several years now. A Vacation in Paradise.I was one among the five lucky subscribers of the Vacation Magazine that had been selected for the trip. I took a deep breath fastening my seat-belt as the plane prepared to land. Something in my heart told me the best was yet to come.

~ ~ ~

The scent of the fresh waters and the sight of the pitch green coconut trees beyond the stretch of light brown sand engulfed my senses. I stepped down from the boat behind our guide looking around. I couldn't wait to get to the only resort on the island drop my bags and rush to take a swim.

"Miss Murthy, Mrs D'souza, kindly wait for a few minutes, while the other three members of the troop join us." I nodded smiling. Miss D'souza, was a divorcee in her forties who seemed as excited as I was, with the whole idea of the trip. We were joined by Mr. Karan Mehra, a model. He had pretty brown eyes, a chiseled jawline and a heart-melting smile. His eyes twinkled as we shook our heads. Oh! This couldn't get better. I smiled back introducing myself. Well, it wasn't just me who was floored by his good looks, Miss D'souza couldn't even tear her eyes off his figure. He indeed had the well gym-ed body.

A few minutes later walked in a lady younger than myself. She looked like twenty or two more. Dressed as scantily as humanly possible. Her dress would give my swim suit a run for it's money. Her womanly assets seemed to be popping out from her extremely tight crop top. Jealous? No way. But the way Karan gawked at her did make me feel a little envious of her well-toned beach legs and the perfect petite waist.

Sighing I looked at my watch. Now, where on earth was the fifth person? As though answering my thoughts, a voice rang from behind us all. "Hello, lovely lucky people." We all turned to find a man raising his cap. As my eyes cascaded down to his face, a frown etched on my face. No this couldn't be happening. Out of all the people on this well populated planet why this monkey faced, arrogant jerk- Manika Malhotra ?

He's been my arch enemy since high-school. As his smiling face glimpsed at me, I glared. In a minute his smile faded. "Look who is here."

I smiled with gritting teeth inside, I didn't want to mar this trip by spoiling my mood. His mere voice was enough to irk me. Jerk! I simply wore my shades turning away, following our guide.

"You mustn't be so rude, you know." He uttered catching up with me.

"Look, let's get this straight. You, stay away. This is a trip I wouldn't like to waste because of you."

"Excuse me. Earth to you Nandini, I thought all people mature with time. Congratulations, you proved to be an exception."

"Urgh. Can you never stop annoying someone?"

"Darling, I suspect something uncontrollable, under your hate for me."

"Penny to your thinking. Look. Just assume you can't see me, alright? Don't spoil this trip for me."

"I spoil your trip? You kidding me?"

Jerk! I chose to ignore him and walk ahead. Swine had the audacity to catch up.

"If that is what you want, then I swear to show you my face every hour of the day." Winking before wearing his sunglasses he walked ahead with a smirk on his face. "Urgh, I hate every cell of you!" I shouted.

~ ~ ~

The island was prettier than what pictures described. The resort had the best spa and amazing food. What was still more exciting was that the island was filled with the most stylish boutiques. Even better, the vacation trip had come with free shopping vouchers. Luck couldn't be better. Straightening the strap of my side bag, I walked up to the dining area for a quick breakfast.

"Hey sweetheart!" A voice came from behind me. Not again! I walked faster ahead.

A little while later he came and sat on the chair opposite to mine talking about the eggs as though we were friends since the birth of the universe. What was his problem on earth?

"Has anyone ever told you you're the biggest prick on earth?" I glared at him.

"Of course, twice. It was you, sweetheart."

"Urgh, I am not your sweetheart!"

"Not mine means.. You're dating someone? Who is that unlucky--?"

"I am not dating anyone. I am not sweetheart. Make yourself scarce Malhotra!"

"Well, technically I am very scarce. I haven't even given enough sperms out.."

"Shut up!"I cut him off and walked away quickly. Devil should have been his name!

The verdant green around and the dazzling blue of the oceans were the best colors I had seen in life. I inhaled and walked myself to the beach. This indeed was paradise. Four days here certainly promised the best time of my life!

~ ~ ~

I hear the clicking of tongue and pulled my book down to see the source of the sound. Why did I not make a blind guess? Mr.Devil was here.

"Such a glorious ocean is calling out to you with all its waves and you're reading a damned novel? Pity! " He commented peeling of his t-shirt. Damn, that view! I quickly diverted my eyes to my book. "Like what you see?" his teasing tone rang into my ears. 

"I wish the ocean's invisible crocodile swallows you!" I remarked.

"Is that how yummy I look?" he chuckled.

"Shut. Up." I looked up from the book. This man was the incarnation of devil. Annoying.

I saw him get rid of his three-fourth pants. My eyes widened and then I quickly looked down covering my eyes with the shades.

"You can gawk at me without those. Perhaps the look would be better."

"God, why on earth would I be interested in that?"

"Unless you're a lesbian. Are you?"

"No!" I exclaimed alarmed.

He gave a wink and a flirty smirk. "Take care of my clothes while I take a swim!" He ran closer to the water.

I fumed. Who was I - his personal secretary? I looked at his clothes, angrily. It was then an idea struck me. Well, take care, why not?

I looked at him. He seemed to be flirting with a few local girls a few minutes hence, he was swimming away. I took the opportunity and picked up his clothes between two fingers and then my bag in other hand. "Have a nice time in wet boxers Mr.Jerkface!" I smiled walking away.

~ ~ ~

I had dumped Mr.Annoying Syndrome's clothes in the first dustbin I had found. I was now walking down the main shopping street of Paradise Island. I had never felt so much better in a while. I could already imagine him walking into the resort's lobby wearing wet blue boxers. I giggled looking at the bracelets. Oh they were so pretty! My heart had stopped on one having crescent moons hanging. "This one!" I told the shopkeeper bring out the money.

A little ahead there was a vendor selling soup. A certain variation of tomato soup that was a local specialty. The soup was indeed worth the try albeit, with the extra spices. A little ahead was a young girl selling scarfs. The girl's smile was enchanting. I bought a scarf and asked her if I could take a photograph with her. She cheerfully agreed. The photo captured the memory well with the market street in the backdrop.

"Nandini Murthy!" A loud roar rang in my ears. Oh crap, how on earth did he find me? I turned and my eyes grew wide like saucepans. Having a handsome man dressed just in wet blue boxers screaming your name in the middle of a tourist market isn't a thing one would appreciate. I certainly, did not. Particularly not, when the said man was your arch enemy to whom embarrassing you was a sport he loved. In my defense, I never expected him to rummage through the local market in search of me instead of getting quickly inside the resort (which was hardly a point five kilometer) and finding himself in his private room. Urgh the luck was never on my side!

"What do you think of yourself?" He snapped standing before me. By now the market seemed to have come to a standstill with all eyes looking at us. Trust this devil to spoil my vacation. When had the luck been on my side anyway?

"Look, I-- Oh My God!" I exclaimed horrified looking over his shoulder. He looked puzzled and turned. Seizing the opportunity I ran back towards the resort.

"Nandini." I heard him scream. Now being chased by a handsome man wearing just boxers in the local market, of your dream destination, didn't give the best image of you to the locals. Certainly it wasn't something I had even imagined in my wildest nightmares. I am sure I hate this man more than ever!

* * *

I took deep breaths resting against the door of my resort room. This trip only was turning to be a pain in the ass. All credit to one man- Manik. I hate him with all my heart!

The day had passed in a blink. After a quiet dinner with the other three people who had also won the vacation, where luckily the devil did not crash, I walked to the beach. The cool breeze caressed my bare arms. I closed my eyes- this was what Paradise felt like. Perhaps I wasn't that unlucky?

"What on earth had got into you?" The familiar voice made me regret my most recent thought. Until this man lived on earth I would certainly be the unluckiest person living. I ignored his presence and continued walking swiftly away into the darkness.

"I am speaking to you!" he scowled holding me by my arm and turning me to face him.

"Get your hands off me." I snapped back.

He gritted his teeth yanking me closer to his body. I struggled in his hold. Using my best self-defense tactic I broke free and stepped away. "Stay away." I glared at him.

"After you explain what problem you have with me?" he spoke stepping close. I immediately took a step back to maintain the distance.

"You had me running in my boxers in the town."

"I did not ask you to do that, did I? You chose that Mr. Malhotra."

"Just shut up. You have any clue--"

"Oh, it's you who needs to shut up. I told you to freaking stay away. How hard is that for your pea-sized brain to comprehend ?" I shouted.

"Don't scream." He screamed back.

"My wish!" I hollered.

He came dangerously close and the next thing I knew was his lips on mine. I tried to push him away only to realise that his arms had locked around my waist pulling me closer. I tried to shout but all that happened was his tongue swirled inside my mouth. I had no clue whether it was the breeze or the screaming or the human warmth that had engulfed me that made me feel like a jelly. I found my tongue wildly moving against his. I had never before kissed someone with so much anger and so much raw wildness.

I broke away staring at him. His dazzling deep brown eyes looked into mine. I had kissed him back? How? Why? Those sparks that passed between us. The madness that came over us. Everything at that moment was inexplicable.

"What-?" I looked at him rather dumbly.

"I don't understand, Nandini. We've know each other for so many years, I don't understand why you hate me so much?"

"What are you talking?" I snapped, angry at myself for accepting that kiss.

"Enough. I am done with this pseudo hatred, alright. I say anything and you shut me up. I come closer and you push me away or run away. Why do you hate me?" His voice had grown subtle.

"Look, I don't know what scheme you're working at this time.."

"Hell, I am not. I am tired of receiving your hate." He threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "Why?" He whispered looking at me.

"Really?" I spoke folding my arms. "You don't know?" He looked at me perplexed. "High School, Manik, you barely knew me and you said all the mean things. Maybe, I didn't have the best body shape back then, but that just doesn't mean you'd body-shame me with your so called entire gang. What was that now... X too small, Y extra large and Z heavy to hold? Disproportionate short fatty?" He looked at me dumbfounded." How many such remarks were there?" I asked looking up at him trying not to let those tears appear in my eyes.

"Oh God!" He covered his face with his palms. Dread was written all over his face. "Oh God, Nandu...I never meant any of it. Nandini, I-- I was what fourteen back then? I was immature had a pea-sized brain. I did everything to just get that cool dude tag. I don't even remember any of it.I--"

I felt stupid telling him all of it. Of course, he wouldn't understand how horrible the feeling was. He didn't know how I hated seeing myself in the mirror those days. He didn't know how I cried every morning before dawn because I didn't want to go to school. Now all he had to say was he was immature. Jerk! I turned and began walking back.

"Nandini, wait." I heard him, as he held my wrist in his palm's grip. I pulled my hand back.

"I had no idea, this is what has hurt you for so many years. I am sorry, Nandu.  I have always liked you ever since we were on the same team for final year in school. You always had this stubborn hostile attitude towards me. I didn't know why or how to react so I mirrored it. I have no clue when my liking became hating you. I did everything possible in annoying you. From college to work. Getting close to your parents through business. Getting closer to just annoy you. I just- - I mean --that way at least I knew that there was something I could do that would matter to you. Lately, reality is been hitting hard. I fought with you about your hair when I wanted to ask you out. I punctured your car wheel when I didn't want you to go out with someone else. I get to all the stupid things when it comes to you." I gulped, he had got closer than he initially was. He wasn't speaking like the jerk I knew. I stepped back, what if this was his super scheme to get back at me? Oh no- not happening.

"I am sorry, Nandini, I--"

"Very well. Now excuse me if your pathetic monologue is over." I cut him off with my crisp voice. I had barely walked away two steps when I was pulled back.

"What's your problem?" I snapped enraged.

"You. I love you, you idiot. Your best friend, your parents everyone can see that, everyone knows it. But you choose to be oblivious to my feelings." He replied irritated. I looked into his eyes. What? Who was he kidding?

"Look, I understand, you've held this grudge against me, but, please give me one chance to rectify--"

"Go fool someone else. A person who can't respect other's feelings, can't have feelings."

He stared at me."Why don't you trust me for once?"

"Trust is earned."

"You don't let me earn it either."

"You have too many backlogs, Mister."

A thick silence was growing between us now.

"Try this scheme of emotional trap for someone else." I turned to walk away. The last thing I heard before I walked away was his whisper, "Nandini.."

~ ~ ~

'Luck is believing you're lucky.'

It took me a while to learn that. His love taught it to me. In the very first day of my vacation to Paradise, things had turned upside down. It led me to believing that I was indeed the unluckiest girl on earth. There were no life changing things. But after that trip was when everything began to change. I started seeing the details I had been oblivious to. The Vacation to my dream destination - Paradise Island was never a stroke of luck!

The magazine who had organized the vacation belonged to Kabir Malhotra, Manik's brother. The entire trip was Manik's set up. I wondered how he even knew that place was my dream. Perhaps, he'd been right that day. I had stayed oblivious to too many things. Including the teasing look my mother gave me every time Manik came home to discuss business with dad.

' All's well that end's well? '

I am afraid I wouldn't call it an end. It was the beginning. I eventually let go the grudge I held against Manik.  A year down we became nice friends. I was aware that he still 'liked' me. How much I had no clue! But those sparks I had felt on our first kiss was something I'd never forget. Even if it was in anger, there was a certain rawness in that kiss, a craving of the sorts, that made it different.

My birthday in the following year was where Mr.Jerk asked me to be his girlfriend. Luckily enough,I said yes! Perhaps there began the chain of changes. The change for better. I think he's got some superpowers- for he moulds the way I think. Swimming across the river, breaking through the strong fence, climbing the high walls, he finally reached my heart. That vacation had indeed been a Vacation Of A Lifetime.

And I lived happily ever after...

In Paradise With The Jerk.

This is Manan version of my book "In Paradise With The Devil" which was the first runner up in ChickLit contest! Do vote here and on that book as well if possible! Would mean a lot.

Also, please feel to point out errors, if any.

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