The Blind Date

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Manik sat rubbing his forehead as his brother kept throwing his expensive suits one after the other on the bed. He couldn't believe he had been trapped.

Well, very surprisingly it wasn't his brother this time it was his grandmother. Hard to believe but the lovely old lady he had for a grandmother had set up him on a "date".

Manik was very proud when his younger brother Kabir had taught Daadi to operate the ipad. Then he had introduced Daadi to the social media. Finally, the old woman had Instagram and Facebook Accounts. She always teased him for having none. While she at the age of sixty six had so many friends and followers. Things were good till they stayed at that.

But Daadi was perhaps spending too much time with Kabir. She had created a social media account on Manik's name. But what was even more shocking that it was on a dating website. Manik couldn't believe it at first. When he returned from office Daadi quickly asked him to get ready for dinner. Quite confused when he asked the occasion, the floor beneath his feet disappeared. His grandmother set him up on a blind date!

Why? Was the question word that had with utmost shock slipped out of his mouth.

Why not? Was her response to his question. She was desperate for a woman in the house, he knew. So desperate? She had even gone far to saying if he liked his date he could make her his wife. All he wanted to tell his grandmother was put the brakes. From blind date to marriage she was travelling at supersonic speeds.

The Malhotra family consisted of two brothers and their merry old woman- Daadi. Daadi's purpose in life was the wedding of her two idiots. She had to begin somewhere. She started with the elder one.

Manik after much debate had to give in. What was more irritating was that his brother was on her side and not on his!

Only when he had asked for the picture of the girl, was he made aware that it was a "blind date". Brilliant!

Blind date – Grandmother –Dating Website – The day couldn't be better. He was so wrong.

His brother finally zeroed on his attire for the date. He kept himself sane by saying the night would be over soon. He had no clue a while later he'd wish for the opposite.

Dressed in a greyish black three piece suit he entered the restaurant of the Film City. Yes, the film city. He couldn't believe that she had set up a date for him at the film city. It was then that she told him that the girl had decided the location. It only told him that the girl would be an interesting encounter. Her name was so weird – Aanandini!

Such a long name, and quite old fashioned too!

Walking up to the reception, he gave his name. The receptionist gave him a fan-girl kinda smile and pointed to the table booked for him. Apparently the restaurant had tie ups with the dating website. Crazy!

He sat on the comfortable couch and noticed the name tag on the table, it said " Aanandini & Manik". He looked at the other tables. Not every table had the reservation tag. He then noted the small engraved text - A Date To Remember.

His eyes fell on the couple sitting on the table adjacent to the one where he sat. Instead of sitting opposite to each other as two people usually sat, they sat next to each other. He could see the woman's hands on the guy's thighs. He tore away his gaze quickly. What the hell? He also observed the similar reservation tag on their table. Putting the two things together - they had met perhaps on the same dating website.

He started drumming his thumb on the table. He looked at his watch. She should have arrived ten minutes ago. Not a punctual person.He couldn't help but look again in the direction of the duo. God the girl's hands were all over him. He looked away at the wall. What if the so called Aanandini turned out to be like that? He gulped and sat up straight gathering his legs together. No she'd be polite, kind, graceful. Remember Kabir always say-- Hope for the best. She'd be nothing like the girl at the next table.

What if she was?

No. Hope for the best.

The girl suddenly got up cursing the man and Manik's eyes widened as he caught the last part for her words. "Gay?"

The girl glanced at him and gave him a smile, seductive one. Manik was in a fix. He did not want the woman anywhere near him. He was a man who believed in his wife being his first and last. He wanted a wife whose thoughts were similar. He was a true gentleman.

He looked at the woman and gulped. "Hi, handsome!"

"I am gay!" He blurted out before the woman got on attack mode.

The woman's eyes popped right out of her sockets and then groaning she left swaying her hips in perfect gait. He grabbed the glass and gulped in some water. But as soon as he placed the glass on the table he saw the guy on the next table staring at him. Fish. Was he really gay? Oh no!

"Hey, handsome!" The guy scooter in his seat looking at Manik from his table. Looking, no, checking him out.

The guy blushed looking at Manik.

"I am married, and I am straight. I am waiting for my wife. " he said quickly, his voice crisp. What did he just say? Married wife? Well the best way to avoid this guy.

"Oh you are not Manik?" Came a girl's voice. Manik looked up to find a beautiful girl dressed in a floral pink top paired with jeans. "The receptionist told me.."

"I am Manik. " He said staring at her almond shaped eyes.

She frowned. "You are married and you come for a blind date?" She folded her arms narrowing her eyes at him. He smiled. She was so cute.

"No, I am not married!" He said looking at her offended.

"Yeah. He is gay!" The guy spoke, standing up now. Manik stared at him and stood up. To eliminate the chance of the man trying to pounce on him.

"Oh my God! You are gay?" The girl enquired shocked.

"No. I am not!" Manik said frustrated. He wanted to make it clear to her that there could be a chance between them.

"Then why did you tell her that?" The guy asked baffled.


" tell who? " the girl interrupted again.

"The date!" The guy said.

"You have another date?" She turned to Manik.

"I have just one. What's her name...Aaadini"

The girl blinked. "Oh. So maybe I am looking for another Manik. " she said looking around.

"Why?" Manik asked rather dumbly.

"Excuse me!" The girl gave him a judging look.

"I mean. I am the only Manik here. " he said hoping for his words to be true. "I hope!" He said aside.

"I am on a blind date with a Manik!" She said making herself clear.

"And I am Manik. " He stated.

"And you are either married or you are gay!" The guy added.

Manik glared at him. "Neither!"

"Then you are a liar!" The guy snapped back.

"What's your problem?" Manik argued.

"That you are not gay!" The guy shrugged with a frown. "Anyway good luck with you wife!" The man winked and left.

Manik stared at the girl and then fell silent. Awkward. A gay guy wishing him luck with his non existent wife.

"I am sorry, about that. Hi. I am Manik. You must be... " he glanced at the name on the reservation tag, "Aanandini!"

"No. I am Nandini!"


Nandini's phone rang. She quickly fished out her mobile phone from her bag and picked up the call.

"I forgot to tell you, I had put your name as Aanandini. I texted you but you did not reply." Came her sister's voice from the other end.

"Idiot. First of all you.."

"Bye Enjoy Di." The call ended not allowing her to say anything further.

Nandini shook her head and put her phone back and looked at him. Handsome man. Strange one though.

"Well,  I just got to know I am the Aanandini you were speaking of.." She smiled. It was his turn to look confused.

"Shall we sit and talk?" She asked.

He nodded, waiting for her to sit.

He sat opposite to her. The evening was spent laughing as they narrated the entire picture to each other.

That night back at home, they both had one thought in their minds,

Cupid was said to be blind.

And so was Love.

Had they found love on a date that was called Blind?

Horrible attempt at comedy, I agree. This is not even baked it's like uncooked dough. I know.😂

Comedy is not my thing certainly but I can learn I guess.😂

Suggestions and modification to plot are welcomed. 😊

Before, confusion begins, This is a One Shot.(horrible one but yeah)😂😂😂


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