Chapter 3: Visiting Shitenhoji

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A/N: Hi guys. I already finished this chapter. Phew, this is hard work and pls comment and vote Okē? Get ready!YAY!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own PoT


Chapter 3: Visiting Shitenhoji

"Yawn!"said Sakuno as she woke up. Sakuno checked her alarm clock and saw it was 6:30. She got out of bed and took a bath. Then she changed into a light blue blouse with pink flowers on the bottom left as a design, black jeans with a silver belt and white flats that have a green bow. Sakuno's hair was styled into a side french braid. Then she grabbed her tennis bag to put the Shitenhoji papers, a green tennis dress, her white sneakers, her purple tennis racket, 3 tennis balls and her ipod.

Then Sakuno went down to the kitchen and made some tennis shaped onigiri and took a small box of juice for snacks later since she wasn't hungry. She got her book from the table and left a note for her grandmother. "It's 7:15"said Sakuno. Then Sakuno went to the garden to read a bit before going to Shitenhoji Chuu.

When Sakuno was out of her apartment, Sengoku, who was going out of his apartment saw her and approached her.

"Ohayō, Sakuno-chan!"said Sengoku grinning.

"Ohayō, Sengoku-san"said Sakuno smiling.

"What are you doing?"asked Sengoku while looking at the book she was holding.

"Oh! I was going to read a bit before going to visit a school"explained Sakuno. "Why are you going to visit a school, Sakuno-chan?"asked Sengoku. "I'm checking some schools to see which I want to be in"explained Sakuno. "Sōka, ne can I join with you?"asked Sengoku. "Sure"said Sakuno.

Sakuno was having a lot of fun with Sengoku even if it is just for a short time. They talked about their like and dislikes and lots more stuff. Then the both of them exchanged numbers before Sakuno left. "Ah! It's 8:30!"shouted Sakuno. "Dewa matta, Sengoku-san"said Sakuno leaving. "Ja ne, Sakuno-chan"said Sengoku.

Then Sakuno went to the train station and checked the instructions while listening to her music in her ipod. Then Sakuno was on the train going to Shitenhoji Chuu.

When Sakuno was out of the train, she stopped at the park which was in front of school to eat since she was hungry now. She sat on the bench and began to eat but when she was eating, she hear the rustle of the branches of the tree and someone fell out.


"Itai!"said Sakuno rubbing her butt until someone offered his hand. It was a boy who looked the same age as her. He had maroon/red hair and brown eyes.

"Gomen, I was sleeping in the tree but I smelled something delicious and I began to move"said the boy grinning sheepishly. "Ah! Gomen Hajimemaste Tooyama Kintarou"said Kintarou.

"Hajimemaste...Uh Tooyama-san?"said Sakuno while looking at Kintarou who was looking at Sakuno's food and began to drool. "Tooyama-san, you didn't hurt me and do you want to have some onigiri?"asked Sakuno. "Honto!Sakuno-chan?"asked Kintarou. "In the first name basis?"thought Sakuno. "Sure, Tooyama-san. I have enough for the both of us"said Sakuno.

The both of them ate and chatted until Sakuno looked at her watch alarmed. "It's 10:25!"said Sakuno getting her things.

"I have to go now, Tooyama-san. It was nice meeting you"said Sakuno running towards a familiar school to him.

"Okē but call me Kintarou, Sakuno-chan"shouted Kintarou. "Hai! Ja ne Kintarou-kun"said Sakuno as she entered the gates of Shitenhoji.

Sakuno followed the instructions and arrived in the Principal's office at exactly 10:30 like Hyotei. The principal explained Sakuno the rules of the school. Then the principal called for the coach.

"Hajimemaste, Boku wa Watanabe Osamu, I'm the coach of the tennis team, little girl"said Osamu. He had brown-reddish hair and green eyes.

"Konnichiwa, Ryuuzaki Sakuno desu"said Sakuno while bowing.

"Let's go Ryuuzaki-chan"said Osamu. "Hai"said Sakuno as she followed him to the tennis courts.

The walk to the tennis courts was silent until he talked to her.

"Ryuuzaki-chan, I forgot to tell you about the regulars"said Osamu.

"The regulars are:

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, The captain

Koishikawa Kenjirou, The vice-captain

Chitose Senri, Can use Saiki kanpatsu no Kiwami

Ishida Gin, Has 108 levels of Hadōkyuu

Oshitari Kenya, Naniwa no Speed Star

Zaizen Hikaru, The tensai

Konjiki Koharu, Naniwa's Newton Homo Brigade

Hitouji Yuuji, Copycat Prince

And there is also a first year that's training with them because he's going to be a regular when the year starts"explains Osamu.

Then he was silent again. "I expected him to tell me the rules of the club"thought Sakuno as she sweatdropped.

When we arrived to the court, he called the regulars.

"Minna! Come here!"said Osamu. "Hai"said the team.

"She is Ryuuzaki Sakuno, she'll be practicing with us today and maybe join us when the school starts. Sakuno smiled and bowed.

A guy with light-brown/silver-brown hair and grey-brown eyes came to her. "Ohayō Ryuuzaki-san, Boku wa Shiraishi Kuranosuke"said Shiraishi smiling. "Sorry for being rude but can you tell me why are you joining the Boys' tennis team when there's a Girls' team?"asked Shiraishi.

"Because she is better than all of the girls"said Osamu. When Osamu said that, Sakuno nodded.

"Then you're a talented girl, aren't you?"said a guy with black hair and eyes and has glasses. "I want to see you play"he said with a strange voice.

"Koharu! You want to see her play more than me"said a guy with dark blue hair and brown eyes with the same tone of voice. "You're so mean"said the guy as he crossed his arms.

"Īe Yuu-kun, I love you and I'll never leave you"said the other guy hugging the one with blue hair.

"Sakuno didn't know how to act so she just stared at them.

"Don't mind them, the one with glasses is Konjiki Koharu and the other is Hitouji Yuuji"said Shiraishi. "Ah! Okay"said Sakuno looking at him.

"EEEEEEHHHHHH!!!!!"shouted someone.

The group turned to look who screamed and Sakuno found out it was Kintarou.

"What's the matter Kin-chan"said Shiraishi.

"It's Onigiri-chan"said Kintarou as he hugged Sakuno.

"O-Onigiri-chan?"said Shiraishi confused.

"Yeah I was sleeping in the park when I smelled something good under the tree. Then I started to move and I fell on top of her. Then Onigiri-chan offered some of her onigiri and it was super delicious! She said her name was Ryuuzaki Sakuno-chan but I like calling her Onigiri-chan"explained Kintarou.

"Why are you here Onigiri-chan?"asked Kintarou.

"I came to see the school and try the Tennis Club"said Sakuno

"But this is the Boy's Tennis Club"said Kintarou. "I know. That's why I'm here"explained Sakuno.

"Then you have to be super strong to compete against us"said Kintarou as he jumped.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I need to have a match with you Ryuuzaki-san, I'll check if your tennis reaches the level of the club"said Shiraishi.

"Okē! Where do I change?"asked Sakuno.

"In the club room for now but if you enter here, you have to go to the the girls' clubroom"said Shiraishi pointing to a small building that was beside the tennis courts.

Sakuno headed off to a club and when she was in, Sakuno put on my green tennis outfit, my white sneakers, my racquet and I pod and went to the tennis courts.

Then Shiraishi and Sakuno exercised. After exercising, Shiraishi let Sakuno have the first serve when they entered the courts.

Sakuno put her earphones but before she put it, someone interrupted her.

"Hey, why are you putting the earphones? You need to play seriously against Shiraishi"said someone with spiked black hair, green eyes and has 3 piercings on the right and 2 piercings on the left.

"I like playing this way and who are you?"asked Sakuno.

"Zaizen Hikaru"said Zaizen. "Nice to meet you too, Zaizen-san"said Sakuno.

Then Sakuno headed off to the tennis courts.

Sakuno started with her Hanabi Serve that is when you add a spin to a ball and goes off like fireworks. Sakuno had an ace and everyone stared at her.

"Sugoi! Ne, ne, Kenya, It was amazing isn't it?"asked Kintarou to a guy who had light coffee hair that is bleached and blue eyes.

"Yeah, She even managed make an ace against Shiraishi"said Kenya as he watched them.

Sakuno served a normal serve to see what the captain is capable of. Sakuno expected to see him return it easily and then Shiraishi and Sakuno had long rally until she used her tennis style.

"Are you playing serious?"asked Shiraishi as he caught the ball with the racket.

"Of course but things are about to change"said Sakuno as she returned the ball.

The score was 2-0 in Shiraishi's favor and Sakuno realized that her tennis style doesn't catch up to the ball. Then Sakuno heard Koharu said something.

"She play's really well but with Shiraishi's Bible tennis, she has no chance of winning. Shiraishi plays with no unnecessary movements while Ryuuzaki-chan plays more artistically which means there are a lot of unnecessary movements"said Koharu.

"Eh! So that's why. Better get Serious!"thought Sakuno as the score was 3-0 and they changed courts.

Sakuno went to the bench and took out her earphones and her iPod and putted it in her bag.

"Shiraishi-san, dont expect me to lose so easily"said Sakuno with a serious face as she dropped power wrists on the ground carelessly.


"How much pounds can that girl take"said Koharu as she was looking at the power wrists. "Lots"said Yuuji.

Then Zaizen noticed something strange and went to ask her about something.

"Can I see those power wrists?"asked Zaizen. "Sure!"said Sakuno as she passed the power wrists. Then Zaizen let the power wrists on the ground and stared at Sakuno wide-eyed.

"How many pounds is this?"asked Zaizen as he recovered from shock.

"6 pounds"said Sakuno as she saw Zaizen staring at her as if she were a mermaid right now. 'If you don't mind Zaizen-san, I have to go to my match"said Sakuno as she went to the other side of the court.

Shiraishi served with a potent serve . Sakuno returned it with the same strength. Sakuno wasn't dancing but now running since her Sakura dance can't catch up. Sakuno was precisely hitting the ball just like Shiraishi. Without the Sakura dance, in this way Sakuno started to win game after game until it reached 4-3 in Sakuno's favor.

Now that Sakuno was leading, she tried to dance a little and began to do her Sakura Dance to see if Shiraishi can return it. Sakuno started hitting the ball and began to dance, Shiraishi kept up the pace and the dance started. The ball was going faster and faster with every shot and Shiraishi couldn't do anything. Sakuno was having lots of fun and the dance was beautiful but Sakuno was getting bored so she did a fast return and it landed on open side of Shiraishi, earning her a point.

"Ryuuzaki-chan, break for 2 mins!"shouted Shiraishi as he went to the bench. "Hai!"said Sakuno. Then Sakuno saw Shiraishi removing his bandages and saw a big golden gauntlet. "Sugoi"said Sakuno. Then Shiraishi dropped the gauntlet down


Sakuno had a serious face and thought that it will be fun from now on.

The both of them returned to the court and the game began. Sakuno served a normal serve. Shiraishi returned the ball but when Sakuno returned the ball, the racket got blown and landed on the ground. "Powerful and Heavy"said Sakuno as she holded her wrist

"Seems like I am going to use angel mode"thought Sakuno.

"Shiraishi-san! You are really amazing to be playing with me with your arm like that!"shouted Sakuno smiling while waving her racket. Sakuno called for a break.

She went to the bench and got her other tennis racket. Then Zaizen appeared before her.

"Zaizen-san?"said Sakuno.

"Sorry for shocking but I was wondering if I can see your racket for a bit?"asked Zaizen. "Sure"said Sakuno as she handed her racket but when Zaizen took it, the racket fell on the ground since he did not expect the weight.

"What is the weight of the racket?"asked Zaizen. "9 pounds"said Sakuno as she saw the other Shitenhoji tennis regulars stare at her wide-eyed.

Then Sakuno returned to the court and switched to her right hand since she used her left hand for a long time. Sakuno served her her butterfly serve that consist in adding a spin to the ball but it is very fast. It was an ace.

"You are strong Shiraishi-san, why don't we play serious?"said Sakuno as she pointed her racket at him. "Ahhh Ecstasy! This is going to be fun"said Shiraishi.

Sakuno served and started playing with her Force type of Angel Mode and then Sakuno's angel wings appeared. Then the Shitenhoji regulars got shocked. "WHAT THE!!!!"said the regulars except Gin and Chitose. Sakuno didn't give her importance and kept playing. The balls that Sakuno hit were very heavy and difficult to return.

In the game, Shiraishi used his Bible tennis with more force while Sakuno used her force type but she also used her moves like the Blazing serve, Tornado spiral, Wavy return, Shower strike, Icicle slide and Stardust Shower. The game lasted for 1 1/2 hours but in the end, Sakuno won with the score of 7-6.

When they finished, they dropped on the ground exhausted. Shiraishi was rubbing his wrist since all the heavy balls caused him a lot of pain and Sakuno was rubbing her arm since it went numb for all the heavy balls that she shot. Sakuno's arms aren't muscular since they are skinny and delicate appearance, they are not delicate but Sakuno does not have a lot of power so she has to move in a certain way so that if she can apply force in her shots and because of that, Sakuno plays with a lot of power in a large period of time before it goes numb.

All the Shitenhoji regulars ran to us and began to fuss and talked very fast. "Amazing" or "Sugoi!" or "Beautiful"said the regulars. "Ahhhh Subarashii! I want to get married to Kura-rin!"said Koharu. After Koharu said that, Yuuji complained.

"Koharu! You don't love me anymore? You're so mean"said Yuuji as he crossed his arms. "Yuu-kun, Daisuki! I will never leave"said Koharu as he hugged Yuuji. When Sakuno saw the scene they were making, she sweatdropped at them.

"Sugoi! Ne, Onigiri-chan, let's play a game!"said Kintarou but Shiraishi interrupted him. "Later Kin-chan, now we need to rest and I also need to talk to Ryuuzaki-san"said Shiraishi. "Okē"said Kintarou as he was depressed.

Shiraishi turned to Sakuno. "You really play good Ryuuzaki-san! You are accepted in the club, we hope that you come to this school"said Shiraishi as he held his hand. "Arigato gozaimasu! You played really good Shiraishi-san"said Sakuno similing while she shaked hands with Shiraishi.

Then Sakuno saw a tall guy that was bald and was really brawny approaching her and giving something to her.

"Boku wa Ishida Gin, that's an ointment for helping with your arm, Shiraishi has one also"said Gin.

Sakuno took the ointment. "Arigato gozaimasu Ishida-san"said Sakuno. Then Sakuno put it in her arm and it felt much better.

"Ryuuzaki-chan, Did someone show you around the school?"asked Koharu. "Īe, I went to the principal's office and he explained the rules of the School and Coach Osamu took me here"explained Sakuno.

"Then we can show you around"said Shiraishi. "Arigato! I want to see the school"said Sakuno.

"YAY! Onigiri-chan is going to be with us more"shouted Kintarou as he got excited.

Sakuno changed her clothes and went to the guys.

"Let's get going already"said Zaizen. All of them followed him and everyone showed Sakuno the classroom for 1st years, the roof, the cafeteria and the garden. Then Shiraishi led them to the greenhouse. There were all types of beautiful flowers and Sakuno went near a flower that has blue and purple, It was small but beautiful.

"That's a morning glory"said Shiraishi. "Beautiful! Maybe I can use the flower name to put it in a shot"thought Sakuno.

Sakuno went to other flowers and Shiraishi followed her. "That's a white lily, a magnolia and gladiola"said Shiraishi as he pointed at the flowers. Then Sakuno started to walk to the area where she found blue roses. "Sugoi! I didn't knew that Japan also has blue roses"said Sakuno as she stare at the roses with awe. "Yeah, I know. It was really difficult to find them here"said Shiraishi.

They went walking around the school until it was time for her to go. They exchanged numbers and Sakuno went home. Sakuno took the train and while she was walking to the departments, she saw the tennis courts and decided to take a look there. When Sakuno looked near the courts, she saw a guy with a white fila cap around her age with black-green hair and cat golden eyes that was playing against a high school student did a twist serve. The twist serve hit the high school student in the face and he ran off. Sakuno thought the twist serve was amazing.

"Sugoi!"said Sakuno unconsciously.

The boy heard Sakuno and turned to look at her. "Mada Mada Dane, That was nothing"said the boy.

Sakuno approached him and asked for something. "Hey! Can you make the twist serve again? I want to try"asked Sakuno.

"Hn"said the boy and he did the twist serve again. Sakuno looked closely and tried to do it but Sakuno didn't put enough spin to the ball so it didn't curve almost anything. The boy saw this and smirked. "It isn't easy to learn a move little girl"said the boy. The boy was about to leave until Sakuno stopped him.

"Chotto matte! We have the same height and my name is Ryuuzaki Sakuno, not little girl. The boy smirked again. "Echizen Ryoma, you're jot that bad but you're still Mada Mada Dane"said Echizen as he walked off. "Hey!"said Sakuno pouring while looking at his back. Then Sakuno went home while thinking of something.

"Echizen Ryoma? Have I heard Echizen from before? Never mind about that but who does he think he is! Mada Mada Dane but he's really good. I think I need to practice more"thought Sakuno as she continued walking home.

Sakuno walked into her Apartment. "Tadaima!"shouted Sakuno. "Okaeri Sakuno"said Sumire. Then the two of them went to eat since it was 2:30.

After eating, Sakuno went to her room and took her laptop but then Sakuno heard music so she closed the laptop and grabbed her sketchpad and pencils to go outside. Sakuno went to the flower gardens and she sketched a Japanese chrysanthemum in pencil. Sakuno looked at her phone and saw it was 6:00. Sakuno went back inside and took her violin.

She went to the main garden and played Violin Concert No. 5 in A minor "Rondo Adantino quasi Allegretto" by Niccolo Paganini. When Sakuno finished, the people in the garden clapped at her performance. Sakuno blushed a little and bowed.

Sakuno went back to the garden and made a red velvet cake since she has nothing to do. Just when Sakuno finished, her grandmother arrived at the kitchen to see a red velvet cake on the counter.

"Did you do it?"asked Sumire looking impressed. "Hai! I learned how to do it in pastry class"said Sakuno smiling. Sumire went near her and patted her head. "You are really talented! Where is the clumsy granddaughter I used to know when she was little"said Sumire. "It's still here but when I'm only nervous"said Sakuno. Sumire looked at her for a while and then laughed and Sakuno giggled.

"It's late already, let's start eating dinner, ok?"said Sumire. Then Sumire noticed a pizza there. "Eh? When did you do dinner?"asked Sumire. "I didn't, I just ordered"said Sakuno and then they ate and watch TV for a while. When it was 9:00 pm, we went to our rooms. Sakuno took a bath and put on her pajamas that were a white long sleeved t-shirt and white long pants with Sakuras. Sakuno checked the papers and saw that she does not have a visit until Wednesday so Sakuno decided to go to the tennis courts tomorrow to practice a little and then go to the mall because her mother wanted her to buy something, so she sent money and an adorable white teddy bear with hearts.

After Sakuno decided, she thought in her mind.

"I miss a lot of my friends. I want to see Mai-chan, Kyoko-chan, Kazaki-kun, Otoko-chan, Aoto-kun, Akashi-kun and also Juuichirou-senpai, Kanata-senpai and Kazuya-senpai. Now that I thought about it, they all play tennis really well and all of them are Japanese, that's really strange but it doesn't matter, what matter is that I miss them all! Ahhh!!! I know! I am going send them all an email"thought Sakuno as she got out of bed and got her laptop and opened it. Sakuno began to write.

After Sakuno was finished, it was 10:30 so she went to sleep.

Unknown to her that all day, Shiraishi, Kenya, Zaizen and Kintarou didn't stop watching her. They were thinking of her as adorable or cute or what is happening to me and things like that.

While another one is Sengoku who kept on thinking, She's cute, I want to spend more time with her but Sengoku took it to the level that he crashed into a pole 3 times, a crystal door 7 times and got hit by a tennis ball during practice, 10 times.

Without it, all of them were happy and confused of what was happening today and were thinking about Sakuno.

They dreamed what Sakuno will do for them with their favorite things.

That's how their day ended with new feelings.


A/N: I hope you like it! Sorry for not updating because I was busy with stuff. Anyway, the next chapter will be posted on June 13 or 14. Stay toon for the next chapter, Day off.

Ja ne!

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