Chapter 4: Day off

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A/N: Hi guys!!! Sorry for the wait. Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Dream will be published this coming Monday. Chapter 4!!!!! Enjoy! YAY!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own PoT


Chapter 4: Day off

"Hmm"said Sakuno as she moved in her bed.

After a few minutes, she woke up. "Ahhh"said Sakuno yawning while stretching her arms. She looked at her alarm clock and saw it was 4 am. She knew that she can't sleep anymore so she took a bath. Then Sakuno changed into her tennis outfit, tied her hair and grabbed her equipment.

Sakuno went downstairs and checked the clock. "4:30am"said Sakuno. Sakuno left a note for her grandmother and then she left.

When she arrived at the street tennis courts it was barely 4:45 am so it was still very dark, luckily the lights were on so Sakuno was relived because if they weren't she wouldn't be able to play tennis.

Sakuno left my things in the bench that was at the side of the court and warmed up, she grabbed her iPod and selected the songs.

"There, I need fast and heavy music so that I can practice really hard, it's going to fit with the mood perfectly"thought Sakuno. She took out her heavy tennis racquet and 6 balls.

When she was in the court, she let the songs play and put two balls in her pocket, Sakuno threw the four remained balls to the air and served. The rally lasted around ten minutes, because she was using her left hand, it was a little difficult for her but after some time it became really easy for her. Sakuno took the racquet with her right hand and added another ball, and after another 10 minutes she added another one but it was really difficult to play that way. While she was playing, someone entered the court and hit all the 6 balls with ease, Sakuno tried to return them all but after some struggling, she could but he the person returned it with ease and Sakuno could only hit five of them.

When she looked to the person that won against her, Sakuno was really surprised.

"Kazuya-sempai?"said Sakuno as she was very surprised. In front of her, stood the very tall, dark blue haired and with gray-blue eyes named Tokugawa Kazuya.

"Hello Sakuno"said Tokugawa while looking at her."You still need to practice more, you know?"said Tokugawa.

"He's right"said another voice behind her, Sakuno looked at the person that just talked and saw the not so tall, with strawberry blond hair and red eyed person named Irie Kanata.

"Kanata-senpai too!"said Sakuno while smiling sweetly at them.

"Hello Sakuno-chan, how have you been?"asked Irie while smiling and walking towards her.

Kazuya-sempai also walked toward her and when the two of them were in front of Sakuno, she hugged them. "I missed the two of you so much!"said Sakuno while hugging them.

They seemed a little surprised by the gesture because she was always calm but they neverless hugged her back.

"Hey, now that I think about it, what are you doing here in Japan? I thought you were in England?"asked Sakuno as she broke the hug.

"We're here because someone asked us a favor to do something here, and we are all accepted so now all of us are in Japan"explained Irie and Tokugawa nodded.

"All of us?"said Sakuno confused. "That meant Mai-chan, Kyoko-chan, Kazaki-kun, Otoko-chan, Aoto-kun, Akashi-kun and Juiichirou-senpai are also here?"said Sakuno excited.

"Yes, they are also here with us"said Tokugawa.

"Where?"asked Sakuno as she wanted to see them badly.

"They couldn't come, they are really busy right now, but I'll tell them that you want to see them" answered Irie.

"Ah! Okay"said Sakuno a little sad but they seemed to have noticed. "Say Sakuno-chan, How about I train you a little like we used to do?"asked Irie.

"Really?"said Sakuno cheerfully because she missed training with all her friends a lot.

"Sure"said Irie smiling at her. "Kazuya, want to tag along?"asked Irie.

"No, I need to go now"said Tokugawa and then he left.

"Well, how if we start now Sa-chan?"said Irie while walking towards the opposite side of the court that they were at, just at that moment, Sakuno saw that he was carring his tennis bag with him and was clad in his tennis outfit.

"Okē"said Sakuno cheerfully.

"Oh, wait, It's better if you get rid of all the extra weight that you have on you, like your racquet and your power wrists"said Irie pointing at her racquet "We're going to train really hard because I saw that you improved a bit. Now you can hit six balls. That's one more that when you left England"explained Irie.

"Hai!"said Sakuno. She headed to the bench and took out her power wrists. She also changed her usual racquet for her white and blue racquet that didn't have weight. She put her things in her tennis bag and went to the courts.

"Okay, let's start improving the speed of your Sakura dance, Okay?"said Irie as he served the ball.

"Okay"responded Sakuno. They practiced a lot and Sakuno improved the speed for almost 5% more.

"That's good! How about we try you acrobatic type? It was the one that left you really exhausted right?"said Irie while serving another ball.

"Yes"answered Sakuno. Irie pushed Sakuno really hard and they ended with a 30 minute rally with Sakuno doing a lot of acrobatic moves. "I can't do it anymore senpai"said Sakuno while panting and running to return a ball.

"Yes, you can and you have to do it because I don't going to stop"said Irie while aiming the ball to my racquet. Sakuno understood that he wasn't planning to let her rest so she started to play acrobatic tennis again despite that she was really exhausted. The rally lasted around another 30 minutes but when Sakuno was doing some back flips, she reached her limit and lost feet and was about to land on the ground.

"Sakuno!"thought Irie as he rushed towards her and helped her up by graving Sakuno by her waist and supporting all her weight. "Daijobu Sakuno-chan? Sorry I didn't want to push so hard"said Irie with sad and preoccupied eyes.

Sakuno was blushing because they were really close but she just put it aside. "Don't worry senpai, This is nothing, I can still keep playing a little more"said Sakuno and pulled away from his grasp but when she did this, her feet went numb so she started to fall but Irie with his fast reflexes caught her just when she was about to touch the ground.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Irie's lips were just milimiters away from hers. Sakuno blushed madly and Irie blushed a little. Irie helped Sakuno stand up again and carried her bridal style to the bench and took her things and despite her protests, he carried her to the apartment.

When they reached the house, Sakuno took out her keys and opened the door still in Irie's arms.

When they entered, Irie went straight to the living room and put Sakuno on the sofa. Then he looked around a little and found the kitchen so he headed that way and returned with a bowl full of cereal. "You really need this"said Irie as he handed her the food.

Sakuno took it without comply and ate in silence. After Sakuno finished the food, she smiled at Irie. "Thanks for everything senpai"said Sakuno.

"It doesn't matter, but I have to go now"said Irie. "See you soon Sa-chan"said Irie. He went to the door and left.

When Sakuno regained her forces. Sakuno headed to her room, took a bath again and put on a white shiffon dress and cute brown sandals. She took a brown little bag and tied her hair into a french braid. Sakuno took the money that her mom sended her and went downstairs. Sakuno saw her grandma was already awake so she greeted. "Obaa-chan! I am going to the Mall!"shouted Sakuno. "Ok! Have a nice day!"said Sumire.

Sakuno headed to the mall and entered a store with really cute clothes. She bought a blue cotton blouse with LOVE on the left, a red skirt, a white turtled neck shirt without sleeves, a few shorts and skirts and then went out. When she was out, Sakuno went to buy water and when she was drinking water, She saw a girl around her age, slipped and landed on her behind. Sakuno stood up and dusted herself and then went towards her.

Sakuno extended her arm. "Daijobu ka?"asked Sakuno while looking at her worriedly.

"Hai"said the girl while taking her hand and stood up. "Arigato! Watashi wa Osakada Tomoka desu."said Tomoka.

Hajimemaste Osakada-san. Watashi wa Ryuuzaki Sakuno desu"said Sakuno.

"Call me Tomoka. Osakada-san sounds so formal"said Tomoka while smiling back until something clicked unto my mind. "Wait, did you say Ryuuzaki?, are you related to Ryuuzaki Sumire?"asked Tomoka.

"Then you can call me Sakuno, Tomoka-chan and yes, she's my Obaa-chan, How do you know her?"said Sakuno.

"Because I go to Seigaku, I went for a visit and saw her"explained Tomoka.

"Ahh, ok"replied Sakuno

"Anyway, What are you doing here Sakuno-chan?"asked Tomoka curiously.

"I'm shopping, because my mother wanted me to buy new clothes"explained Sakuno.

"Oh! Cool, can I help you then?"asked Tomoka while pleading.

"Mochirron"said Sakuno

They went to a lot of stores and bought a lot of cute clothes and shoes. It was really fun until Tomoka shouted. "KKYYYAA!!!"shouted Tomoka.

"What is it Tomoka-chan?"asked Sakuno looking worriedly at her.

"There are some Seigaku tennis regulars"said Tomoka pointing at some guys in a Sports shop.

"He is Fuji Syuusuke, a rather beautiful man with brown hair and cerulean blue eyes. He is Tezuka Kunimitsu, a stoic looking man with brown hair and eyes and Kikumaru Eiji, a red haired guy with blue eyes"said Tomoka

"They are so cool!"said Tomoka excitedly.

"Oh, So they are the Seigaku regulars"said Sakuno. "For some reason I think that they are really strong, I can't wait to play with them"thought Sakuno. Just at that moment, some tennis equipment caught her attention. "Hey Tomoka-chan, do you mind if we enter the sport shop a bit, I want some stuff"said Sakuno.

"Of course "said Tomoka excitedly and dragged Sakuno to the shop but with all the bags that we were carrying, it was really a wonder how she managed to do it.

They entered the sports shop. "Tomoka-chan! Could you take care of the bags while I go to look for what I wanted?"asked Sakuno. "Mochirron"said Tomoka as she accepted absentmindedly as she still watching the regulars. They seemed to have notice her but didn't pay attention. At that moment, Sakuno thought that they seemed really accustomed to it but shrugged it off and went to look for the racquet that caught her eye.

It was a green and white tennis racquet that seemed to be the one that Sakuno was looking for because it was a brand that was really difficult to find in Japan and was Sakuno's favorite. The problem was that it was on the top shelve so she couldn't reach it. The red head whose name was apparently Kikumaru Eiji saw her and approached her to help but she didn't saw him and because Sakuno was already exasperated, She jumped carefully, putting my dress in a form that it doesn't show anything, grabbed the racquet and as to not break anything, did some somersaults to evade some things that she would have knocked down if she landed bad and landed gracefully on the floor, when she landed, she saw Kikumaru Eiji was looking at her way surprised but she thought that he couldn't have seen her, so she shrugged it off and started checking the racquet.

When Sakuno was satisfied with the racquet, she headed to where the power wrists were and started to pick one but just then, it seemed that Kikumaru Eiji snapped back to reality and shouted. "SUGOI!!!"shouted Eiji.

Sakuno looked at him, as well as his teammates. "What is it Eiji?"asked Fuji.

Eiji started to run to where Sakuno was and while doing so, he pointed at me. "She did some cool acrobatics just now nya!"said Eiji.

When he arrived to Sakuno's side, he started questioning her. "You were so cool, how could you avoid all of the things so well nya?"asked Eiji.

"Ano, I just adjusted my position every time I saw I was going to hit something"said Sakuno a little uncomfortable for receiving the attention of the Seigaku regulars.

"Cool! Ahh! Boku wa Kikumaru Eiji, what's your name nya?"asked Eiji looking at Sakuno curiously.

"Watashi wa Ryuuzaki Sakuno, Amarini mo o ai dekite ureshii Kikumaru-san"said Sakuno.

He seemed really surprised when Sakuno said her name. "Could you be related to Ryuuzaki Sumire nya?"asked Eiji.

"Ah, yes, she's my grandma"said Sakuno.

"Kawaii!"said Eiji as he hugged Sakuno, At this Sakuno blushed. "I didn't knew that Ryuuzaki-sensei had such a cute granddaughter!"said Eiji while hugging her.

"Eiji, calm down, you're making Ryuuzaki-san uncomfortable"said a guy. "Hajimemaste, Boku wa Fuji Syuusuke"said Fuji

Then Sakuno looked at the stoic man. "Hajimemaste. Tezuka Kunimitsu desu"said Tezuka as he bowed to her.

"Amarini mo o ai dekite ureshii Tezuka-san, Fuji-san"said Sakuno while smiling.

When they calmed down, they dispersed around the store and Sakuno went back to look for her power wrists but just when she had picked them, the door opened and entered four persons.

The 3 Seigaku tegulars recognized them easily. "Rikkaidai"said the 3 of them.

"They also seem really strong"thought Sakuno while looking at the four people. One had seaweed hair with green eyes, Then a white haired guy with a rat tail and sky blue eyes, After him was a really beautiful guy with navy blue hair and eyes and a guy with black hair and brown eyes with a stern face.

Sakuno would have loved to stay and see the exchange of the schools but she realized that it was already late so she purchased her things and exchanged phone numbers with Tomoka. Sakuno bid her goodbye to the Seigaku regulars and headed home with all her bags in her hands.

When Sakuno reached the departments, She went to her room and put all the new things in my closet. She ate dinner with her Obaa-chan. Sakuno played some songs in the violin for her and at 9:00 pm, Sakuno went to her room and changed into her pajamas and went to her bed.

"I'm really sleepy because I didn't sleep much yesterday but it was a good day, I also know that my friends are in Japan and that is wonderful! Oh! I almost forgot that I have to check the papers"said Sakuno as she stood from her bed and went to find her papers. Sakuno saw that the school she had to visit the next day was Seigaku. Sakuno remembered the things that happened in the store and also the hug from Kikumaru-san and blushed. "It was really embarrassing felt good. Ahhh!!! What am I thinking of?"thought Sakuno as she went to sleep.


A/N: At last I am finished. I need a holiday. The next chapter will be coming next week! Stay toon!

Suki-san: Sayonara!

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