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Anika was running behind a 5 year old girl holding a glass of milk.

A- Shivika, stop running.

Sh- No mumma, I don't want to drink milk.

A- But it is good for your health, baby.

Sh- No mumma.

She starts running again while Anika was following her.

A- Shivika, stop. I said drink the milk. You are getting late for the school.

At the same time, Shivaay came downstairs while holding a tie in his hand. Shivika saw him and immediately ran towards him.

Shivaay picked her up in his arms and Shivika encircled her arms around his neck.

S- What happened to my princess?

Sh- Mumma is troubling me to drink milk but I don't want to drink it.

She makes a puppy face and Shivaay looks at Anika who was glaring at them.

S- Oh so my princess doesn't want to drink milk then what about Hot chocolate?

Shivika's eyes starts glittering.

Sh- Yaaaayyy! Hot chocolate.

Shivaay smiles and kissed her forehead. Shivaay looks at Anika and blinks his eyes in assurance. Anika sighs in disbelief.

Shivaay left with Shivika to the kitchen.

Anika went towards dining table to look at her son who was sleeping by keeping his head on the dining table.

Anika face palms herself and went towards Ansh to Wake him up.

A- Ansh wake up.

An- No mumma, I am very sleepy.

A- Oh God! What should I do with these kids?

Shivaay came towards the dining table with Shivika in his arms. He made Shivika sit on the dining table while she was sipping her hot chocolate.

S- What happened?

Shivaay asks looking at Ansh.

A- Your son is feeling sleepy so he slept on the dining table itself.

Shivaay chuckled at him.

A- You know what, your son is a lazy lad just like you.

S- Hawww jaan. I am not lazy. If you want I can show you a demo.

Shivaay says naughtily coming close to her.

Anika blushes and pushed him back slightly.

A- Stop it Shivaay and wake up your son.

S- That's not fair. When they do something bad then they are my son and daughter and when they do something good then they are your son and daughter. Now you wake him up because he is mumma's boy.

A- Okay. Okay. (To Ansh) Ansh Baby, wake up. You are getting late for school and Priya must be waiting for you.

Ansh woke up with a jerk.

An- Oh no, mumma. I totally forgot about Priya.

He starts eating breakfast in a hurry while Shivaay was shocked while. Anika was chuckling.

S- Who is priya?

A- Aapki hone wali bahu. (Your to-be daughter-in-law)

Shivaay was shocked with the revelation.

S- What?

Anika nods in yes. Shivaay was still in shock when OmRi and RuVya came towards them.

OmRuRiVya- Good morning everyone.

Anika- Good Morning.

Anika says with a smile.

Shivika/Ansh- Good morning Chachi & Chachu.

OmRuRiVya- Good morning babies.

O- Bhabhi, where is dadi?

A- Dadi has gone to temple.

Om nods his head.

A- Shivika and Ansh, come on hurry up and finish your breakfast. You guys are getting late for school.

G- Bhabhi, you go and get ready for office. I will make them have their breakfast.

Ru- Yes bhabhi and I will drop my superstars to school.

Anika smiles and left for getting ready. Shivaay also followed her.

Anika enters the room and took out her clothes from the cupboard and was about to go towards washroom but she bumped into Shivaay.

Shivaay snaked his hands around her waist and pulls her closer. Anika takes a sharp breath.

A- What are you doing?

S- Spending some quality time with my wife.

He says while tucking a hair strand behind her ear and kissing her cheek.

S- You know you look very hot while scolding kids.

Anika looks at him and chuckles.

A- Really!

Shivaay nods his head and caressed her face with his fingers. Anika closed her eyes on feeling his touch.

S- Will you come on a date with me?

Anika opens her eyes with a jerk.

A- Are you asking me out?

Anika asked Mischeivously. Shivaay smiles and nods his head.

S- Yes. Kind of...

A- Don't you know that my husband is very possessive about me.

S- We will handle your husband after our date.

A- Then what about kids?

S- Om and Gauri will handle them.

A- Ok. So I will come with you on a date.

Shivaay smiles widely.

S- Be ready after coming from office.

Anika nods her head and leaves to get ready for office.

They left for office.

It was 6 in the evening when Anika reached home.

As she entered the Hall, Shivika and Ansh came running towards her and hugged her by her waist. Anika smiled and sat on her knees and hugged them. She broke the hug and kissed their forehead.

Sh/An- How was your day, mumma?

A- My day was good and after looking at you both, it became awesome.

They smiled and kissed her either cheeks. Anika smiles and stood up. She held their hands and went towards the sofa and made them sit on it and sat in between them.

A- Where is dadda? Did he come home?

Shivika and Ansh shook their head in no.

Meanwhile Gauri came with a glass of water and gave it to Anika. Anika smiles and took the glass from her.

A- Gauri, do you know where is Shivaay?

G- I don't know bhabhi, but some people came and gave some boxes and said that it was sent by bade bhaiya. I have kept them in your room.

Suddenly Anika remembers about her date with Shivaay. She mentally face palms herself for forgetting about it.

A- Actually, I and Shivaay are going out tonight, so please can you take care of kids tonight?

Anika says while blushing slightly and Gauri smiles widely.

G- Ok bhabhi. Don't worry, I will take care of kids.

Anika smiles and hugs her tightly.

A- Thank you.

Anika breaks the hug and bends down in front of the kids.

A- Babies, I am going out with dadda tonight, so be good boy & girl and Don't trouble chachu and chachi. Ok?

Shivika and Ansh nod their head.

Sh/An- Okay mumma. Enjoy your date.

Anika blushed after hearing them and then fake glares at them.

A- I will talk to Shivaay, he is spoiling you both a lot.

They both covered their mouth with their palm and chuckles.

Anika smiles and runs upstairs. She reached her room and saw two boxes kept on the table. She opens the first box and it was a beautiful red gown with a note which read-

" Hey my Queen,

Please grace this dress with your beauty. I'll be waiting to be smitten by you again.

Your majnu hubby,
Shivaay. "

Anika blushed to the deepest shade of red after reading the note. She noticed another box and opens it. It was a pair of high heels with a note which read-

"Hey Sweetheart,

These are for you because I don't want even the floor to touch your delicate feet. Get ready soon. I'm waiting.

Yours loving hubby,
Shivaay. "

Anika blushed and went to get ready.

She came out of the washroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She blushed on thinking of Shivaay's expression after looking at her.
She made her hairstyle and wore her chain which Shivaay gave her as symbol of their marriage.

She checks her final look and picked up her phone to call Shivaay but there was already a message that a chauffeur is waiting for her in the car and will make her reach her destination.

She smiles and reached near the car. The chauffeur opened the door of the backseat. Anika was about to sit on the backseat when she noticed a bouquet of red roses.

She sat on the backseat and took the flowers in her hand and inhaled their smell. Her eyes fell on a note on the flowers.

' A bouquet of roses for my beautiful rose. Come soon love. I am desperately waiting for you.'

Anika lowers her eyes and blushes.
She signs the chauffeur to start the car.

After sometime, Anika finally reached her destination. She was about to open the door when door opens and Shivaay forwards his hand towards her. Anika looks at him and smiles widely and held his hand.

Shivaay helps her to step down from the car. Anika immediately hugs him tightly and Shivaay also hugs her back.

A- Thank you so much Shivaay. The gifts were beautiful.

S- Let me see my gift first.

Shivaay broke the hug and looks at Anika from head to toe. Anika lowers her gaze.

S- Oh My God! You are absolutely ready to kill me today. You are looking very beautiful jaan.

Anika blushes to the deepest shade of red. Shivaay pecks her cheek and smiles.

S- My blushing queen.

Anika looks at Shivaay.

A- You are also looking very handsome and hot.

She whispers 'hot' near his ear. Shivaay was shocked because he didn't expected a bold compliment from Anika. Anika looks down and Shivaay chuckles.

He encircles his arms around her waist and starts walking towards a bungalow. As soon as they reached the gate, Anika was stunned to see the beauty of this bungalow.

A- It's so beautiful Shivaay. Who's house is this?

Shivaay smiles and took her towards the nameplate of the house. It was written 'LOVE ABODE'. Anika looks at the nameplate and then at Shivaay with tears in her eyes.

S- You remember that once you told me that we will buy a beach house and will name it as 'LOVE ABODE' because it will have only love and nothing materialistic.

Anika nods her head and hugs Shivaay.

A- Thank you.

Shivaay caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.

S- Now come on let's enter our love abode.

He held her hand and took her to the entrance of the house and signs her to open it.

As soon as she opened the door and entered inside the house, Shivaay pulled a string and flower started showering on Anika. Firstly she was surprised but then she started enjoying it by spreading her arms in air.

Shivaay was delighted to see her happy. She looks at Shivaay and smiles widely.

A- Shivaay, I want to see the whole house.

S- Ok. As you say my queen.

He held her hand and started showing her the house.





A- Wow Shivaay, everything is so beautiful. I love it.

Shivaay smiles and side hugs her.

S- There are more surprises left.

A- More surprises? Oh my God! How will I handle so much surprises in a day?

Shivaay chuckles at her and held her by her waist and lead towards the terrace. When they entered the terrace area, Anika was surprised to see such a beautiful set up.

A- It's amazing. So beautiful. Every corner of this house is just like heaven. Thank you so much Shivaay.

Anika pecked his lips.

S- I love this surprise.

Anika blushed and lowers her gaze.

S- Come on let's eat something.

Shivaay took Anika towards the table and pulled a chair for her and made her sit. He occupied his chair.

A- So what's in the menu?

S- See yourself.

Anika uncovered the bowl and was excited to see Aloo poori.

A- Oh My God! Aloo poori.

She starts serving it on her plate and starts eating.

A- Ummm.. Shivaay. You have magic in your hands.

Shivaay smiles and serves his plate and starts having his food.

After dinner, Shivaay made her eat Gajar ka halwa which was her another favourite.

After completing their dinner, Shivaay stood up from his chair and forwards his hand to Anika. Anika held his hand and stood up.

S- Now time for another surprise.

A- One more?

Shivaay nods his head and bends down on his one knee. Anika was shocked.

A- Shivaay, what are you doing?

He took out a diamond ring from his pocket and forward it to Anika. Anika cups her mouth in shock.

S- We got married two times but it was only marriage, no other rituals. I was so stupid that I didn't proposed you first. It was you who proposed me in front of the world. Honestly, I am happy that I got a daring wife but today I want to propose you. I Love You, Anika. Will you spend your life with me and grow old with me?

Anika nods her head with tears in her eyes. Anika forwards her hand to him and Shivaay makes her wear the ring.

He stood up in front of Anika.

S- Anika, if you don't mind, can we get engaged today?

Shivaay says nervously and Anika chuckles at his nervousness.

A- Why are you getting nervous, Shivaay? If you are forgetting, then we are already married and have two kids. Of course, we can get engaged today. But I don't have ring for you.

Anika makes a puppy face.

S- I have already brought a ring for myself.

Anika thought to tease him.

A- How were you so sure that I will agree to get engaged? What if I had refused you?

Shivaay held her by her waist.

S- You cannot refuse me because I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

A- Acha ji tadi.

Shivaay and Anika burst into laughter.

Shivaay gives the ring to Anika and she makes him wear it.

S- Ok. So let's go one surprise is left.

A- One more? Oh God! I am tired.

Shivaay picks her up in his arms and she squeals in surprise.

S- Let me take you to your surprise.

Anika smiles and encircles her arms around his neck. He took her to the backyard of the house and Anika was mesmerised by the beauty.

A- Wooowwww!

S- Did you like it?

A- I loved it.

Shivaay smiles and makes her sit on the bed and settles beside her.

He lies down on the bed and makes her lie down beside him, on his arm.

S- Do you remember our first date? We slept like this, under the starring sky, in each other's embrace.

A- Hmmm.

After some time in silence, Anika looks at Shivaay and broke the silence.

A- Shivaay, I also have a surprise for you.

Shivaay looks at her and asks what.

She sat up and take out a small box from her handbag and forwards it to Shivaay. Shivaay also sat up and took the box confusingly.

A- Open it.

Shivaay opens it and his eyes started glistening with happy tears.
It was a pregnancy stick with a positive sign.

He looks at Anika for confirmation and she smiles and nods her head.

Shivaay immediately hugged her tightly and starts showering kisses on her face.

S- Thank you. Thank you so much for giving me this gift again.

Anika breaks the hug and bends down a little towards his face. Shivaay gently captured her lips and they kissed.

Shivaay broke the kiss and kissed her forehead.

S- I Love You, jaan.

A- I Love you too.

A surprise for my lovely readers and TIMJH family. 🤗🤗

I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter. ☺☺

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Love you all. ❤❤

Bye bye. 🙋🙋

S I G N I N G O F F,

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