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Sunrays are falling on a lady who is sleeping peacefully.

A man enters the room with a trolley of breakfast. He sits beside the lady and caresses her hair. The lady stirs in her sleep. He was admiring his lady love.

M- Anika! Jaan wake up.

The lady was none other than our Anika.

Anika slowly opens her eyes and looks at Shivaay with a big smile.

A- Good morning Shivaay!

S- Good morning Jaan! How are you and how is our baby?

Shivaay says while caressing her almost 9-month baby bump.

Anika smiles and keeps her hand above his hand on her baby bump.

A-I am good and baby is also very happy today.


Anika smiles and nods her head.

S-Ok. Let's have breakfast first because today's gonna be hectic as dadi has kept a pooja at home and we have to go to award function Tonight.


Shivaay served the breakfast. Anika makes a bad face after seeing the breakfast.

A-Shivaay! Cornflakes? I don't want to eat it. You know I don't like it.

S-But it is healthy jaan.

A- I don't care. Baby wants to eat chocolate pudding.

Shivaay gives her a wicked smile.

S-Are you sure that baby wants to eat pudding because I think my lovely wife wants chocolate pudding.

A-Whatever it is. I want to eat chocolate pudding. Please Shivaay!

Anika makes a puppy face and Shivaay melts on seeing her.

S-Ok. I'll give you chocolate pudding but I have a condition.

Anika frowns and looks at him.

A-What condition?

S-First you have to eat this corn flakes then I will give you chocolate pudding.

A- this is cheating, Shivaay. You can't do this to me, baby.

She steps a little closer to Shivaay to divert his mind but Shivaay is Shivaay.

S-Your tricks won't work, Jaan. You have to eat this.

Anika sits back on her place.

A(mutters) - Khadoos!

S- I heard that.

A-Good. It was meant to be heard.

Shivaay chuckles at his wife's antics.

Shivaay gives her the bowl of cornflakes.

S- Finish it fast.

Anika makes a bad face and finished her breakfast.

A- Now give me my pudding.

Shivaay chuckles and uncovers another bowl which has chocolate pudding.

Anika makes an 'hawww' face.

A- You brought it with you then why did you forced me to have that yucky cornflakes? You cheater. I won't talk to you. Go. I hate you.

Shivaay side hugs Anika and kissed her cheeks.

S- But I love my Jaan and my baby.

He says while keeping his other hand on her tummy.

Anika smiles and looks down while blushing.

S- Have this pudding fast otherwise I'll give it to Gauri.

Anika immediately snatched the bowl from his hand.

A- No I'll have it.

She starts having her favorite chocolate pudding and Shivaay was adoring his cute wife.

It's been a year when they established 'Shivika's kitchen'. Everything was going smoothly in Shivika's life. Shivika's kitchen and Malhotra Industries were touching heights of success. Shivaay launched six more branches of Shivika's kitchen in different parts of the world. They shifted in their mansion before 9 months along with dadi, Priyanka, OmRi and RuVya. OmRi and RuVya were married.After shifting, they got the news that Anika is pregnant. Shivaay's happiness knew no bounds. Three months ago, they got to know that Gauri is also pregnant. Everybody is happy in their lives. Dadi is also very happy for her kids.

Today Dadi kept a pooja for the well being of Shivika's and OmRi's babies.

Anika came out of the washroom afrer freshening up and Shivaay was working on his laptop when Dadi came to thier room.

A- Arey Dadi. Please come and sit. You should have called me.

D- It's ok, puttar. I came to give this lehenga to you. Please wear this in today's pooja. This is Pinky's baby shower's lehenga when she was pregnant with Shivaay. I want you to wear this so that you can get their blessings as well.

Anika smiles and takes the lehenga from her hand. Dadi smiles and pats her cheek.

D- Get ready soon. Panditji is on his way.

Anika nods her head and leaves to get ready for pooja.

Finally Anika and Shivaay were ready for pooja.



Anika was standing in front of mirror and arranging the dupatta on her head. Shivaay came from behind and help her arrange the dupatta.

After arranging the dupatta, Shivaay back hugs her and Anika smiles.

S- You know Mom would be very happy if she had seen you in this dress. You are looking very beautiful. Your skin is glowing so much.

A- Thank you. The glow is because of our baby.

Shivaay smiles and kisses her forehead.

He was about to kiss her when they heard dadi calling out for them.

Shivaay groans in frustration and Anika chuckles at him.

S- Why does dadi always comes in between in my romance? 😂

Anika laughs at him.

A- Let's go.

They reached downstairs and saw dadi and bhavya are making arrangements for pooja. Gauri is sitting on the chair helplessly and asking dadi to let her do some work but dadi is telling her to rest.

Shivaay and Anika chuckles at Gauri.

Gauri looks at Anika and smiles widely.

G- Anika! It's good that you came here. See dadi is not letting me do any work.

A-Sit down Gauri. You need rest.

Gauri frowns at her.

Anika goes towards dadi.

A- Dadi tell me what I have to do?

Dadi glares at her.

D- I already told you both that you both are not going to do a single work, then also. Now go and sit beside Gauri.

Gauri chuckles at Anika and Anika makes a bad face and sits beside Gauri.

S- Dadi, where is OmRuPri?

D-Panditji has came so they have gone till gate to receive him.


After few moments, OmRuPri came with panditji.

D- Welcome panditji.

Panditji smiles and soon the pooja started.

After the pooja ended, AniRiVya, ShivOmRu, Dadi and Prinku were sitting and talking in the Hall.

Suddenly a servant came there with two plates of fruits.

S- Ma'am.

Bhavya stood up and gives plates of fruits to AniRi.

B- Bhabhi, have these.

AniRi makes a bad face.

A- Bhavya! But we had our lunch just one hour ago.

Gauri also agrees with her.

B- But bhabhi, you both have to eat it, there is no escape.

G- Why are you torchering us, Bhavya?

A- Yes Bhavya, you are our younger sister, don't do like this.

B- Bhabhi, you have to eat it. It's good for your health.

ShivOmRu were chuckling at their wife's antics.

D- Bhavya is right. Eat it or I will double your dinner.

Anika and Gauri looks at Dadi with an horrified face.

AniRi- No! No! We'll eat this.

ShivOmRu, Prinku, Bhavya and Dadi burst into laughing while AniRi glared at their respective husbands. 😂

It was 7 in the evening and Anika & Shivaay were sitting on their bed, side-hugging each other.

S- Anika, let's get ready. We have to reach the venue by 8.

A- Hmm. What should I wear?

S- I have already ordered your dress and it's in your cupboard.

Anika looks at him surprised.

A- Really?

Shivaay nods his head.

Anika hugs him tightly.

A- How did you always get to know that what I want?

S- Because I Love you. 😍

A- And I Love you too.

She kissed his cheek and Shivaay kissed her forehead.

S- Now get ready fast otherwise we'll get late.

Anika nods her head and leaves to get ready.

After getting ready, Anika came out of the dressing room and saw Shivaay was busy in his phone.



A-Shivaay! How am I looking?

Shivaay raised his eyelids and as soon as he saw her, he was totally smitten by her beauty. He was so lost in her that he didn't realised that he was staring her from last 10 minutes and Anika was calling out for him.


After hearing Anika's voice, he came out of his Dreamland.

A- Where are you lost?

S- Umm.. Anika, let's not go to the award function and stay at home.

Anika frowns at him.

A- But why?

Shivaay steps closer to her and holds her by her waist.

S- Because you are looking extremely beautiful and I can't tolerate any other man looking at you.

Anika looks down and blushes to the deepest shade of red.

A-Jealous Singh Oberoi. Now let's go.

Shivaay nods his head and they leave for the venue.

As soon as they reached the venue, they were surrounded by media people.

M1- Here we have the hottest couple of the business world.

M2- Mr. Oberoi! Mrs. Oberoi! One question please.

M1- Sir, One photo!

M3- Please sir, ma'am. One question.

Shivaay and Anika smiles and they stood beside each other on the red carpet. Shivaay held Anika's waist possessively to show the world that she is his most prized possession. Anika smiles at his possessiveness.

M1- Sir, how are you feeling that your going to be a father?

S- Well! That feeling is just out of the world and I can't explain it in words.

M2- Ma'am, please say something about sir.

Anika looks at Shivaay and smiles broadly.

A- I just want to say that Shivaay is the best person in my life. He is my everything and I love him to the moon and back.

Shivaay looks at Anika with a wide smile and whispers a 'I love you too' in her ear.

M3- What a lovely confession!

M2- Sir, please one photo.

S- Ok.

Shivaay and Anika posed for the camera and went inside the venue.

Shivaay made Anika sit on her seat which was at first row. He sat beside her.

S- Are you comfortable, Jaan?

Anika smiles and nods her head.

Soon the award function started.

Host- Now it's time to declare the Best Businessman and Best Businesswoman of the year.

Anika and Shivaay held each other's hand.

H- So the Best Businessman of the year award goes to..

Shivaay smiles and Anika hugs him tightly.

H- Wait! Wait! Best Businesswoman award is still left. So the Best Businesswoman of the year is..
Oh! What a surprise!

Anika was literally shocked and Shivaay hugged her tightly.

S- We won, Jaan.

Anika smiles broadly.

A- I told you that we will win best businessman and best businesswoman of the year on the same day.

Shivaay smiles and nods his head.

H- Sir! Ma'am! Please come on the stage in a khidkitod style because you are khidkitod couple of our business world.

Shivaay smiles and picks up Anika in his arms and Anika squeals.

A- Shivaay!

Shivaay kissed her forehead and Anika encircles her arms around his neck.

The crowd starts hooting for them.

Shivaay took Anika to stage and made her stand on the stage.

S- Are you fine?

Anika nods her head and smiles.

The host handovers their awards to them.

H- Please say some words Mr. & Mrs. Oberoi.

Anika takes the Mike from the host.

A- First of all, Thank you for considering me for this award. Everybody says that behind every man's success, there is a woman but in my case it's opposite. I am successful because of my husband and love of my life, Shivaay. He encouraged me that I can handle Malhotra Industries. He was by my side throughout my journey of being a businesswoman. He has given me all the happiness which is there in the world. I LOVE YOU, SHIVAAY.

Shivaay smiles and hugs her.

Anika gives the Mike to Shivaay.

S- What to say? Anika said everything. But it is said that the person who doesn't leave you when you are in your worst phase, is your true soulmate. It is truth because I got my soulmate in Anika. She has supported me at that time when I had nothing left with me. She helped me to start from 0 and she is the reason, I am standing here. Now she is going to give me biggest happiness of my life, our symbol of love, our baby. I LOVE YOU, JAAN.

Anika smiles and they hug each other. The crowd hoots for them happily.

After award function, they were sitting in their car and going home. Shivaay and Anika were sitting at the back seat while car was driven by the driver.

Shivaay's one arm was around Anika's shoulder and Anika's head was resting on his shoulder as Anika was feeling uncomfortable.

S- Anika, are you fine?

A- I don't know Shivaay but I am feeling uneasy.

S- Lets go to hospital.

A- No. It's ok. I'll be fine.

S- Are you sure?

Anika nods her head.

After few minutes, Anika felt a shooting pain in her stomach and she shrieks. Shivaay gets tensed.

S- What happened, Anika?

A- Aaahhh! Shivaay! My water broke.

S- What? But there's still time.

A- Aaaahhhhh.

S- Driver! Take us to hospital immediately.

Driver nods and turns the car.

Anika was continuously wincing in pain. Shivaay was rubbing her back to soothe her.

S- Don't worry, Anika! You'll be fine. We are almost there.

A- Shivaay! It's paining a lot.

Shivaay felt that many knives are piercing his heart when he saw Anika in pain.

Finally they reached hospital. Shivaay took Anika in his arms and rushed inside the hospital.


Some doctors and nurses took Anika to OT.

Shivaay called Om and informed him about Anika.

Shivaay was waiting outside OT when Dadi, OmRuPri and RiVya rushed towards him.

D- Don't worry puttar. Everything will be fine.

Shivaay nods his head.

After sometime, two nurses comes out with two babies.

D- It's twins. Baby boy and baby girl.

Shivaay smiles and takes the baby girl from her hand and Dadi takes the baby boy.

Shivaay looks at doctor.

S- And my wife? How is she?

D- She is fine. Right now she is unconscious but she will gain conscious in some time.

S- Can we meet her?

D- Yes you can but after we shift her to the ward.

Shivaay nods his head and doctor leaves from there.

Shivaay enters Anika's ward with babies.

Anika slowly gains her consciousness and looks at Shivaay and babies.

S- Look Anika, our son and daughter.

Anika looks at the babies with teary eyes. She slowly forwards her hands towards him to take the babies. Shivaay obliges and lies down the babies on her either sides.

A- They are so cute, Shivaay.

S- Just like you.

A- Look our daughter has same eyes like you and our son has eyes like me.

S- Because she is daddy's girl and he is mumma's boy.

A- Acha ji?

S- Haan ji.

They both burst into laughter.

S- Have you thought any names?

A- Yes. Ansh for our baby boy.

S- Ok. Then Shivika for our baby girl.

R- Wow. Bhaiyya bhabi so cool names.

Shivaay turns towards door and saw their family standing there with a beautiful smile.

Dadi comes near Anika and blesses her and the babies. Everybody met them and left for home.

Shivaay held Anika's hands on his and kissed her forehead.

S- Thank you for giving me the best gift of my life. I LOVE YOU.

A- Thank you for always being there for me and for giving me a new life and a reason to live. I LOVE YOU TOO.

S- But I love my babies more.

A- Haww. I love my babies more.

S- Really! But I and babies love you more than anything, baby's mumma.

A- We also love you more than anything, baby's papa.

Shivaay smiles and hug them. Anika also hugs him back.

Hello beautiful people!😀😀

So here ends another beautiful saga of love. ☺☺

How was it? 😊😊

First of all, thank you 'TIMJH' Family for giving so much love to this story. This was my first story and it will always be special for me. I hope that I was successful in making you all connect with this story. Please keep loving my other stories as well. I have started a new story 'Mujhse Juda Hokar', please give a chance to that story as well. Thank you for loving this story. A big hug to you all. 😘😘

Thank you @ImLilMissComplicated & @GraphicAssemblers for the lovely banner. 😘😘

Please keep voting and give your precious comments. Please Give little long comments on this last part of this story. 💕💕

Love you all. ❤❤

Bye. Bye. 🙋🙋

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