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Thank you soo much for liking the prologue ♥ its been a long time so thought to update this one as i can't write my os,ts because they are way too lengthy and i don't have my phone so that's why this....and happy friendship day sistaaaaas belated ofcourse 😂😍 and advance eid Mubarak too....


The episode starts in a big gigantic mansion in france, a person is shown sleeping covering himself in a big king size bed.

Shehkar walks in his room and stands near his bed just then his alarm starts ringing, a hand come out of blanket and turns off the alarm. Shehkar walks towards the window opening the curtains and letting the sun rays enter his big room.

"Mr.shehkar", an annoyed voice reached shehkar ears who smiles as he pulls over the the duvet. He covered his face with the pillow instead.

"Mr.sanskar, you have a meeting with Dont you want to buy new sunglasses", shehkar says while hearing him sanskar throws the pillow to his side and stretched his arms getting up with sleepy eyes.

" you could have tell me that before ", sanskar says rubbing his eyes. He put down his feets and slides in feather sliders. He adjusted his eyes and stands, shehkar gives him a towel and he went inside his bathroom.

After sometime, he come out wearing towel with water droplets on his skin,when a servant comes and hand him a glass of juice. He took the juice and walk towards the other door of his room which is his walk-in closet. He entered and looked at the pile of clothes dissected in four sides. He walked towards the 1st one sipping his juice while shehkar follows him. He took out a white blazer paired with black shirt and white pants. He handed it to shehkar who walks in the other door attached in walk-in closet. Shehkar arranged his clothes and walks out while sanskar hands his glass to servant and goes to change. He ruffled his hairs walking out of the door wearing white pant and black shirt while shehkar goes and bring his white blazer. Sanskar stands infront of mirror , he slides the drawer and look at the piles of watch and ties. He pick up one watch and wears it and then sets his hair with gel. He wears his shoes when shehkar help him put on his blazer. Sanskar adjusted the blazer and look into his reflection with a smile.

"Perfect", he winks at himself as he walks out with shehkar. They descends down the stairs when bunch of servants wished him a good morning and he replied.

He was walking towards the door when shehkar holds his hand and nods no.

"What? We have a meeting right ", sanskar asked.

"Yes but right after you have your breakfast", shehkar replied with a smile while sanskar pouts.

"But i am not hungry", sanskar whines.

"Doesn't matter if your granny find out then she'll be worried soooo", shehkar smiles raising his eyebrow while sanskar huffs stamping his foot and headed to dinning area.

Sanskar sits on the chair when 5 maids made a circle around him keeping trays and stuff infront of him. Shehkar walks in with a smile," what do you  want to eat today mr.sanskar", asked shehkar.

"I am not hungry much so brown rice will work", sanskar replied making a face.

"Okay", shehkar look at the maid who nods and served him brown rice. Sanskar look at shehkar and then at his plate. He pick up the  spoon and starts eating like a child stuffing one bite with another while rice stick on his face.

"Eat slowly mr.sanskar", shehkar says holding his hand while maid shakes their head seeing their boss.

"M..aweting", he tried to say in between chewing the food while shehkar shakes his head and keeps the spoon down.

"I forget to tell you that your parcel has come, the track suit with number 1 which you ordered online ", shehkar says as he pours him a glass of juice and handed him tissues.

"Really?", sanskar asked gulping the food with a smile and wiping his face while shehkar nods, sanskar took a sip of juice and nods no.

"Ok then you have to drink this before we go", shehkar says as he look at the maid who nods and brings a steel covered cup.

"Not again", sanskar frowns as he take the cup and took a sip.

"Eee", he keep the cup back and makes a weird face.

"You were sneezing last night so madam told me to make you drink this",shehkar says as he took the cup and keep it near his mouth.

"Noooo", sanskar shouts making a horrified face as he gets up and runs out.

"Mr.sanskar", shehkar shouts as he runs after him taking the cup.

Seeing sanskar the servant opened the door and greets him, sanskar shouts thank you to him while running out. He jogs towards his garden and turn back to find shehkar coming. He makes a crybaby face as he runs in his big garden, the gardener greets him and he replied back.

"Stop mr.sanskar pleaseee", shehkar shouts as he runs after him.

"Nooo",sanskar shouts as he turns back to look at the panting shekhar. He stopped at some distance and shehkar too stopped grasping some breath. Every servants come out to watch the show.

Sanskar look at shehkar who pants, he took baby steps towards him.

"Drink this",shehkar who sensed him near him says as he runs towards sanskar who also run at other direction of his garden.

"Please mr.shehkar stop", sanskar shouts running.

"I will mr.sanskar first drink this", shehkar replied running after him with a cup. But sanskar doesn't listen and he continued running when shehkar atlast panting sits on a bench. Sanskar also stops as he keep his hand on his knees and look at shehkar panting.

"Ok stop no more running",sanskar says as he walks towards shehkar breathing in and out.

"Drink this", shehkar stands and was about to grab sanskar when he shouts and runs but stumbles and falls,shehkar who was after him also falls down totally in opposite site.

"Ouowww",both winced as they rub their backs.

"Mr.sanskar do we need to see the doctor?", shekhar asked as he tried to stand when sanskar listening him facepalm himself and lay down on grass spreading his arm and legs like a child rolling on floor.

"Why meee?", sanskar shouts like a child when shehkar shakes his head and makes him stand while sanskar makes a puppy face.

"Let's go",shehkar grabbed his hand taking him.

Scene shift

"500,550,600", she counts the money in her hand, her delicate fingers moved to one tip of her finger to another while her rosy lips moved as she murmured.

"670 done", a satisfied smile appears on her lips while her eyes shine in the daylight. She put the blue dupatta over her shoulder as she stands. She stumbles as someone hugs her from back.

"You are best. No no no you are bestest raguuu di", sidharth shouts in ragini ears who tightly shut her eyes hearing his shouts. A broad smile appears on her lips as she removed his hands and turns rubbing her ears only to find his brother in the track suit he wanted.

"Someone's looking handsome", ragini complemented his brother and winks while sidharth smiles brightly.

"Only because of you,i love you", sidharth hugs ragini while ragini ruffled his hairs with a teasy smile.

"Diii", sidharth whines as he sets his hairs back.

"Dii", ragini mimics him making him annoyed.

Their head turns to the laughing sound, she turns and saw dida entering laughing holding a bag in her one hand. Ragini hurriedly walked towards her and took the bag.

"How many times should i have to tell you dida that no need to do any work when i am here", ragini says strictly.

"If you'll not allow me to do any single work then I'll feel like a burden which i am only to you and if i feel like a burden then I'll die soon", dida says while ragini eyes widen.

"Dida", she shouts in a loud voice and shakes her head.

"Never ever say that", she says as she blinks back the moisture in her eyes.

"I am sorry", dida uttered looking at her as she didn't  mean to hurt her.

"Ohoooo again your banter start, dida look at me see how breathtaking handsome i am looking", siddhart complimented himself swirling while dida and ragini shakes their head with a smile seeing him.

"Of course my prince you are the handsome person on earth", dida says as she walks towards him while sidharth hugs him and pecks her cheeks.

"Don't make him fly high dida otherwise he'll think he have grown wings", ragini teased while sidharth stuck his tongue at her.

"Dont be jealous di, chalo now i am going to flatter my suit infront of my friends so I'll be late don't wait for me and eat something", says sidharth as he walks towards the door.

"And will come back when rats will be dancing in my stomach, atleast complete your sentence siddu", ragini says while siddu makes a wired face and goes while dida giggles seeing them. Ragini look at her brother retreating figure and then she looks at dida. Dida nods while ragini smiles. Life isn't easy for them but they knows how to deal with it.

"Iam going to buy some vegetables for dinner,i have made lentils do eat okay", ragini says looking at dida who nods.

She take her bag and leave from there.

Scene shift

At Gold Merchandising Group

A girl in white formal wear is shown entering inside the building, her heels tip toed while her curls flung in the air as she moves holding her bag. Her big eyes shine while her plumpy lips stretched into a smile. She walked towards the lift but her leg twisted in the lift door and she tightly shut her eyes knowing what is going to happen.

A hand grabbed her waist before she can kissed the floor,she open her eyes only to find blazing brown eyes staring at her. She clutched her hands on his shoulder tightly as she felt his grip loosen on her. She felt he is going to leave her but before he could he instantly makes her stand dusting his coat.

"If you don't know how to walk in heels then no need to wear them Ms.geet", a husky voice reached her eardrums brining her back in reality. Her eyebrows shrank as she look at him. Well dressed in black suit,perfectly combed hair, a handsome looking person with bitter personality.

"If you are done day dreaming then will you move aside, don't block my way", saying he hold her hand and makes her come out of the lift. He goes inside and closed the door of lift on her face while she stood there recalling everything.

Before she could stamp her foot in annoyance she realized few people presence. She plastered a fake smile on her face," i think he is right i should  change my shoes", saying she turns and passes everyone a good smile.

"But what he did was rude ms.geet, so what if he is director of our company but you are also daughter of this company chairman", says one of their employee while geet shakes her head and smiled.

"I don't work here because my father wants me too , i work here because that's my favourite job and yess i am your co-worker here not anyone's daughter or related", she smiled and walked inside the lift with everyone.

"That's because you have a big heart , you are  really nice ms.geet", geet blushed hearing the complement and smiled brightly adjusting her clothes.

"That arrogang pig, he indirectly called me clumsy huh", she thinks in her head and twisted her lips but changed it into a smile as they reached their floor. They all entered inside and sits on their chair. Their floor was a big yet beautifully interior  place. A soothing yet peaceful gazing place except their director.

Today is there weekly meeting in which they present their ideas for upcoming projects and stuff. So they all get ready to present their files to the devil. Geet cleared her throat as she ascends the stairs towards the director cabin, there are maximum 10 small stairs to reached his cabin but not everyone dare to crossed this distance to reach him. She inhaled a deep breath before knocking on his door.

"Come in",his stern voice reached her eardrums and she plastered a fake smile before entering his cabin.

"Mr.singh this is everyone's file for the upcoming projects idea", geet said keeping the piles of file infront of him who was engrossed looking at some files. His eyes shot up at her and then at the files.

"Are you sure ms.geet everyone's file on the table?", maan asked now closing the file and looking at geet who nods.

"Good, you can leave", he sternly says while geet open her mouth to say something but closed as he points at the door with pen in his hand. She sighs plastering a toothy smile and leave from there cursing him inside her mind.

Scene shift

Sanskar walked inside a building with shehkar who was wearing now all black and white suite following sanskar with one other man in grey suit.

"Mr.sanskar this is the latest collection is going to launch this month", says the grey suit men. Sanskar nods as he look at the diamond studded bracelet,brooches,sunglasses, cuffs and much more. He moved his eyes.

"This one"
"This" , he walked more pointing at some stuffs.

"This and this", he smiled and turned to the grey suit one," pack them all", he smiled while the grey suite men look at him amused.

"You surely have great eye mr.sanskar", the man compliments while sanskar smiles brightly.

"He is king of shopping", shehkar says making sanskar cheeks turn red over the compliments , he isn't into compliments stuff so it always make him shy to hear one.

"Sir this is a small gift from our sir", grey suit men said as they all sits in a couch in a cabin. A waiter comes and forward him a glass of wine. Sanskar is about to take the glass when shehkar coughs and nods no. Sanskar smiles scratching his head.

""A cup of coffee will work", sanskar told while the waiter nods and left and the grey suite man handed him a black gift box.

"Sir we specially customized it for you",he says with a smile while sanskar smiled as he take the gift and opens it. He take out boxer shorts from the box and blinks at grey man.

"Sir we specially made it for you, our company artist designed it for you specially with diamond see", the man explains with a smile while sanskar look at shehkar and then at man with a smile.

"I m...", he clears his throat and smiled,"so touched", sanskar says looking at the navy blue boxer in his hand with two diamonds and then at the man.

"So thoughtful", sanskar says as he put it back on the gift box and handed it to shehkar.

Sanskar stands as his eyes fell on something,he stands as he walked towards the cabinet in which a beautiful diamond ring was shinning, a smile appears on his lips as he look at it.

"I want this", he said with a glint of twinkle in his eyes.

"But sir it's the only piece our company made its for wedding", the man says while sanskar look at him and then at the ring.

"Mr.shehkar", sanskar look at at shehkar who nods and smiles.

"We want it", shehkar told the man who looks on.

Scene shift.

"Bhaiya atleast give me some coriander and lemon for free,i have buy this much vegetables from you", ragini says as she puts the vegetables in her bag.

"But", the vendor was about to say when ragini nods no.

"Please bhaiya now don't deny i always come to you for shopping", ragini says while the vendor looks on.

"But i have seen you for the first time", the vendor says while ragini widen her eyes and bites her tongue," vo that's why because i always come covering myself na now give", she says as she opens her bag, the vendor shakes his hand and give her coriander and lemon for free. Ragini smiles like a child as she took it leave.

"Ragini beta", she heard someone voice and turned to find an middle aged man walking towards her, she smiled as she recognized the person.

"Kaka", she smiled while the man blessed her.

"Ragini beta we have found some  plants at the forest area, maybe it could help you in making new medicines and stuff", ram says while ragini looks on.

"What?  plant? Are you sure kaka it could help me", ragini asked while ram nods.

"Of course i know you have been finding plants for the herbs", ram says while a wide smile appears on her lips.

"Thats a good news kaka, come let's go", saying this they both runs towards the forest.

Ragini and ram both digs on the mud to take out the plant. Ragini wipes her face resulting some mud stick on her forehead. They both keep digging and pull out the plant.

Ram smells the plant and look at ragini with a satisfied smile," its not harmful", a wide smile appears on her lips as she wipes her hands from her clothes. Her face, hand and blue clothes everything were muddy but all she care is for the opportunity infront of her. She look at the plant and analyze it.

"I can make more useful herbal medicines now and sell it too" , she smiled as she look at the leaves.

"Yess now let's go and show it to your granny", ram suggest and ragini nods and they leave.

"Oopps 1 minute", ragini rushed back and takes the bag of veggies which she kept on tree trunk. She rushed back and goes.

One who spends endless money and second who is struggling to make money, poles apart unaware of the fact what destiny has stored for them.

Scene shift

At company,

Gurmeet throws the file in the dustbin as he look at his employee crossing his arm over his chest.

"In which class your children study mr.aman", gurmeet asked.

"1 and 4 grade sir", aman replied looking down like a obedient child.

"Good then when your children will be studying in 5 and 8 grade you'll be in the same position only", gurmeet says as he throws his file in the dustbin too and glare at everyone present there, he was sitting on a table while all his employee was sitting infront of him in a chair. He pick up the  red file while geet bites her cheeks and crossed her finger's looking at the file.

Gurmeet look at the file and analyze it while geet look kneely at him and everyone's throat is stuck at the moment as if it's their result.

"Hmmm", gurmeet break the thick silence around and shut the file and look at geet who blinks at him.

"Better", gurmeet says looking at geet who sighs and about to smile but her smile dropped as he throws the file in dustbin.

"But not much to approve", he said while her mouth flung open and she makes a fist, everyone head turns to her and she smiled at them sweetly.

"Sorry will try harder next time", she said in a sweet voice gritting her teeth which go unnoticed by everyone. Gurmeet raised his eyebrow and throw the remaining two files in the dustbin standing.

"2 days", everyone stands seeing him stand.

"I am giving you 2 days to present me the idea of upcoming projects otherwise", he turns his back on them," start working from the start", he sternly says and walked from there leaving everyone bewildered and pissed except one.

"Wooow how much fire have in his voice and style, how much i adore our director", rahul one of his employee says dreamily as he is his idol, everyone eyes snapped at him and glared him.

"2 days here we work for the ideas not even bothering to sleep from the past 1 week and here he is giving us deadline", sheetal one the employee says irritated.

"He taunted me over my children", aman sadly sighs as he shakes his head.

"What's your opinion on this ms.geet", priya one of the employee says and all of their head turns to geet whose eyes gone widen and she hurriedly released the fist and smiled at them.

"I think he is right", geet says as she grits her teeth while smiling," i mean see in past 3 years goldline Merchandising and group is touching skies by their umpteenth success over the projects and products we launch. so, being the director he wants something more from us thats why he want us to work harder on our ideas and projects so that we can raise our standards little higher", geet explains with a smile intertwining her hand and blinks. Everyone look at her in amusement and smiled understanding her.

"We actually don't know what we all would do if you are not present here with us, thank you soo much ms.geet for making us understand", priya says as she hugs geet who flushed and facapalm herself hearing the compliment. One by one everyone praised her. She smiled but felt something different as she really don't  mean her words but after saying she somewhat understand which is actually weird for her as her anger on him also vanished.

Everyone disperse one by one while she looks on confused. She shrugged her thoughts as she goes from there taking out her phone.

Scene shift

Sanskar relaxed on his rocking chair near his swimming pool drinking pina colada and swiping his tablet. Shehkar was standing near him.

"Do you think i should buy this shirt?", sanskar asked as he showed it to shehkar over his tablet sipping the pina colada from his other hand.

"Yes mr.sanskar i think this color will suit you", shehkar says while sanskar nods.

"Wase toh every color suits me but this one is exceptional", sanskar says and just then his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and make an annoyed face, shehkar also sees and shakes his head seeing 'space ghost' blinking on his screen.

"Hows the weather?How's you? How's your health? Did you sleep,eat,shower?How's  house? How's your caretaker? How's your servants? How's your neighbors? How's shopping? How's alien? Did you visit mars? Jupiter? Neptune? Space?" , sanskar utters in one go making shehkar blinks his eyes several time.

"This is she is going to ask me as usual", sanskar made an annoyed face.

"Not the alien part", he said as his phone rang again.

"Mr.sanskar you should pick up the call because i am convinced  you will marry her", says shehkar.

"Whatttt???",sanskar shrieked spilling the glass on ground.

"What did you say? Are you out of your mind mr.shehkar", sanskar asked again gulping his saliva while shehkar shakes his head.

"Look mr.sanskar i am working for your family since you weren't even born yet and i know and by the way she calls you and ask you about weather,  your health and your life everything tells me that she is determined and perseverance to win your heart will make you both marry certainly and if i am not wrong she'll call you again", shehkar tells while sanskar blinks his eyes to understands what he means.

"But we both didn't even like each other from childhood", sanskar says and his phone rings again and he makes an cute annoy face before looking up at shehkar and picking up the call.

"Hey sanskar, what took you soo long to take my phone?", geet asked from the other side of phone, tapping her feet on the garden outside their compnay.

"Ummmm", sanskar scratched his head and look at shehkar who raised his eyebrow.

"How are you doing? I am doing well,Hows weather? You know that's so hot here. I heard you got little cold, how are you feeling now? I am worried about you", geet says from the other side fanning her while sanskar shrunk his eyebrows.

"Weather is good, there is cloudy everywhere and chances of rain are high. I am good, my health is good. Everyone around me is good. And Geet do you love me or what?", sanskar says.

"What?", geet blinks her eyes.

Why you keep calling me asking  about me , asking about my doings and everything,Are you that crazy for me? Do you miss me that much? You can fall for me if you want, but i dont like you. so please, don't you dare think about MARRYING ME", sanskar stretched the last word while geet clutch her phone in shock and her eyes widen.

"Uhmm sanskar", geet tried to say but sanskar cuts her in between.

"No, if you think by asking about weather everyday you are going to marry me then you are wrong. I'll never marry you. Firstly from childhood you mistreats me as your barbie doll but i am grown up lan somerhalder so don't you dare think about that and yess dont call me because weather is same everyday BYE", sanskar cuts the call and gives a satisfied smile to shehkar raising his eyebrow.

"I am awesome aren't  i Mr.shehkar, now she'll never think that I'll marry her huh ", sanskar raised his invisible collar with a smirk while shehkar faked smile at him.


Geet stood their grasping what just had happened? What the hell did he say?" That annoying brat, he is so full of himself and what did he say? He don't  like me, how dare he? , this is soo ridiculous, All he knows is to spend money", saying she started walking but stopped as a bulb lit in her mind. And she smiles cutely, " let's  see if you can say same after our marriage". While going inside she sees maan going somewhere,  she sighs in releif seeing him gone.

"Thank God the devil is gone, now i can think of some good ideas", she muttered and smiled heading towards their office.


Do you think  she likes me?", sanskar asked.

" Yes in my pov, because she calls you once a week at same time asking about same thing, i think it's  an insincere conversation she feel obliged to carry out", shehkar says and smiled looking at sanskar who claps his finger  and says," bingo that's it" and sighed.

"Damn, i don't  have many friends and those i have are like this", sanskar said and shakes his head smiling.
Shehkar look at sanskar and then  claps his finger and a servant comes with glass of cocktail,  he handed it over to sanskar who smiled and took the glass shopping online on his tab.

Scene shift

"Dida, Dida , Dida", ragini shouts in excitement coming  inside her small house, her house is very small located at the end side of their town near forest area. She have two rooms and a small kitchen. Outside she have a broken garage type  area where she usually spends her time making medicine. A plain at other side of their house and a washroom too. She placed the bag of veggies in kitchen and dusted her hands with her dupatta.

"Dida", she shouts and goes to other room and find her dida sitting on floor near a broken table, her food untouched.

"Dida, look what i have found. Now i can  make new medicine's isnt it great?", ragini asked excitedly as she sits on the floor keeping her back towards her dida. She kept the plant and start plucking it.

"Dida? Isn't this plant of great use", she said again but got no response, she turns her head and strangely smiles. She look at her dida who stood unmoved.

"Dida?", she calls her out again but in low voice. Fear errupt in her heart as she left the plant and crawls towards her dida, she moves close and found her eyes open staring at the table while a morsel in her hand. Sitting like a statue.

She takes the morsel and slightly pushed her, dida fell down while she gasped nodding no, tear fell from her eyes continuously.

"Dida, dida wake up dida....", she shakes her body as she taps her cheeks.

"What happened  dida? Dida wake upppp.... dont leave  us ... please..e", her voice cracked while her chest tightened as she shakes her lifeless body. She was okay few time ago and now. No NO it must be a bad dream and nothing else right?.

"Didaaaaaaaaaa", ragini shouts as she hugged her dida and cried harder, now in real meaning she is left alone with her brother.

To be continued....

Precap-Unexpected meet

Heya everyone, hows you all....i have written this ss on teju bdy and now updating its 1 chapter after an year.... i know the chapter must be boring but i tried my best to present it in a different way.... i want to tell you all one thing that DD aka geet isnt grey or villan here, this is a romcom story based on my fav k drama so geet is a different person here so don't take her negavtive. The story will revolve around these 4 people and will mainly focus sanskar an overprotective child , so don't get upset if you get less scenes of others for few episode. RagSan story will start  soon :p dont  worry....... and maneet we'll see *wink* and yes I'll  update about cast on next chappy... do tell me how was it honestly...

Don't forget to comment,vote and yes do tag others to know about this one *grin*

I'll be back again with HMW in shaa Allah Or MDG till then take care, keep smiling and stay blessed.

Love you loads😍

Fizo_the history maker😎

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