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"Sanskar khanna, only heir of GOLD GROUP & GOLD ENTERPRISES The last surviving heir of a Gold Group chairman. Having grown up in a sheltered and pampered environment in France, he turns to retail therapy to curb his loneliness, he only knows to spend money."

"Ragini gadodia, a girl lives in a small town a naive girl who has no knowledge of technology lives with her granny and small brother, make homemade herbals to run her house, she adapts every situation well and can over come them a sweet personality."

"Maan Singh Khurana, A prickly personality, director of gold group merchandising department and online store"

"Geet Malik, Childhood friend of sanskar love him due to his title, daughter of the president of Gold Group, pretends to be the Perfect Girl for everyone show her real nature and works in merchandising department of Gold Group."

This is the time when the whole world is connected in one site waiting impatiently to grab their first 1pp special track suits in just 5 mins. Goldline, world's most favourites online store, whatever they sell it becomes a trend.

Maan stands infront of a table where all of his employee's are settled infront of their computer's all set to launch their 100 special track suits in just a min.

Countdown begins..... 1 2 3


Scene shift

" i want to be number 1." says sanskar jumping on his sofa looking at the big LCD where Goldline site is loading while his butler shakes his head.

"Mr.sanskar", utters shehkar his butler stopping him.

Sanskar throws the remote as Number 1 appears on his big screen, he smiles," i said na i am number 1" he utters while jumping down from his comfy sofa and giving a grin to shehkar who smiles.




In just 2 minutes the 100 track suit were sold. Those lucky one's who get this were happy while some are upset

"Sir it's sold", says an employee with a bright smile while maan nods getting up.

"Khaadus i think he eats bitter guard in his break fast everyday ", an employee utters making everyone laughs except the two the one who follows maan and copy his each style and second is geet.

"No, mr.jai you shouldn't have said like that behind his back it's bad", utters geet.

"You are saying this because you are too sweet ms.geet", replies mr.jai while geet flushed hearing the compliment and proudly smiles getting up.

"Siddu stop crying it's just a track suit I'll buy you one",utters ragini looking at his brother who is crying.

"Noo Ragini di i have give all my pocket money to my friend he says he will buy me that special one i want that only, my money everything gone waste he is a cheat, you don't know how special that track suit was", utters siddhart.

"Okay okay just show me how it looks i will buy it for you", ask ragini while Siddharth shows him a piece of newspaper, ragini takes the picture and goes from there.

" i want to buy this one", ragini goes to a small area where she saw the same copy of track suit but it was little torn so she buys it and sewed the torn part and goes to his brother who was sleeping on their granny lap.

Her granny smiles while ragini keeps the track suit besides him and goes from there.

One who dont know what fashion is and the other who only knows shopping and trends, apart yet together , both the poles.... Howz going to be their first meet??? Expected or the unexpected.

It was a short boring prologue which you all definitely not get but once it begins you'll defo gonna love it 😉

Dont forget to read, vote and comment❤ i am taking this story as private and all my others story too after the competition, don't forget to follow me incase you did not 😋 for future updates and yess have a look on our story of group competition " Moujza-e-uns A Miracle Of Love~ Ragsan" on my account.

Thank you❤


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