Part 1

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A 'orphanage and women shelter House' is shown in which four girls are playing football on the ground.

"Kavita look... mother is calling you," Ragini said, pointing fingers toward her back. Kavita turned her head to see. Ragini took the ball from her hands and threw it in the basket. Swara and Ragini give each other Hi_five and laughed. kavya slapped on Kavita's head. she made a sad pout.

"we again lost, just because of you," kavya said, in a scolding tone.

"she is a cheater... don't know how she became a national player," Kavita said irritated like hell.

"you are dumb... better luck next time," Ragini said teasing her.

"dinner is ready...come fast" a woman called loudly. All four turned their heads to look at her and ran toward her.

"first.. like always," Ragini exclaimed after reaching there and patted her shoulder.

"me second..." Kavita said, with satisfying smile.

"third..." Swara said, making face and glaring at kavita. The second and third positions always kept changing between her and Kavita.

"last... like always, " Kavya said reaching there, breathing heavily.

The trio looked at her red face and laughed lightly. They stood in a row, picking plates in their hands and after getting food, settled down on dining table, talking about random things.

After Some Time

"Mother Sofia... We are leaving," Four shouted in union, standing near the exit door.

" many times told you, don't shout like this...because of you, other gets disturb," mother said, scolding them.

And instead of getting​ embarrassed, they giggled. Mother sofia shook their head, red some prayers under her breath and blew at them. they smiled and left.


"Hey guys!... glad you all came," The girl said welcoming Swara, Ragini, Kavita and kavya.

"No need to get formal with us...we are friends, " Kavita said, giving her a side hug. They were enjoying the party. standing near a small bone fire.

"Swara when is your next exhibition? " kavya asked, taking a sip of her juice.

"Maybe at the end of this month... date is not confirmed... A lot of paintings are remaining, "Swara said,

"Kavi... This stupid dress... you are the worse designer, " Ragini said, irritated as she freed her foot from a long gown sixth time. kavya and Swara chuckled at that.

"Shut up... I am the best designer in India," Kavita said proudly. Ragini mimicked her. Kavita​ slapped her on the shoulder. both started their cat fight.

"I am going to Kolkata tomorrow," Swara said suddenly. the trio looked at her. "to meet adharsh" she added.

"I can't believe you are still in contact with those people," Ragini said annoyed like hell.

"I just care about my brother... no one else, " Swara said firmly. kavya kept a hand on Swara's shoulder. Ragini opened her mouth to say something but Kavita put a hand on her mouth.

"keep your mouth shut for once," Kavita said, Meanwhile, Their freind came there happily.

"Guys guess what? " She said in an excited tone, hiding something behind her.

"What?" Kavita said, more excited than her.

"My boyfriend is out of town still managed to send me this romance novel as a birthday gift," she said happily. All their excitement vanished in a second. Ragini took the book from her hand and started tearing it. The girl covered her mouth, seeing the booking getting torn ruthlessly.

"He is making a fool of you by all these things," Ragini said, angrily and threw the ripped book on the ground.

"Men use this word 'LOVE' to play with us," Swara said, picked up the matchbox and dropped burning matchstick on the book.

"They just want to fulfill their filthy desire," kavya said with tear-filled eyes and start pouring her drink on the book, igniting the fire.

"World biggest crap," Kavita said, kicked the book, throwing it inside the bone fire, not caring her foot will get burn. After that they left from there, taking steps together.

Kolkata Airport

Swara stepped out of the airport, wearing a black simple lengha and dark blue shirt. she sat inside the cab.

"what is destination ma'am? " the driver asked,

"Gaddodia mention," Swara said and all painful memories related to that house came flushing to her. She laid back and closed her eyes. The mention was far from the city. it took an hour to reach there. Driver stopped the cab in front of a giant iron door. The watchman came toward the cab, Swara moved her window down. The watchman was a little shocked to see her but greeted her and opened the gate. It was a long stony road with cherry trees on both sides. it took 10 minutes to reach in front of main door. Swara stepped down, paid the driver and entered inside, keeping her long striped bag on her shoulder. she stopped a maid, who  was looking at her with surprise.

"Where is adharsh?" Swara asked, ignoring her surprised expressions.

"In his study,"maid replied, fumbling a little. Swara nodded and went in a specific direction.

"I should inform madam," maid murmured and ran upstairs.

Swara opened the study door. The room was dark a little. sun rays were illuminating the room, She tiptoed inside, put her bag on the sofa and forwarded toward her brother who was facing the opposite direction. she kept her hands on his eyes from the back.

"Surprise! " Swara whispered near his ear. His body stiffened immediately.

"Strange, " Swara thought.

He held her soft hands, removed them from his eyes and turned around. Swara's eyes widened seeing the person and stepped back a little but her hands were still in his hands who was looking at her with his dark black eyes.

To Be Continued....

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