Part 2

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"sanskar... let's go" a boy said after entering inside the study but was shocked to see the scene. sanskar left swara's hand. swara turned back.
" swara!...." boy said with mixed feeling of shock, surprise and happiness.
"Adi...." swara said happily, run and hug him. Boy left her up from the ground and twirl her.
Sanskar felt strange with their closeness.
Adi put her back on the ground.
"what a pleasant surprise... I started forgetting your face" adi said patting her cheek. swara just smiles. sanskar clears her throat.

Adi(adharsh) and swara looked at him
"oh sanskar....I guess we have to cancel our plan.....need to spend time with sister" adharsh said,smiling warmly.
sanskar nodded,feeling deep relief suddenly.

"will not introduce us" sanskar said, looking at swara with deep eyes.
"swara...he is sanskar my best friend, ASP....and sanskar, she is my elder sister you go get fresh...u must be tired" adi said in one breath and push swara toward door. swara chuckles at his antics, picks her bag and left from their, without giving second look to sanskar.
Adi looks at sanskar, with raised eye brow, who was looking at the door from which swara left.
"where are you lost bro!" Adi said confused.
sanskar looks at him and said"I am here only....u will send me without lunch"
"say it straight.....u want to eat mom's hands food" Adi said chuckling and both walked toward dining hall.

"Sanskar are not eating anything....take this dish" shomi said forwarding dish toward him.
"aunty my plate is full..." sanskar said and looked around with narrowed eyes.
"oye!....where are you looking? uttra is not at home.... she went for vacations with her friends" Adi whispered in sanskar's ear in teasing tone.
Sanskar looked at him dryly.
"swara had come?...." shekhar asked in strict tone without any affection in it.
"yes dad..." Adi said quickly.
shomi murmured something under her breath

"didn't come for lunch?" shekhar asked in more strict tone.
"She is tired dad...taking rest in her room....I will take her out in evening" Adi said smiling.
shekhar nodded. sanskar sighed heavily and concentrate on his food

"swara....I am warning you....after two days there is my show, dare if you missed that" kavita's threatening voice came out from swara's mobile.
"I will reach there before your show's starting....okay?" swara said, making face. it was her third call in which she was repeating the sane phrase again and again
"okay!..." kavita said and cut the call. swara shook her head in disbelief.
"swara!....are you ready?" adi said loudly from down stairs.
swara quickly throw her phone inside her bag, keep it on shoulder and run outside

At Night

Swara and adi stepped inside the house, eating ice cream together of same orange flavour.
"you came?..." shomi said in firm tone, crossing her arms. shekhar was sitting on big single sofa in businessman attire.
Swara's face expressions changed to flat immediately.
"What you think of this house..... police station...whenever you want, you will come and whenever you want you will leave" shomi said angrily
"mom what's wrong..... she just came today and you are behaving like this?.." adharsh said, confused and somewhat angry.

"Adharsh....don't speak in between...go to your room" shekhar scolded him.
"but dad...." adi tried to speak but swara holds his hand and sign him to go.
Adi left from their,angry like hell.
"what were you saying Mrs.gadodia?.....what I think?....first tell me who give you right to ask question from me?" swara said focusing on the woman,standing in front of her.
Shomi looked at shekhar.
"she is your mother" shekhar said angrily. swara's blood boiled.

"She is not my mother and pitch low Mr.gadodia" swara said in firm voice. after saying she left from there. shekhar and shomi just saw her leaving with erect head.
swara picks up her bag and starts throwing few things in it which she take out in morning.Her face was expression less.
"you are leaving?..." Adi asked,standing at door step. swara zipped her bag and turned.
"yup..." swara said,put bag on shoulder and stands in front of him
"I just came to meet you....time to leave now" swara said with smile.
"I don't understand why mom and dad behave like this with you" adi said, passing his fingers from hair.

"it is because you are younger to me" swara said pulling his cheek.
"oh hello madam.....I am not younger than you...."adi said glaring at her.
"from brain....I meant" swara said teasing him.
Adi jaw dropped to the ground.
swara hug him and said"bye....take care"
" too take care....tell me your address....I will come to meet you otherwise you will not show your face for three years" adi said hugging her back.
"I will come..." swara said,break hug and left.


"ma'am next flight for Mumbai is in morning" receptionist informed her.
"thank you..." swara said and start waiting on airport.

"Thank you so much for your donation" mother said to a lady,sitting in front of her.
"don't thank me....but I want to know where you will spend this money.i mean to say this orphanage is best developed orphanage of Mumbai....every facility is present here....this look more a five start hotel than orphanage" lady said, looking around.
Mother chuckled lightly at that.
"it all because of my daughters......spend all their money at orphanage" mother said with full love.

"you are not married....are you?" lady asked giggling.
"they live in orphanage...." mother said laughing.
"they seem very close to you?"
"hmm.....they are my daughters....swara,ragini,kavya and kavita......they are four shining stars of orphanage" mother said with proud.
"if I am not wrong...... are you talking about....."
Her sentence was not completed when our shining stars came with bang.
"kavita!....I am warning you, shut your mouth before I break it" ragini said in threatening voice.
"you shut your mouth" kavita said in more angry voice
kavya and swara were giggling.they sit with mother on large couch.
all four started telling mother about their in one go.
" second...first meet Mrs.kapoor.......she donated 1 lack for orphanage" mother said, putting barrier in front of their tongue.
they greets her like good girls.

"look like.....all famous celebrates of Mumbai are here" Mrs.kapoor said chuckling.
All laughed.
"don't worry about your money.....we will use to enlarge the orphanage where girls will get education"
Mrs.kapoor nodded, smiling.
"you all go get fresh...." mother said and they left without any objection.
"mother......don't you think its time for their marriage......I mean to say I know them very well......their need are always on front page of newspaper.... they are successful then?" Mrs.kapoor said with little hesitation.
"Never take marriage word in front of them....." mother said

"what do you mean?" Mrs.kapoor asked being confused.
"I am sorry child but I believe we should not talk about past" mother said.Mrs.kapoor understands that she don't want to share.
"Don't worry everything will be alright" Mrs.kapoor said and gets up to leave.Mother also gets up and show her the way.Mrs.kapoor stopped in front of football playground and saw girls playing football together. Their low laughter voices were touching her ears.she smiled and stepped out from gate.
Mother was still looking at girls.
"Jesus plz do any miracle and fill their lives with happiness" mother murmured sadly with glimpse of tears in eyes.

"Pick me at 6...." kavita said,closing the car door.
"okay madam....." ragini said and drove the car.
kavita entered inside the fashion house and direct went to her cabin and looked at the dress which shows topper was going to wear.she checked it carefully and start working on other designs.
Meanwhile her boss entered the cabin.kavita turned and looked at him.
Her boss Sahil maheswari. Owner of maheswari fashion house and industry.Handsome and hot looking.he was friendly with everyone except kavita.he talks with her only if their is work but still

he was number one 'CHIPkO' in kavita's list.
"Good morning miss kavita....." sahil wished her. kavita gives him fake smile instead of wishing him back as usual.
"tomorrow is very important show....I hope all designs are ready but still check them again and....."
his sentence was not completed when kavita cut him.

"I don't need your advice,I very well know how to do my work" kavita snapped at him.
"And staff complains I behave differently with her" sahil thought in his mind looking at her with small unseen smile on lips as kavita was still scolding him like she was his boss. sahil got call while getting scolding from kavita.
"one second miss kavita" sahil said and attended the call.
"what!!!!!..." sahil said shocked after hearing something.
"I am coming...." sahil said and cut the call.
"miss kavita I will complete this scolding session some other day" sahil said and hurriedly left from there. kavita turned back to work cursing him

"hold the steering wheel tight" kavya advised ragini sitting on back seat.
"I know how to drive" ragini said, being irritated.
"don't talk.....focus on the road..u will hit someone" swara scolded her. ragini turns her head and looked at her angrily. kavya slaps her from behind.
"look at the road and decrease the speed you are still learning" kavya said
"I am already driving at 30km/s..." ragini said making face.
"decrease it to that if u hit someone, it should not cause big damage" swara said
ragini decrease the speed,cursing both.
swara and kavya keep on giving her instructions.
"you two come and drive...." ragini said angry like hell.she left the staring and crossed her arms over chest.

their car hit against another and car was still moving making first car also moving.
Girls bent forward.kavya's head strikes with seat.ragini's head with steering wheel,swara's with dashboard
"God...." ragini said rubbing her forehead.
"hey bhagwan..." kavya cried
"f**k.." swara said angrily

Car was still moving

"stop the carrrr...." kavya and swara shouted coming back to their senses. ragini applied the break and trio came out and looked at the damage. front portion was hanging down and lights were broken.
trio beats their forehead.
"I guess its 3rd time in one month" kavya said dryly.
"Bhai's car..." horrified voice of a boy touched their ears. girls turned their heads and looked at the two boys who were completely bent over their car. Both boys get straight and throw daggers at them.

"I have heard girl's driving have improved.........THIS IS IMPROVEMENT,DIDN'T SEE THAT RED SIGNAL" boy said first sentence in dilemma and last shouted on their face.
girls got angry.
"there....there is red signal" same boy said pointing at their back.
"DONE......" ragini said and trio girls crossed their arms.
Boys jaw dropped to the ground at their attitude.

"let's go" kavya said and trio turned to leave.
"oh hello! madam show this atti....." 2nd boy said holding kavys's arm
but his sentence was left incomplete with tight slap of kavya.
"how dare you touch me" kavya said angrily. boy freezes their with one hand on cheek.
girls give them dirty look.
"jerks...."they give them compliment ,sit inside the car and left.
2nd boy walks car with hand on cheek and sit inside. first boy called twice and informed them to come home.
Maheswari Mention

Sanskar and sahil hurriedly entered the hall together.
" lakshya!!!...." sanskar shouted worriedly.
"lucky...." sahil shouted
"we are here..." lucky said,signalling them to come there.
both goes and sit on couch with him.

"why u called me so urgently" sanskar asked.
"everything alright?" sahil asked.
"look there." lucky said pointing forward.sahil and sanskar looks forward.
"karan why are u sitting like this(with one hand on cheek)" sanskar asked.
"he got his first ever slap today that too from a girl" lucky said dramatically.
"what...." sahil and sanskar said shocked. In next moment hall echoed with sahil and Lucky's laughter voice. sanskar pressed his lips to hide his smile.
"bhai see they are laughing" karan complained to sanskar like whining child.sanskar clears his throat.

sahil and lucky stop laughing but was still giggling.
"how this happened?" sanskar asked in composed tone.
"we were waiting for signal to turn green and suddenly they hit our car from behind...we were shouting to stop the car but didn't listen to us and when we confronted them then they showed us attitude and tried to leave I just hold her hand to stop her and in response she give me tight slap" karan repeated the scene to them like baby.
"you should not have hold her hand" sanskar said softly.
"bhai I was not going to take her to moon" karan said complaining.
"its alright...this moment comes in every men should face it bravely" sahil said chuckling

"Gentlemen plz hold this candles and keep silence for 3 minutes in sorrow of our younger brother's first slap anddddd for bhai's car accident" lucky said giving them burning candles.
"you both took my car" sanskar asked in serious tone.
"kaka off the lights plz" lucky shouted hurriedly, avoiding sanskar question. sanskar shakes her head and prepared himself for the idiotic thing. trio kept silence for 3 minutes and karan was sitting between them with hand on cheek.

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