Part 11

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"Yes sir..."ragini stopped practicing and looked at couch.

"It's pretty should go home.its enough for today"he said with genuine smile.ragini nodded,left the ball and went toward her lock.

Maeheshwai's house

Ragini tried to open the door but it was locked.

"What the hell?..."ragini muttered and tried to push it but in vain.just then her mobile beeped with message.

"Told you to come before 8"


"Now don't think to go know what will be the consiquences."

Ragini hit her fist on door angrily,went and sit on bench in the lawn and crossed her arms over chest angrily.

After an hour kavya came,worn out because of work and same happened with her.

"God are they serious..."kavya said and sit beside ragini with angry face.then Kavita and swara.

"Move...."swara said in serious tone.kavita looks at kavya.

"Ragini move..."kavya said to her,so that they can make space for swara.

"There is no space left...I am sitting on edge"ragini said in irritated voice.

"Moti..."Kavita said and pushed kavya and make swara sit beside her.ragini and kavya falls from otheside,kavya was on ragini.both gets up with angry faces.

"I told you there is no space left...."ragini shouted angrily and push Kavita with full force.swara falls down in ground with a small scream.kavya and rgini siton bench.

"You are so dead from my hand..."swara said in furious tone and girls started fighting like wild cats.

On the other side boys were laughing,holding their stomach,seeing them fighting like this.they were seeing everything from window.

"where are running.."swara said and throw her sandal at kavita.she bent and sanskar caught it before it hit his handsome face.girls who were fighting,stopped at instance.

"i hope you all got your lessons for coming late....or want to stay here whole night"sanskar said looking at everyone and last sentence he said,looking at swara.she clenched her fist angrily.while others nodded their head in unison.sanskar walks toward swara,put sandal on her hand and straight to house.girls goes after her.swara angrily throw that sandal and throw other one also and walks inside with bare feet.she was walking toward her room when sanskar calls her from back.

"swara...i want black coffee with two tea spoon in study room."sanskar said and left before shouted No at his face.swara stamps her bare foot and went toward kitchen.

swara put cup on table,making sound,throwing daggers at him.sanskar smiles and looks at her.

"what's wrong?...."sanskar said,behaving as nothing happened.

"don't you dare order me like this again.."swara said pointing finger at him.sanskar holds her hand and pull her in his lap.swara shocked with his action.her face turned red tomato and struggled hard to get up.

"LEAVE ME!...."swara said angrily.she wanted to eat him alive at that moment.sanskar slid his hand around her waist and looming over her face.

"you purposely came late today..."sanskar said looking at her face deeply.

""swara stammered,avoiding eye contact.

"why you don't understand...i just want to protect you."sanskar said softly.

"i don't wants anyone protection...i can take care of myself"swara said in furious voice and this time she was able to come out from his grip.she walks out from there,without giving him second glance.


Kavya knocks at door and entered inside.karan looks at her with unbelieveable look.she was in his room at night.

"am i dreaming?..."karan thoughts,closed his eyes then looks at her.

"i can believe it...'karan muttered under his breath.he clears his throat and smiles brightly.

"actually i...i wanted take back case"she said,looking down at floor,giving mini heart attack to karan.

"don't say kavya....think about me.if you will not get divorce then what will i do?"karan said in panic voice.kavya looks at him with jerk at his sudden out burst.

"bhabhi see what is she saying.....please tell her don't do this"karan said looking at kavya's back.kavya turns quickly and saw swara's serious face.swara holds her hand and drags her out.karan passes his both hands from hair,feeling pain in chest.

"if she will not get divorce then...."this thought came in his mind.karan shakes his head firmly and walks after them.he stopped at door,hearing their voices.

"Have you lost your mind...."swara shouted at kavya,shaking her by shoulders.

"what is happening here?...'kavita asked in confused voice.

"ask from this madam...."swara said,staring at kavya angrily.kavya lowers her head.

"swara what she did now?"ragini asked,sensing something serious.

"she don't want to take divorce...."

kavita and ragini look at each other.they heard wrong...right?

"i vo..actually...'kavya tried to speak but her hands started shaking.she quickly went toward her drawer and takes out some pills.she was going to take one when ragini snatched it and threw it toward wall.there was loud sound of breaking glass and white pills dispersed on floor.

"no one is going to take these pills again....'ragini said firmly.kavya starts crying and sits on floor.

"i can't....i don't have this much courage'kavya said between her sobs.kavita slapped ragini angrily and hugs kavya.

"everything will be fine..."kavita said rubbing kavya's shoulder.swara gives her glass of water and sit beside her but didn't pacify her.kavya drinks water slowly.kavita looks at ragini with raised eye brows.ragini shakes her side to side after crossing her arms over chest.

"ragini...'swara said in serious tone.ragini bites her tongue,quickly sit down and hugs kavya.

"sorry but you deserved that..."ragini said and got another slap from kavita.

"you are not going to back out..."swara ordered in bossy tone.

"but...."kavya tried to speak.

"no means no...."trio shouted in unison,making kavya silent at once.



"kavya..."swara shakes kavya.

"swara let me sleep..."kavya said and turned to other side.

"kavya please wake up...i need help"swara said shaking her.kavya gets up and sit on bed.

"swara it 5 in morning....what u want now"kavya said in irritated voice.

"help me to prepare breakfast...."swara said while making face.kavya looks at her with wide eyes.

"you are saying to teach you cooking...why?"kavya said with wild open eyes.swara remembers sanskar closeness in kitchen.

"because you know cooking well...'swara said lying.

"why so early swara...we have much time."kavya said and falls down on bed again.swara holds her arm and make her sit again.

"no we have to prepare it before he enters there..."swara said quickly.

"before who?..."

"nothing you wake up...i have urgent work...i need to leave early"swara said and dragged her out from bed.


Sanskar stepped inside the kitchen and was surprised after seeing breakfast.he looks at swara and kavya.saskar laughed lightly,understand everything.

"swara everything done...i am leaving"kavya said and walk passed sanskar.swara also tried to walk pass sanskar but he holds her hand,stopping her near his shoulder.their shoulders touched a little.

"running from me..."sanskar whispered in her ear.swara felt strange feeling run throw her veins.she freed her hand and leaves from their hurriedly.


Sahil clears his throat to gain attention of everyone.kavita ignored him.

"today is sunday so we thinking to give one day off."sahil said in composed tone.kavita looks at him with jerk.girls eyes brightened.they get up quickly and almost run toward their room.Boys mouth dropped to ground,seeing them leaving as they were caged for long time.

"oyeeee!...."lucky shouted seeing ragini,moving toward door.

"at least listen to us completely...."lucky said in annoyed tone.girls make faces and walks toward table.

"you all will come home at 8....if anyone didn't come the  we will go to orphanage at 8'lucky said in warning tone.girls rolls their eyes.

"you are still our maids...."karan said and got a glare from kavya.


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