Part 10

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Swara and sanskar were working in kitchen when sanskar bends toward swara to pick something from kitchen counter but swara points knife at him.

"swear on God i will kill you,if you came near me."swara said angrily while pointing knife at him.sanskar looks at knife then at her face.he holds wrist and twist it at her back.swara back strikes with his chest.sanskar takes knife from her hand.

"threatening a police officer is a crime....i can arrest you for this."sanskar whispered in her ear and twist her arm more.swara hissed a little.

"Not a bad idea...."sanskar said while his lips touched her ear a little.swara felt her heart stopped a little.



"its so boring to do jogging alone...'ragini murmured to herself while missing swara.Just then she find lucky jogging with head phones on ears.his tensed shoulder muscles were visible.beacuse of intense workout,he was wet which was making him more hot.ragini diverts her eyes and goes in opposite direction.

"he is so hot..."shriek of one girl, touched her ear and she looks at two girls who were ogling at lucky.ragini gritted her teeth,turns on her heels and stands in front girls with red face.

"what are you two doing here...."ragini said through gritted teeth.

Girls looks at each other with raised eyebrows.

"because of girls like you....boys get courage to trouble innocent girls......don't you have shame"ragini said in full anger.

"mind your tongue miss....who the hell are you to tell us what should we do or not do?"girl said getting angry.

"i have full rights because you are ogling at my......"ragini stopped at once,realizing what she was going to say.she turns and leaves from there.girls were still saying something at her back but nothing touched her ear.

she went back home,direct to kitchen and takes out cold water bottle and was about to drink from it but lucky snatch it from back.

"thanks...'lucky said and drinks water from it.ragini looks at him then punch in his stomach.lucky spits out water and coughed.

"dare you came in front of me again....'ragini shouted at his face and walks out from there.

"what happened to her so early morning...."lucky said being confused from her mood swings.



"sir.....what did she do?"mukhar ji asked confusingly after giving sanskar handcuffs.

"threatened to kill me.."sanskar said chuckling and put handcuffs around swara's wrists.she stares at him with silent angry eyes.

"sir but...'mukhar ji tried to say something but sanskar looks at him,making him shut his mouth.he touched his cap and leaves.

"stop staring at me and go sit are arrested for 5 hours for threatening to kill me."sanskar said,goes and sit on his chair.

"f**k...."swara cursed him loudly,goes and sit on far bench.

"curses don't look good from your mouth..."sanskar said without looking at her.swara curse him again and sanskar chuckles.Meanwhile some ladies came inside,one was injured badly.Mukhar ji was also with him.

"sir rape case..."mukhar ji said in serious tone.sanskar gets straight and points them to sit at chairs.mukhar ji opens FIR register and starts writing their complain.

'mukhar ji....tell lady constable to take details from her."sanskar said and mukhar ji nodded and takes ladies with him.sanskar forgets about swara presence there and gets busy in reading case.mukhar ji comes there after some time with one page and gives him.

"mukhar ji! send security with girl.'sanskar said getting up from his seat.mukhar ji leaves from there.sanskar was leaving from there when he saw swara.he goes toward her and starts opening her handcuffs,silently.

"go home..."sanskar said in serious voice.

"where are you going?"swara asked in plain voice.

"going to arrest someone...."sanskar answer without any hesitation.

"what the need to do this small will leave him when his father with offer you money"swara said in bitter voice.sanskar looks at her face and smiles a little.

"i am not a corrupt officer..."sanskar said planting a small kiss on her headline and leaves.

"everyone says the same.."swara muttered in same bitter tone.


'why you call me here...'kavya asked,annoyingly.karan sign her to sit and walks toward his chair.

'i am fine...'kavya said crossing her arms.karan turns toward her.he was standing at small distance.

"kavya sit down....there are some documents you have to sign....your husband will be coming at anytime....i had send notice to his home."karan said in normal tone.Meanwhile there was sound of opening door.kavya's face turned pale completely,she runs and hugs karan quickly,hiding her face.karan get extreme shock.

"who is there?"kavya asked clenching his shirt with shivering hands.

"huh....miss uttra." karan said.uttra eyes gets open,seeing the situation,apologize quickly and close the door.

"kavya are you fine...'karan asked when kavya breaks hug.

"whi...which documents i have to sign."kavya asked ignoring his question.

"you go...i will bring documents home."karan said,staring at her pale face.kavya looks at him for second.there was a thankful looks in her then then she turned and left hurriedly.

"i will love to meet this scary guy...'karan said,feeling hatred for unknown guy already.


"send miss kavita..."sahil said to his PA,on phone and put the receiver back.after a minute his phone started ringing.

"sir miss kavita has left early...'PA informed her on phone.

'okay...'sahil said cut the call.

"didn't even informed me...'sahil said while making face and goes out to take a round.


Sahil was sitting in hall,watching fashion show.he looks toward door,hearing foot steps.

'Good evening ragini..."he greeted her.ragini looks at him with narrowed and leaves without replying.

"lucky one week passed and you didn't even made a small progress...."sahil said chuckling.

After half an hour,kavya came.

"hey kavya..."sahil said and kavya throw daggers at him,makes face and leaves.sahil looks at time with narrowed eyes then looks at door and saw kavita coming.she goes and sit beside him at some distance and removes her sandles.

"where were you?"sahil asked in little possessive voice.

"who are you to ask this question...'kavita said dryly.

"i am your should take permission before leaving from office"sahil said trying to knock some senses in her brain.kavita rolls her eyes at that.Meanwhile  swara came there and sit in couch,dropping her bag on ground.

"Good evening bhabhi...'sahil said moving his gaze from kavita to swara.

"don't call me that..."swara said angrily,gets up and leaves.

"bhai is also not doing anything...'sahil thought,shaking his head.

"why you call swara..."bhabhi"?" kavita asked with narrowed eyes.

"i don't think i need to give you any answer."sahil said and turns his face toward TV.

"copy cat....'kavita said angrily and start watching show.she gets happy,seeing her fashion line.sahil changed the channel.

"why the hell you changed..they were showing my show."kavita said in irritated voice.

"not interested.."sahil said dryly.kavita clenches her fist,slaps him on shoulder and leaves.


"they have no sense of is coming at 9 other is coming at 10 and bhabhi came at 11.....its so unsafe to roam so late night"sahil said in worried voice.all brothers were sitting in hall,late night,sharing their problems.

"from tomorrow they will come at 8....."sanskar said in firm tone.

"but how?.....if we will tell to come early then they will come more late."lucky said and karan nodded vigorously.

"one day will sit in garden...learn lesson themselves...'sanskar said in little angry voice.

"bhai why are you so angry today?"sahil asked 

"today  one rape case came....girl was going home after duty,car of drunk boys passed and took girl with them.this is condition of city and they don't care a little.'sanskar said angrily with clenched fist.brothers looks at his angry face and worries about swara.



'you all will come at 8 and after that door will be close....."sanskar said in strict voice.

"we will go orphanage....'swara said while rolling her eyes.

"fine then......karan send legal notice to  orphanage."sanskar said and girls breaths get stuck in lungs.

'we will come at right time...'kavya said quickly,grabs swara's arm and drags her out.

"how can they threat us like this?"swara said angrily.

"swara what they are saying."kavita said poutingly.

"its impossible for me..."ragini said worriedly.


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