Part 9

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"you don't even how to cut onions?" sanskar asked,after seeing her staring at knife and onions like those are algebra problems.

"i will cut do your work."swara snapped at him.she keeps onion and tried to cut it from mid but onion slipped from her hand and fell down.sanskar laughed and picks up onion from floor.swara cursed onion hard.

Sanskar stands beside swara,holds her hand in which she was holding knife and makes her cut onion gently.

Goosebumps raised on her skin when his warm breaths fell on her shoulder.sanskar looks at plain bangles and looks at her nervous face.

"nice bangles..."sanskar said in soft tone and swara looks at him.both shares long eyelock.sanskar slowly wipes her one tear which came because of onion.swara came in her senses when his cold hand touched her cheek and jerks his hand and turns her face away.

Sanskar sighed and start preparing breakfast.

"move will burn yourself."sanskar said pulling swara back,seeing her standing so close to stove.

"don't touch me....'swara frees her hand,angrily.sanskar ignores her anger.after struggling hard and wasting hours of sanskar,swara learned to make breakfast.

sanskar loos at his wrist and looks at swara.

"arrange this on table..."sanskar said and leaves hurriedly.

"need to wake up early tomorrow...."sanskar muttered to himself.swara let out a tired sigh while looking at dishes.



Sahil was working in his office when his PA entered inside and give him some files.sahil takes and start reading them.

'sir...can i ask something?"PA said obediently.

"yes...any problem?"sahil said and looks at her.

"sir my husband is very careless...everyday his shirts have big oil there some easy way to remove oil spots?"PA said,hiding her smile.

'have you lost your mind completely?...."sahil said angrily

"sorry sir..."PA said and leaves hurriedly,seeing his angry face.

After some time,peon comes with his coffee and keeps it on table and start staring at sahil.

"sir....i was always your fan but now i am bigger fan of yours"peon said in very impressed tone.sahil stares at him with annoyed face.

" wife don't know hot to remove stubborn stains .....can you please give me some solution"peon said in very helpless tone.

"have you all lost your mind.....get out from here"sahil shouted angrily.

'sir plz....."peon requested.sahil gets up from his seat and hold his collar.

"what crap you all are asking from me?"sahil said angrily.

"kavita ma'am told you are washing expert therefore..."peon said in scared tone.

"now i got it....."sahil said through gritted teeth,leaves peon and walks out from there.

he entered into kavita's cabin,in full anger.

"what are you telling everyone?"sahil asked angrily,turning her toward him.

"about what?"kavita asked with innocent face.

"keep this innocence drama for others.....i know you very well."sahil said,coming close to her.

'sir i just told everyone that you are expert in washing clothes....ONLY"kavita said blinking at him innocently.sahil slid his hand around her waist and pull her close to his chest.

"you want to play game with me?...."sahil said in deep voice,pulling her more close.

Kavita stare at him with stuck breath,because of his closeness.

"you didn't answer.."sahil said leaning close to his face.kavita close her eyes an push him back with full force.

'i am not playing any game..."she said and leaves from there hurriedly.

"kavit wait...'sahil called her but she didn't wait for him.

"don't when romance will start between us?"sahil said,making face.


"pressing clothes are very sensitive should be very careful"karan said in very serious tone.kavya bites her inner cheek after seeing his seriousness.

He holds her hand and pull her forward,near iron stand.kavya pulls hand with jerk.

"don't touch me.....don't you understand a single thing."kavya almost shouted at him.karan stares at her for a second.

"you stay here...'karan said and leaves from there.kavya closes her eyes and takes out a heavy breath.karan come there after a second and show her gloves.

"now i am wearing these then there will be no problem of touching right?"karan said and kavya stares at him with strange eyes.karan wears gloves.

"okay?....'karan asked showing her his hands.Meanwhile his phone started ringing.he takes out his mobile and goes to side to attend it.kavya keeps on staring at him.after talking on phone,he looks at her for a second,feeling her costant stare.kavya diverts her eyes quickly.he comes toward her after ending call.

"i need to go now.....i will teach you later"karan said and leaves.kavya saw her leaving,lost in deep thoughts.



"you don't need to stand here.....i will do my work'ragini said annoyingly,seeing him,keeping eye on her.

"i don't trust you..."lucky said,shaking his head side to side.ragini looks at him dryly then looks at large cupboard,bigger then her height.she looks back at him.lucky crossed his arms over chest and sign her to start.she make face and start dusting from one side.

She cleans dirt from one showpiece and cleans the cloth toward lucky,without attention.lucky sneeze loudly and ragini looks at him with wide eyes then giggles and start doing this again and again.

"ragini...(sneeze)....stop it"lucky said sneezing continuously,ragini again cleans cloth at his face.lucky again sneezed loudly.lucky grabs her arm and pinned her to wall in blink of second.

he keeps hands on her both sides,caging her between him and wall.

"i didn't knew it you are naughty also......"lucky said and cups her left cheek.

"wh...what are you doing?"ragini said stammering a little,with unsteady breaths.

"you are naughty then i am a step ahead than you..."lucky said in husky tone,decreasing distance between their faces.ragini shut her eyes tight.lucky steps back slowly and stands at distance with crossed rams.ragini open her eyes and looks at him.

'what you though i am going to kiss you?......"lucky asked with raised eyebrows.ragini's cheeks flushed red.

"Hello madam! will be last girl to whom i will kiss.....better than you i will kiss a statue."lucky said,making fun of her.ragini's temperature raised in a second.

"i will break your all bones if you came near me...'ragini said and kicked him between his legs.lucky bends forward,feeling immense pain.ragini jerks her hair back and leaves from there.

"you are so desperate to kiss me...'lucky shouted after recovering.

"SHUT UP....."ragini screamed with full force and lucky laughed loudly.



Swara  gets up from bed,feeling thirsty and walks toward kitchen.sanskar was making black coffee for himself.he looks at him and smiles.swara ignores him and takes out water bottle from fridge.

'i like black coffee with two tea spoons...'sanskar said in plain voice.swara looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"why the hell are you telling me...."swara said while putting water bottle back in fridge.sanskar chuckles.swara looks at him with raised eyebrows.anskar didn't bother to answer her.he just filled his mug with coffee and took sip from it while staring at her face.swara gritted her teeth and walks toward door.But she was pulled back suddenly in strong arms.

"you really don't know why are you here?"sanskar whispered in her ears.

"i am here to safe my home..."swara snapped and tried hard to get out from his strong grip.sanskar turns her and twist her both at her back,making her look at him straight.

"you are here because you had stolen my very precious thing.....and catching thieves is my duty"sanskar said in deep voice.

"i didn't steal anything...."swara said angrily.

"now you are lying...'sanskar said in teasing tone.swara fumed in anger.

"you are biggest thief of world who stoles people precious thing with whisper of 'surprise'....'sanskar whispered in her ear in such tone which made her heart flutter.

"you are going to pay hard for stealing my heart..."sanskar said in same tone,kissed on her ear shell,leaves her arms,picks up his coffee mug and leaves.swara was feeling like her heart will come out from chest any moment.


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