Part 8

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"who the hell had hit my car..."lucky shouted while entering inside the house and saw girl sitting on one couch.

"now i got can only hit parked car."lucky said throwing daggers at ragini.ragini was going to retort back but kavya holds her hand and sign her No.

"how much amount you want?"kavya asked in plain voice.

"we are not doing this for money...."karan said shaking his head.

"then..'kavita asked being confused.

"actually we...'karan was going to spit out everything when sahil and lucky keeps hands on his mouth together.

"rate of that land is very low therefore......"sahil said but kavita cuts him in mid.

"therefore no need to pay.....thank God.guys let's go."girls gets up to leave,making boys to panic.

"oye!..sit down."sahil said angrily.girls muttered some curses and again sit down.

"we want some thing else than money..."lucky said while smirking.

"what do you mean by something jerks therefore you call us here."ragini said shaking with anger,removes her shoe and throw at lucky.lucky catches it and looks at her with wide eyes.swara and kavya beats their forehead.

"what they want..."kavita asked confusingly,patting on ragini's shoulder.

"we want 24 hours maids...."sanskar said chuckling seeing ragini's red face.boys nodded their heads at once.

"maids...."girls shouted,pointing fingers at themselves.

"who can stay here for 24 hours and do our all work.....then we will give legal documents of orphanage to you..."karan explains them everything.girls looks at each other with raised eyebrows.

"decide fast we have a lot of work...'sahil said and kavita muttered something under her breath.

"think then tell us.."sanskar said seeing their confused faces.

"decide today and if you are agreed then come here with your luggage otherwise we will come tomorrow with our luggage....."karan said and sahil slapped on his head.

"i mean with police...'karan corrects himself,goes and stands with sanskar.

"bhai...sahil bhai is troubling me..."karan complained to sanskar.he looks at sahil with warning eyes.sahil muttered sorry.

"we will arrange you some other maids..."swara said in straight voice.

"you all wanted to save orphanage so we thought to make a deal......we can also  find some there maids"sanskar said in her tone.

"fine...."swara said angrily and leaves.kavya and kavita also leave after her.ragini was going to leave but lucky holds her hand and keep shoe on it.

"what were you thinking?"lucky asked with meaningful smirk.

"shut up..."ragini said with red face,push him back,wears shoe and leaves.lucky laughed while shaking his head.


"i am telling you they have some reasons behind this..."kavita said in worried voice.

"do we have any other way to save our home..."kavya said sadly.

"how can we stay with them...what if the did something to us."Ragini said,worried like hell.kavya and swara throw pillows at her.

"nothing else runs in your mind...'swara said muttering curses at her.

"i am going...if i have to work little to save my house then it is not bog deal for me."kavya said in firm voice,gets up and starts packing her things.kavita also gets up.swara thinks for some time then gets up and moves toward her wardrobe.

"ragini get up..."swara said without turning toward her.

"what work we have to do.....'ragini said poutingly while getting up.all kept silent.



Mahehwari brothers were sitting on one couch while holding their forehead.

"bhai if this continue then one day they will burn our whole house"sahil said worriedly.

"what happened?"sanskar said chuckling and sit beside him.

"don't you know what kavita did?"sahil said and trio brothers looks at him.


sahil was watching TV when kavita came there sit beside him and snatched remote from him.

"what are you doing here?....i told you to wash clothes"sahil said,looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"my work is complete...."kavita said while rolling her eyes.

"it takes me whole day to wash clothes and she did in one hour...'sahil muttered to himself.he gets up and went outside.he beats his forehead,seeing condition of clothes.

All clothes were ruined.while clothes had colored spots on them and colored were bleached.he gritted his teeth,went inside,grabs her hand and drags her out.

"what the hell is this?"sahil said angrily.

"washed clothes are hanging to get dry."kavita said innocently.

"did you put all clothes in machine together."sahil asked through gritted teeth.kavita nodded her head vigorously.

"are you mad....don't you know white and colored clothes are washed separately"sahil shouted at her angrily.kavita blinks at him as she was hearing that first time then smirks.

"bhai's uniform,lucky's favorite shirt.....everything is ruined"sahil muttered under his breath.

"Sir....why smoke is coming out from your ears"kavita said and pressed her lips to hide her smile.

"sorry sir but nothing can happen now...'kavita said with fake innocence,turns and leaves.

"she did that on purpose..."sahil thought while watching her leaving.


"sahil bhai you are going to get me a new wardrobe"lucky said while whining like child.

"you are going to buy show pieces of whole house..."sahil said,making lucky sit down on couch with pouted face.


"you clean every corner of house i don't want to see a single spot of dirt anywhere."lucky said while ragini throw daggers at him.

"Go now....don't waste time.'lucky ordered her and ragini leaves.lucky laughed,enjoying her state but his laugh stopped hearing a broken sound of some thing.he runs toward the room and saw a showpiece divided into thousand pieces.lucky looks at her.

"sahil bhai brought that from new york."lucky said and gulped hard.

  "sorry!...."ragini said with cute pout. 

"clean this and do your work carefully...."lucky said in warning and  turns to leave.he had not passed the doorstep when he heard another sound.he turns with jerk and saw another showpiece broken.

"Oops!..'ragni said and bites her inner cheek.lucky's mouth dropped to the ground.

"what the..."lucky tried to shout at her but ragini make cute puppy face.

"that was by mistake...sorry'ragini said in extra sweet voice.lucky's anger fell in a second.

"please carefully....everything is very precious here"lucky said in requesting tone and ragini nodded like obedient girl.lucky turns and had took two steps when another SOUND!

Lucky beats his palm on forehead.


"karan...what kavya did?'sanskar asked turning toward him,leaving lucky and sahil with pouted face.

"bhai...main luti gaya main barbad ho gya."karan cried and lucky pats his shoulder.


Kavya was pressing clothes when her phone started ringing.she picks up mobile and went to side,forgetting iron on karan's coat.

"oh shit!..."karan said,runs and removes iron from his black coat.he sighed in relief,seeing it fine.

he looks at kavya's angrily who was still vusy in phone call.he goes and removes mobile from her ear.

"what is this?...i gave you one work and instead of doing are doing phone calls"karan said angrily.

"can't i do one phone call?"kavya said angrily.

"no....until you don't finish you work,now press my coat carefully"karan said and give her his coat.kavya takes coat from his hand and starts pressing it.karan leaves from there.


kavya throw dozen clothes on his lap.karan picks up one shirt and looks at big iron shaped hole in it.he picks up another shirt and saw same size hole in it.karan looks at kavya with wild open eyes as asking "what is this?"

"had you put iron in mid of these shirts and forgot"karan said again looking hole.

"i don't know how to press clothe but i promise i will learn soon"kavya said sadly.(drama).karan blinked at her.

"sorry....can i leave now"kavya asked like five standard girl.

"leave and no need to do any work."karan said sweetly.

"why.....didn't i do my work nicely"kavya said poutingly.karan looks at numbers of ruined  shirts then again at her.kavya hides her smile.

"perfect go"karan said.kavya turns and keeps hand on mouth.


sanskar burst out laughing after hearing their sad stories.

"God this much happened after me..."sanskar said between his laugh.

"only bhabhi didn't do anything...'karan said,making face.

"i really doubt that..."sanskar muttered.


Brothers gets up with jerk and run toward kitchen and saw thick black fog was coming from range was literally burning.sanskar quickly takes out fire  extinguisher,pull swara at his back and sprays on fire.

"bhabhi burned our kitchen.."lucky said in dismay.meanwhile girls also comes there after hearing voice.

"are you fine?.."sanskar asked from swara.

'what will happen to me?"swara asked with raised eyebrow.

" were saying something."sanskar said loudly and swara looked at karan.

"bhabhi you cut my nose...."karan said while making face.

"what did you just call me.."swara snapped angrily.

" are elder from him therefore.RESPECT"lucky said quickly  and throw daggers at karan.

"what was that voice...."kavita asked and peeked inside from sahil's shoulder

"nothing only kitchen was remaining so bhabhi...i..mean bhaji thought to give final touch to our house"sahil said and brothers laughed.girls throw daggers at them.kavita,kavya and ragini left from there.boys also left,leaving sanskar and swara.

"do you know cooking?."sanskar said,restraining her to leave.

"No...'swara said without any hesitation.

"why didn't you told me?...'sanskar said with confused face.

'did you ask from me? told me to prepare dinner and left."swara snapped,cursed him and tried to left but sanskar holds his hand and pulls her back.she strikes with his chest and looks at him with wild open eyes.

"From tomorrow you will learn cooking from me...."sanskar said,looking in her eyes.both shares small eye lock.but swara comes in senses and tried to step back but sanskar's grip was tight

"leave  me..."swara said angrily.

'will you tell me reason after your anger toward me?.."sanskar said ignoring her small struggle.

"i don't think i need to give you an answer.'swara said and frees herself with jerk,turns and leaves.sanskar shakes his head.



"first time it slipped from my hand,by mistake but his face made me do that again...."ragini said and laughed loudly.girls also laughed with her.

"i literally didn't know...white and colored clothes are washed separately..."kavita said poutingly.kavya pulls her cheek with love.

'kavya why you burned his clothes....'swara asked from kavya,giggling a lottle.

"Arra!...he was ordering like i am his slave....i just attended one call...idiot"kavya said and makes face.

"what about you?"kavya asked in suspicious way.

"i did that to burn their kitchen...'swara said with full confidence.

"really!!!...'they said in union.

"okay fine...i anted to boil milk.that stupid stove.....therefore i thought to use cooking range.i fill bowl and kept it inside it and arrange heat after sometime it blasted....."swara crossed arms over chest and make bad bad faces.

"who boils milk in cooking range?"ragini and kavita blinked at her confusingly.

"one second....did you use steel utensil?"kavya asked.swara nodded vigorously.kavya burst out laughing.

"swara there are special utensil for cooking range."kavya said.kavita and ragini also burst out laughing.swara picks up pillow and beats them.

"how will i know...i don't even how to boil egg...'swara said beating them.


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