16. I hate him

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"Have you gone mad? What if he gets doubt on us?" She yelled out irritatingly.

"Fine, I am coming." Swara said and disconnected the call. And put the phone on side table when her eyes caught Sanskar's pic. Her face expression changed thinking something and she immediately looked away and goes from there.

After a couple of hours, she came out of room ready to go out. Maria sees her.

"Ma'am, are you going somewhere?" Maria asked.

Swara gave fake smile and nodded.
"Yeah, I needed few things so going for shopping. I will back in sometime." Swara said.

"Okay ma'am." Maria said with smile.

Swara nodded at her and went out. She sat in car and drove away.

After sometime, she reached a house. She came out of car and went inside as the door was already open.

"Have you lost your mind Aryan?" She shouted as soon as she entered and sees him facing his back.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Aryan said turning around and looking at her.

"Just shut up Aryan!! What the hell was that? You literally forced me to come here and meet you." Swara said angrily.

"Seems like someone is falling for her husband. Huh?" Aryan asked smirkingly.

Swara looked at him confusingly.

"What happened? I disturbed your precious moment with your husband Swara?" Aryan asked with smirking smile.

"What the hell are you saying Aryan? Have you gone mad?" Swara shouted.

"Oh, have I Swara? You are Caring for him. Doing your duties as typical wife, actually a loving wife and I have gone mad? Seriously??" Aryan asked.

"You are accusing me that I am betraying you Aryan?" Swara said unbelievably.

"I am doing as you have said. I am doing all that just to make him trust me fully and here you are accusing me. I don't believe this. How could you? I...." Swara was saying this but suddenly Aryan started laughing.

"Oh god Swara, just look at your face. I was just teasing you." Aryan said laughingly.

"What?" Swara asked being confused then she got him and glared at him.

"You can't change right? Do you have any idea? I got scared that you are..." Swara was saying when Aryan interupted.

He hold her hand.
"Oh come on Swara, why will I doubt on you? I just wanted to see your reaction and... Oh god, you were literally so angry." Aryan said.

"I am angry. Do you even know that He was sitting right there and you were calling me continuously. If he get single percent doubt na, then forget about anything. We will get not get even a single penny!!" Swara said.

"I wanted to talk to you and you were ignoring me in caring about your so called husband. So, I got pissed off and was calling you. Anyways, he is too dumb to understand it. You acted so well." Aryan said.

"He is not dumb as much you think Aryan. He is no. 1 businessman. If he came to know about it then the next moment, you don't even know what will he do?" Swara said.

"Come on Swara, he can do nothing and we will leave him with nothing. Everything will be ours. That stupid Sanskar might be topmost businessman and having great mind but his heart is too soft or should I say dumb. Poor guy, he has fallen so much in love with you and he will do anything for you as he believes you love him." Aryan said with smirk.

"Yeah, that I agree. He believes me so much. I mean that day, I just cooked up story about regaining my memory and remembering our so called love and he just believed that without reason or anything. I mean who does that? How can someone fall for a girl, he don't even know much about her?"

"We call them.. um.. Emotional fools!!" Aryan said with laugh.

Swara chuckled shaking her head.

"Right, but I didn't lied totally that night. I mean, I had actually regained my memory but except that nothing was truth. All that crying for him, loving him and all. Gosh, you don't know Aryan, how much I had to try hard to make it look real. That I actually love him." Swara said making face.

"Don't worry babe, it's all for few days. Once it will be over and we will get his all money and properties then it will be just only me and you and our beautiful life." Aryan said with smile.

Swara nodded at him with smile.

"Anyway, you wouldn't have to do it if you hadn't stopped me." Aryan said.

"Because I don't want you to fall in any problem later. And if there is another way, then why to risk yourself.?" Swara said.

"Right, But you know Swara, I have to accept that you are really great actress. You made him believe everything. That was mind blowing. I mean, leave about him. For a moment, you confused me also." Aryan said.

"What? Really?? I mean I will be with him whole my life. Seriously? I also find it so funny sometimes when I have to say " I love you Sanskar and typical cheesy and wify things!! Huh!!Haha!!" Swara said and laughed.

"He is such a cheap man. I am tolerating him just because you said to do all that otherwise, I don't know what would I have done to him." Swara said with a glint of anger.

"Hey Swara relax, you know na it's just for..." Aryan was saying.

"I know just for some days but I just want to end all this soon Aryan. I don't want to be with him. I hate him." Swara said.

"Me too. I also want to be with you but we are doing this for our life. Right?" Aryan said.

Swara nodded at him with smile.

"Now, I should leave before anyone doubt." Swara said.

"Yeah you should go." Aryan said and hugged her.

"Bye, love you." Aryan said.

"Love you too."Swara said with smile hugging him and then break the hug. She came out and sat in car and drove away.

Swara was driving car and something was roaming inside her mind.



"Yes, just think about it Swara. After divorce, he will give fifty percent alimony as per your demand but Swara what if we get much more? What if we get his everything?" Aryan said looking at her.

"What do you mean?" Swara asked.

"Aryan, firstly I wasn't ready for this fifty percent alimony and you convinced me for that somehow. It's like I am taking money from him for staying all those months with him. Still, I thought to agree with you and now you are saying we can own everything that belong to him?" Swara asked him confusingly.

"I know Swara what you must be feeling but just think. He used you Swara. You just want to leave him by divorcing him and his fifty percent alimony which won't affect him much?" Aryan said.

Swara looked at him with serious expression after hearing him.

"What do you want to say Aryan?" Swara asked.

"What if he left with nothing? What if he die?" Aryan said with smirk.

Swara's face expression changed.

"He is billionaire Swara. Just think, He has no one. If he dies then all money, his properties, bank balance everything will be yours. After divorcing him, how much we will get? 50% share in property, that's all?? But if Sanskar Maheshwari only die then no need of divorce, court, paper work. Everything will be ours next moment. Being his wife, you can claim everything so easily Swara." Aryan said holding her shoulder.

"For that you will kill him?" Swara said in mere whisper looking at him.

"Are you being concerned about him? Swara? Remember what he did to you? He used you Swara and with no punishment at all!! His death will be his punishment and our blank cheque." Aryan said in voice filled with greed and selfishness.

"It will make our life. Everything will belong to you once I will kill...."

"NO, YOU WON'T ARYAN!! You won't do that!!" Swara said cutting him in middle.

Aryan looked at her confused. She looked at him and then her expression turned into smirk. She gave him sly smile.

"You won't kill him. You are right. He did wrong with me and he deserves punishment but the thing that can be done without killing him then what's the use to do that?" Swara said with smirk.

"I didn't get you. What do you want to say?" Aryan said.

"I mean, the thing that can be done by love, what's the need to kill him? He will loose everything but death, naah!! Not so easily. I won't leave him with even a single penny. But I don't want you to dirty your hand with his blood." Swara said.

Aryan looked at her.

"What do you mean Swara?" Aryan asked.

"Simple, As much I understood till now, he is completely an emotional idiot. May be somewhere like me or love me also. So, why don't I use that in my favour? I will be nice and polite with him. I will win his trust and now that I regained my memory also so, it won't be hard to do that. I will pretend that I love him and I want to live with him. That I want to accept this relationship. Then you know what we need to do." Swara said.

" Then you will transfer all his property on your name so easily. You can take his sign without even letting him notice." Aryan completed her understanding what she wanna say.

"You got me Aryan and after getting everything. I will throw him out of my life and that mansion also. Poor guy, will be so heart broken. Also, if he will transfer his everything on my name by himself then he won't be able to do anything and he will be automatically destroyed. See, this is quite easy then why will dirty your hand with his blood? I don't want police and other problems may also arise if anything goes wrong." Swara said with smile.

Aryan looked at her and nodded at her surprisingly.

"Wow babe, you are superb. I mean, it's fantastic. I.. I can't believe. It will make our life Swara. You are super genius. I must say.. ok, then I will act to sacrifice my love and then it will easier for you." Aryan said happily.

"Yes Aryan and I can do anything for you. And I am so lucky to have you. You accepted me even after knowing that I m not pure for you. You love me so much and Sanskar, he deserves worst. He used me. I will never forgive him for what he did. No!! He will face it. I won't let him with single penny." Swara said with anger.

"Yeah and it's really wonderful plan but Swara, do you think he will easily trust you and transfer his property on your name ?" Aryan said thinking something.

"Ofcourse he will trust me. I will show him fake care and apologize for my behavior. And don't worry he will also believe that I love him." Swara said with sly smile.

"No Swara, Just your act of care and love can't make him believe that you have accepted him." Aryan said.

"So, What do you think I should do?" Swara asked.

"I don't think that will be enough. A man desire for more." Aryan said.

"What do you mean?" Swara asked confusingly.

"Sleep with him." Aryan said.

"AARYAN!!!" Swara shouted hearing him.

" What the hell are you talking? Are you in your sense? Do you even realise what are you saying?" Swara shouted at him.

" Come on babe, it's not first time and anyway, he will believe you more that you have accepted him with all your heart." Aryan said.

"Sleeping with someone doesn't implies how much trust someone. How can you say that? last time was a mistake. You know it. I had memory loss and I.., huh?? You are talking about his punishment for using me and now you are saying me to do this willingly? Have you gone mad?" Swara said angrily.

"Hey, hey.. hey.. relax, you need to do this so that he trust you. Otherwise, if you show him that you accepted him and otherside you also stay away form him then he might doubt on you and our plan will never work out. Think about it. It's the last time sweetheart. Don't worry, I m always with you. This won't change our relationship." Aryan said.

"But Aryan.." Swara interupted.

"Please Swara, agree for our dreams. See, we are doing this for our good future only na? and also to punish him. I promise, this won't create any rift in our relation. I love you and will always love you Swara." Aryan said.

Swara was reluctant but she nodded as Aryan say this again.

"okay, I will do that."Swara said.

"Thank you. Thnk you so much Swara. I love you." Aryan said and hugged her. Swara sees his face in mirror that was showing a different kind of happiness and there was something unusual that she had never seen before. She breaks the hug with small smile and say.

"Umm.. I. Should go now." Swara said.

"Yeah okay. No, wait... Oh I forgot main thing only. I have something to give you." Aryan said.

Swara looks confused. Then Aryan took out something from a small box and show it to her. It was a ring.

"How's it?" Aryan asked.

"It's.. it's beautiful but Aryan I have already one. I can't remove it. Sanskar had given me this. He may doubt." Swara said.

"It's ok, wear in another finger."
Swara smiled a bit and takes the ring and wear in index finger.

"Till everything is done, wear in this finger only. It will be enough for me. Because after that, I will officially marry you. Swara, please never remove it. It will make me feel good." Aryan said.

"Sure Aryan, I won't." Swara said with assuring smile.

Flashback ends.

She stopped the car in front of the mansion and looked at the ring thinking everything happening. She closed her eyes and takes a deep sigh. A couple of minutes later, she opened her eyes and came out of her car.
She went inside mansion and directly went to her room. Opening the door, she goes inside. But as soon as she closed the door, she was pulled by her arm and pinned to the wall suddenly. Her eyes got closed with sudden impact.

"Where were you wify?" She heard him and sweat buds started forming on her forehead.

To be continued...

"Why did you do that to me Swara?"

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