15. I missed this a lot.

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They were hugging each other closing their eyes. He felt so peaceful and blissful embracing her. They stayed like that for sometime. He could still hear her sob. He pats her hair gently and tries to calm her.

"Swara, relax. Calm down. Please don't cry." He whispered soothingly near her ear.

"I.. I am not able to stop myself from thinking all those things Sanskar." She said in between her sobs in low voice and clutched her hold on him hiding her face more in his chest.

He heard her and feels bad for her. He breaks the hug slowly and looked at her. She was looking down.

"How can I say all those things to you? You care for me and love me so much and I... I just called it your... Your lust, physical needs. How can I say that? I don't believe myself. No one will ever say this to her husband, to a man whom she loves and he also loves her but I accused you. I am really worst wife Sanskar. All those words are now killing me by continuously ringing in my mind. I can't even imagine what you must have felt, if I am only feeling hell." She said sadly in between sob.

"Swara, Don't think about it. It's over. I won't say I wasn't hurt by that but you did that unknowingly. All those moments meant most special and beautiful moment of my life. I hold them in my heart. Yes, I didn't wanted to cross the line and take our relationship forward but you hold too much control over my heart that I lose myself everytime and last thing, I can't see your sadness and tears." Sanskar said.

"Why are you so good Sanskar?" She asked looking at him after hearing him.

"Because you are best." He said with smile and wiped her tears away.
She smiled hearing him and he pulled her into his embrace yet again. She also hugged him back. They were hugging each other closely. She also gripped her hold on him and her face was hidden in his chest. He nuzzles his face in wet hair closing his eyes.

"This is the best feeling for me to be in your embrace like this Sanskar." She whispered closing her eyes and lost in the moment.

Sanskar heard this and it felt like edges when he heard this from her and felt so nice. His heart felt so happy.

"It feels so nice to hear this from you every time Swara but this time, it gave me something more, a feeling of satisfaction that you are mine, forever." Sanskar said huskily.

She smiled but then only she felt her heart beat raised feeling his breathe falling near her neck and then his lips caressing her soft skin near nape and behind her ear. Her breathe stuck and heart was beating fast. She gripped his arm feeling his hand roaming at her back. She shivered and then only heard him.

"Can I make you mine Swara?" She heard him and gets surprised. She lift her gaze up to look at him, still in his embrace. He was looking at her. She was surprised because he never asked like this before and it was only her who initiated it but she felt so happy. She is all his but he is asking her this. But she knows he is the best man and best husband anyone could get and she is luckiest because he is hers. She knows it was his fear and guilt that used to disturb him.

He cups her face and caressed her face. She felt his touch so magical.

"You are the most beautiful girl and everytime I see you, you take my breathe away. I find myself lost in you. I tried to stay away from you thinking you weren't mine but my heart always lost and I couldn't. Before, I used to fear that I will loose you and suddenly the fear turned into truth when Aryan came back and since few days, I almost lost you. I still can't believe that I got my love when I was at the verge to loose it forever. Today, when I finally get you back I want all of you. Your love, your heartbeat belong to me, your touch on my soul. Can I make you mine yet again Swara? But this time without any fear of loosing you and guilt of betraying you?" Sanskar asked looking into her eyes.

"I am all yours and always will be for the rest of my life. You should not hold any guilt in your heart because I am your wife and you never did anything against my concern. Neither you should fear to loose me cause I am always with you. I will never leave you. I am all yours Sanskar and you have all right over me. I love you Sanskar." She said slowly.

Her eyes shows so much love for him for which he was yearning. His thumb caressed her face slowly and he leaned toward her then slowly kissed her forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes feeling sudden peace with kiss. This felt like eternity when he kissed her on forehead with care and love. Then only she opened her eyes feeling herself in his arms. Her hand encircled around his neck. He was looking at her but she didn't look into his eyes feeling nervous and heat raising inside her. He smiled at her.
The next moment, she felt soft mattress beneath her and she was lying on the bed with him over her. She didn't look up at him and slowly her eyes get closed as he leaned toward her . Then she felt kiss on her both eyes. Her one rested on his chest while other was encircled around her neck. He caressed her lips with his thumb leaning toward her lips. She felt his hot breathe near her lips then his lips touched her. She shivered but he cups her face gently and kissed her passionately. She also responded him. His hand was wrapped around her waist that slowly moved up caressing her back sensually. She felt him tracing his finger through the curve cut of deep neck of the blouse. His fingers entangled with knot and he pulled it. She suddenly felt out of breathe and he breaks the kiss. She opened her eyes and looked at him. It turns into beautiful eyelock. He slide down her saree tracing his finger on her skin still looking at her. Suddenly she hugged him, snuggling into his embrace. He smiled at her and kissed her hair.
After sometime,
They were lying on bed wrapped in single black satin sheet. His face was hidden as he was nuzzling in her hair, caressing and kissing her neck and shoulder. Her eyes were closed and her nails pierced in his shoulder as she hold him tightly while her another hand pinned to the bed clutching the sheet in her tight fist with his hand over hers. She called out his name in mere whisper. She could only hear their heart beats, uneven breaths and melodious sound of the rain in the faded and dim light of the room.
The screen fade away.

Next morning:
It was around 7. When Sanskar felt sun light on his face. He turned his face to other side and moved his hand on bed to hug Swara but didn't find her. He opened his eyes lazily and sees only to find she wasn't here. He sat down.

" Where is Swara?" He murmured to himself being confused.

He wore his clothes and got up from bed. He checked in washroom and then balcony but didn't see her. Then he came out of room.

He came downstairs only to find her in kitchen. She was cooking something. She was wearing blue saree which was tucked in her waist. Her hair was wet.
She was chopping something and suddenly she gasped feeling a pair of hand wrapped around her waist. She recognised his touch.
"Sanskar!! huh, You scared me" She said.
She smiled. She looked at him side way.

"Sorry but don't worry. You will slowly get habitual of it." Sanskar said whispering agaist her hair inhaling her fragrance.

"Sanskar stop it. What if anyone sees us like this?" Swara said and wiggles to remove his arms.

"Then let them Anyways What are you doing so early this morning?" Sanskar asked nuzzled in her neck.

"I thought to make your breakfast for you before you again run away for your office." Swara said with chuckle.

"I don't have reason to run away from you now but I will look for reasons to come close to you." He said huskily in her ear.

Swara turned around to face him.

"Really Mr. Hubby? So, your need reasons to come close to me?" Swara asked raising her eyebrows encircling her hand around his neck.

He leaned toward her with smile hearing her and rubbed his nose against her pulling her closer by her waist.

"Who says that. I already have the biggest reason that you are my wife and you love me. I don't want anything else. Nothing can keep me away from you. Not even you." Sanskar said huskily.

"Why I am suddenly finding a different shade of my husband this morning that I never saw before?" Swara asked looking at him.

Sanskar chuckled.

"There's a lot to see wifey which you didn't see till now that I had to hold within myself and couldn't express it because of situation but why now?" Sanskar said murmuring against her face as he caresses her face with his lips and nose.

Swara giggled and pushed him away. He gave annoyed look.

"Well, I will see that later Mr. Hubby. For now, you are going to get fresh n up firstly. I will prepare breakfast till then." Swara said.

"Swara.." He came close to her. Then only they heard.

"Oh.. I . I.. am so sorry Ma'am, sir..." Maria said as she was coming inside kitchen.

Swara looked away instantly jerking his hand from hers.

"Hey.. hello Maria." Swara looked embarrassed.

"Good Morning Maria."Sanskar said cheerfully with smile.

"Good morning sir." Maria said being amused to see him smiling unlike other morning.

Sanskar went from there. Maria greeted Swara. She was confused but then she came to know from Swara that she has regained her memory. Maria was really so happy for them and prayed to God that they stay together and happy like this.

After sometime, Sanskar get fresh n up and got ready for office. He came downstairs and have breakfast with Swara. After that, he said bye to Swara and came out of mansion smilingly. Swara sees his phone with car keys once again on table. She shook her head unbelievably. This man can never change. She went out only to find his checking his pockets for keys.

" Looking for this Mr. Hubby?" Swara asked standing behind him.
Sanskar turned around with smile only to see her with car keys and his phone. He took it from her.

"Thanks Swara." He said.

"Your most welcome. Anyways listen." Swara said with smile.

"Hmm?" He asked stopping in his track and looking at her.
"Come soon." She said with smile.

"Only this, if you say then I won't go. How's that?" Sanskar asked raising his eyebrows.

"Sanskaarrr!! Go now." Swara's eyes got wide open.
Sanskar chuckled at her expression and went toward his car but he stopped and came back to her. She looked at him confusingly. Then only he kissed her forhead.

"I missed this a lot." Sanskar whispered looking at her.

"Me too." Swara said.
"So what's wrong in getting one more but some where else." He said and before she could understand he pecked her on lips and winked at her leaving her shocked.

"Bye Swara" He murmured against her lips and went to his car. He sat inside and drove away.

"This man is getting mad and really hard to understand sometimes." She chuckled at herself and went inside.

Two days later:
Swara and Sanskar were so happy in their life. Especially Sanskar as he finally got his love, his wife, his Swara back. Nothing can make him more happy than her presence and she loves him, care for him which is best feeling. After loosing a lot, he finally got his happiness back.

It was normal morning, Swasan were having breakfast. Well, basically only Sanskar was having it and Swara was forcefully making him eat as he was in hurry due to some meeting and another side he was on call with Atul. Swara glared at him but he make innocent face which melted her. She just couldn't hold back her smile.
Then only Swara's phone started ringing. Swara sees the caller ID and gets nervous. She slides red button to decline it. But then it started to ring yet again. She denied it yet again and put the phone on silent mode.

Sanskar who disconnected the call sees her.

"What happened Swara? Why aren't you picking up the call Swara? It's ringing continuously." Sanskar said confusingly.

Swara jerked and looked at him with fake smile.
"Um.. no... nothing Sanskar, it's just call centre. They irritates a lot nowadays. You must know it. Right?" She said in nervousness and smiled at him.

"Hmm okay. Anyway Swara, I am done. I am going." Sanskar said getting up from his chair. She also got up from her chair. She hugged him and he kissed her forehead.

"I love you. Take care, bye Swara." Sanskar said with smile.

"Bye, love you too." She smiled back at him.
Sanskar went from there. Swara said a servant to clean up the table and she went from there to her room. As soon as she went inside the room, she got call from the same no. She gets irritated and hurriedly shut the door and takes the call.

"Have you gone mad? What if he gets doubt on us?" She yelled out irritatingly.

To be continued...

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