5. You are worst!!!

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"Do you have any idea how stupid do you sound Inspector? What the hell are you saying?" Sanskar shouted.

"I am really sorry but we just found that.." Inspector tried say but Sanskar interupted him angrily.

"It's not about finding a piece of information. How can you declare him dead when you didn't get his body inspector? " Sanskar shouted.

"Sir, we did investigation and the cliff was too deep and survival chance is negligible. So, Case was closed." Inspector said.

"You didn't do investigation properly. You just made your own theory and declared him dead and just closed the case. Who are you to decide that, no one can survive. You should have done your work properly but you didn't. I will talk to DCP. You are going to loose this post forever." Sanskar said angrily.

"No sir please, I will find him. We got information that he is alive but where? We still don't know. But I promise you, I will definitely find him in few days." Inspector said.

"I don't want your promises inspector. I want result." Sanskar said.

Inspector nodded and left from there and then only Sanskar think about inspector's words. HE IS ALIVE. The person whom she loves is alive and then all past memories started haunting him. The moments he spend with her. Marrying her, falling in love with her. Winning from his fear and getting normal but this one information shattered everything inside him. He stumbled with realisation that she will go away. He will take her away from him. It pierced his heart and his eyes got wet with tears. Those whom he loved immensely, god took them away. His parents and now Swara, whom he loves more than anything. His love, his happiness didn't stayed for longer. He knew that she was going to leave him after getting her memory back but still it pained. He was habitual to see her face in morning, her beautiful eyes, her smile, her soothing hug, Caring for her, everything about her and now it's going to end. It hurt him beyond limit even with the thought of her leaving. He closed his eyes and let the tear fell from his eyes. Then opened them which were red now. He sniffed and take a deep sigh.

"I have to stay away from her." That's what he thought that day and started to maintain distance from her just the way he used to do in starting. He always gave her fake and lame excuses but he could say, that she is not meant to be him. He knew that he was hurting her with ignorance, when he doesn't express himself to her but she didn't have any idea, what he was going through all the time. It hurt him like dagger piercing his heart to bleed. Still he never left his care toward her. Somehow, his appearance, his expression, touch, eyes, closeness always expressed his love and care for her which he trying so hard to suppress but terribly failed. Few days passed. It was going like that only until tonight when she expressed her love for him.

"How can I do this? I cheated her. I was trying so hard to stay away from her and I... I used her. That's what's she will blame me for when she will get her memory back. I am her husband but I didn't have any right to do this. I didn't have this right. I shouldn't have done this. I love her. I don't regret the most beautiful moment of my life but I just can't bear the sight when she will hate me. May be she will feel disgusted with me. She loves someone else and he is also alive. Don't know where is he but I had put everything to find him, just for her but what I did? I betrayed her damn it!!! How can I lose myself even after knowing this. She is my wife still she is not for me. I was staying away from her since few days so that it hurt less when she will leave but what now? It will be heart-wrenching to see that hate in her eyes. Damn it!! I hate myself." Sanskar's monologue.

He was standing near window, shirtless and just in his lower, lost in his thoughts. It was around 4:30 a.m. in morning. He was going through a hardcore battle between his brain and heart. His conscience was cursing him .

"You should hate yourself. You should blame yourself because what you did is not a mistake but a sin. Even after knowing that she loves Aryan and he is alive, my be somewhere searching for her also. Still, you did this. You couldn't stop yourself. It's not your love Sanskar!! You don't love her. You just used her for your pleasure. She might be in relationship but she was pure. She must be reserved type and must have dreamt her first time to be special but what you did? You took advantage of her innocence!! You are worst Sanskar!!!!" His conscience shouted at him. He squeezed his eyes shut fisting his hand tightly.

"San.. Sanskar." He heard her voice and opened his eyes with jerk.

Swara who was sleeping peacefully with a sheet covering her bare body, didn't feel his warmth and moved her hand on bed to hug him but didn't find him. So, she opened her eyes tiredly yet confusingly only to find him standing near window. She called him but he didn't turned around. She sit on bed wrapping the sheet properly around herself, holding  upto her cleavage.

"Sanskar" she called him yet again with so much love and it pained him but still didn't respond because he didn't know what he should say. Another lie? after the sin he committed? After giving her betrayal for which she wasn't even aware of right now.

She tried to get up bed to go to him but couldn't move and she winced in pain. Sanskar heard it. He immediately turned around to see her and come to her with concerned look.

" Swara.. swara? You Okay?" He asked sitting beside her and cuped her face.

Swara looked at him and nodded with small smile. He understands that she must be feeling pain and he apolozised.

" I am sorry. I am so sorry. It's all because of me. I.. am.., I should have cared about you. I shouldn't.." He was saying with concern but Swara stopped him.
She pecked him on his lips. He stopped and looked at her. She smiled.

"You are so cute. I couldn't stop myself and dare you to say sorry for one more time. I will get angry on you. You are regretting this beautiful Sanskar?" Swara asked looking at him.

"I can never regret any moment I spend with you. I feel like I...( Couldn't say) I can't see you in pain Swara." Sanskar said.

"It was with my concern and I am fine Sanskar. I am happiest because I am yours. I didn't have anyone but now I have my family. You are my family. God has gifted me the most loving and caring husband. A girl can dream all her life just to get a man like you in her life but I am luckiest to be yours. You completed me. It's indescribable feeling to be yours forever. I feel loved every moment I am with you and this is most beautiful feeling." Swara said.

Sanskar was looking at her with loss of words. His guilt and fear had already overtook his mind and now he was cursing himself. Still, he nodded and smiled at her.

"Okay, now you sleep." Sanskar said.

"I was sleeping only but you left me alone on bed and woke me up.What were you thinking standing near window at this time?" Swara asked.

"Sorry, I.. I wasn't getting sleep. So,.. sorry now, Come sleep." Sanskar said and made her lie on the bed and turned around to move when he felt tug on his hand.

" Where are you going?" Swara asked him confusingly.

Sanskar nodded no.

"I am here only." He said and also lie down on bed, lost in his own thoughts. Swara smiled at him and snuggled into him. She hold his hand and put it around her waist and she placed her head on his chest.

He had already done more than this. On what basis, he should back out now. He was sure of one thing that Swara will never forgive him for what he did neither he will be able to forgive himself.

"Sanskar?" Swara called his name with closed eyes.
"Hmm." He could barely say.

"You will never leave me right?" Swara asked.
Sanskar didn't know what to answer this.

"I will never leave you Swara" He said.
"I will never leave you but what about you Swara? Will you leave me? Can you promise me that you will never leave me? For once in my life, I want to be selfish to stop you but on what basis, for the lies I told you. For betraying you or for this moment?"( Monologue)

"I will also never leave you Sanskar. I promise you. Whatever happens, I am yours and always will be yours. And... Anyway I won't let that happen but if someday, I try to leave and go then also please don't let me go. I don't need anyone but you... Anyways, why am I talking all this, the things that never going to happen?" (Chuckled) "I love you Sanskar." She said with closed eyes.

"I love you too Swara." He confessed and kissed her forhead. She smiled. She fell sleep in sometime. He also slept.

Next morning:

"Swara, Swara wake up." Swara heard his voice as he was waking her up lovingly.

She opened her eyes with tired and smiling face.
" Good morning." Sanskar said.
"Good morning Sanskar and happy birthday." She wished him once again.
"Thank you." Sanskar said.
Then only she noticed him ready in his office wear, all set to go. She looked at time. It was already 9:30 a.m.

"Oh god, I woke up so late. How..." Swara was about to say but Sanskar interupted.
"Because I didn't wake you up. It's ok. You must be tired. Take rest for some more time but firstly have breakfast and medicine." Sanskar said.

"You are going to office today? On your birthday? I thought we will..." She asked in sad tone.

" We will do as you want Swara. I have really important work but I promise, I will back in a couple of hours. Till then you have break fast and take rest."

"Maria said she will be late. So...." Sanskar was about to say but Swara interupted him and say.

"Oh no, you should have wake me up na? You can't go out without having breakfast. You wait, I will just make in five min..." She was saying and about to get up from bed when sanskar interupted her holding her hand.

"Shhh!! Swara, firstly listen. I have already prepared the breakfast and already have it. ( Point toward the plate on the table) that's for you. Get fresh n up and have it. Medicines are kept beside it. Take that also, don't skip that with bad taste logic and take care. Maria will come in hour and one maid is already here." Sanskar said.

Swara was looking at him with smiling face all the while as he was saying all this. She just can't herself to admire him.

" Why are you so good Sanskar?" She asked with smile.

"Because you are best." Sanskar said.

Then only his phone rings. He takes it.

"Yeah, I am coming Atul."He replied and disconnected the call.

"Ok, you go. You must have important work." Swara said.

"Yeah, bye." He said with smile and got up from bed to go.

"Sanskaaaar..." She called him annoyingly.
He understood her and turned around to her. He kissed her forehead.
"Bye." He said.

She smiled and cuped his face and kissed him on his right cheek.

"Come soon, I will wait for you." She said in mere whisper.

He nodded with smile and took his bag. He came out of room and his face expression once again change in to serious showing guilt, fear, hurt, pain and lastly love that his eyes always hold for her.

He came out of mansion and sit inside car then drove away. On the other side, Swara was still sitting on bed. She was thinking about last night. She felt, he was away from everything and it was just him and her. The way he made her feel, those feelings, his touch that was filled with love, desire and care. He made her feel special. A crimson blush appeared on her cheeks thinking all that. That was such a beautiful moment of her life that she will always hold in her heart.

"God, I don't know, if I will get my past memories back or not but please, I don't want to forget these beautiful and precious moments. Either I want both or I am happy to live with this only." She thinks with closed eyes.

Then she opened her eyes and sees her breakfast on table. She smiled.

"I am already in so much love with him but this man never fails to surprise me. Love you Sanskar." She thinks.

Screen splits on Swara's smiling face and Sanskar driving the car with serious look.

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