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"Doctor Estrel" a worried-looking nurse called, her voice frantic. He closed his box before rushing to her. The nurse looked rattled. In the 30 years of his service, he had never seen or heard of the strange illness the man had.

Worse yet, it had started spreading to the other patients. He had come one day and the situation had gotten worse. The man slowly lost his sanity and started losing his sense- his eyesight, his speech, and finally his pulse before it was there no more.

"What's the matter?" John Estrel asked.

"The patients..." she faltered. He looked at her sternly. "There's a worse case today"

Just what he needed. All breath knocked out of him when she was the little girl. Her name was Lily and she had come with her mom before she got the illness. She had been doing well but seeing her face contorted in pain made him hurry.

"What's wrong?" he asked frantically.

"The test results just came in. She has the same symptoms as the man" the nurse looked pale and her eyes sunken. The child, just 5 years was having trouble breathing as her eyes were wide, not even blinking when he put the light.

"She has lost her eyesight" the nurse told her voice sounding strained. Her mother's sob echoed down the hall. Sweat was beading across his forehead as he tried to do something before settling for sedatives. 

It would knock her out for a couple of days. The situation was still critical. The doctor ordered that no one should enter, not even the girl's mom.

Back home, alone, his mind kept replaying the incident was shocked that many people had the same symptoms and virus. If this was communicable and this deadly, it really might lead to a pandemic.

A week later, the 5-year-old lost the battle and her beautiful soul was put to rest, but the situation was worsening and soon the hospital wouldn't be enough to contain the people. Looking at the endless chaos in the hospital, he suspected the illness had already started spreading in the outside world. 

He looked at the huge picture frame of his family in his living room. It was a picture of his family. John Estrel had met his beautiful, witty wife, Vanessa in college. Pursuing two different degrees, their life soon became entwined before they gave birth to a beautiful son- Fred.

Fred was their bundle of joy and their's was a family everyone envied. It wasn't perfect but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Things went downhill when Fred and his lady love, Izzie were killed in a car crash. Izzie had been 2 months pregnant and wanted to surprise Fred with the news. She'd planned the entire thing, her best friend told. 

Months later, Doctor John Estrel lost another of his love- his wife, Vanessa Estrel. He continued to live but pledged to serve before he died. Yet the helplessness that seized him when the little girl slowly died was gnawing at him. He couldn't save her but he was intent on finding the cure for the illness before he died.

His fingers skimmed over a number which he had not called in years. He could feel his pulse quickening as he held the phone against his ear.

"Professor Gilberg here" the voice at the other end spoke. John took a deep breath.

"Gilberg it's John"


Two weeks later, John Estrel was bedridden, his eyesight so bad and his life was slowly draining out of him. He spent all his waking moments, trying to find something to cure this. He had found the virus. The most dangerous and deadliest the world will ever see.

"I hope this is important. I have missed my class to be here" an annoyed voice reached his ears. John knew Gilberg can never be angry for long. He would have never agreed to come this far.

"It is" John insisted, his voice clogged. "Have you brought what I asked?" 

"A mask and a hand sanitizer" Gilberg said, sounding confused by his long lost friend's request.

"Put the mask on. Don't touch anything" John's voice broke. John had declined the offer of getting assigned to a nurse, except for bringing in food.

"John, you're scaring me" Gilberg took a step forward but the doctor raised his hand in warning, effectively stopping his friend from taking a step forward. Even after years, his friend looked like he always did, fit and healthy.

"This is important, Gils" John said, using the old nickname he had given his friend. Gilberg and John had been college buddies, closer to each other for the most part of their life. When John's family fell, so did his friends.

John had become so closed off. Everything was a huge void filled with sorrow and loneliness. He had pushed his friend away and he regretted it now. At day, he worked till his legs gave out and at night he drank till he passed out. Losing his family had been the darkest period of his life.

He had been an empty shell and now he wished he could get all the time he had lost. When his friend finished doing what John had asked, he started talking, painfully slow. As he explained everything, Gilberg's face transformed to fear.

"This could become pandemic. The impact of this can cost so many lives" John finished, closing his eyes. 

"John, aren't we reading too much into this?" Gilberg asked. John was surprised by the 'we' part. It's been years since they have been a team.

"I am afraid, I am not. You must check my notes. I have it under my desk, well sanitized. I am afraid my time has come. You have always been my best friend, I shouldn't have pushed you away" 

Gilberg looked surprised.

"I know" he said with a sad smile as if truly realizing John's time in this world was up. It was true, goodbyes were the hardest, but this goodbye is John's choice. He had achieved great things in life, he had it all and that felt enough.

"I found it" Gilberg's voice was now just a whisper. It was time for John Estrel to unite with his family. He only hoped Gilberg would solve this before it's too late.

"Goodbye, my friend" John whispered.

"Goodbye, John" Gilberg said his voice breaking. 

"Gils, I trust you. I know you will do the right thing"

That was it. Gilberg left. And John felt light, the weight was off his shoulder. He had done the right thing this time. He watched the retreating figure of his friend, slumping down on his bed. His pulse was weakening and he was slowly losing sanity. 

He swallowed his sleep pills- the last ones. And he dreamed of reuniting with family. He remembered Fred's love for racing. Izzie's sweet and loving smile and his wife's endless support and love. John Estrel once had a beautiful life. A life filled with irreplaceable people.

The next day At 3 am, John Estrel passed away with an ailment which he predicted would be pandemic.


And here's the little insight on how the story is gonna be. How is it? I am curious and I hope you guys like it. 

Tune in for the next chapter ;)

Goodbye for now.

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