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"Happy New year" I yelled, along with my mom, both of us embracing each other. Her bright green eyes gleamed with joy and happiness and she grinned, a carefree smile which I had only seen a few times for the last couple of years.

She, then hugged Dave, her boyfriend. Years younger than my mom, Dave had the special ability to make my mom laugh and bring out her better side. The side I had seen when I was a little kid. Life had a strange way of changing people, but it made me happy to see my mom like this.

We were in Dave's beach house, a secluded estate in the countryside with the beautiful beach view, from the terrace where we were celebrating our New Year.

After kissing my mom, Dave hugged me, taking me by surprise. I had never felt my dad's love and I wondered if this would what would feel like.

The night was clear, the skies filled with stars. The countryside was definitely more laid back and calm compared to city life. No wonder Dave preferred not to sell any of his countryside properties, even if they had a great price in the market.

Dave also had been patient with me and it never ceased to surprise me how he accepts both my mom and I. I knew for a fact, not everyone would do that. It was because I got accepted into one of the most prestigious med schools. Though, I had my scholarship, I wouldn't have been able to pay for other requirements.

After the toast, I decided to sleep, leaving the love birds. It was surprising they had their hands off each other for this long. Sometimes they behaved liked this was the first time they were in love. Maybe they really never had been loved before.

I brushed my hair, as I contemplated how the previous year had been. We were barely surviving, working so hard to have a roof over our heads. Dave had saved them and for that I would always be grateful for everything has done.

And maybe this year won't be bad, after all.


A couple of weeks later, Dave and my mom drove me to college. They took off a few hours from work to drop their 'little girl' to college. Soon, the nerves started growing, my stomach clenching. I was glancing outside the window, barely listening to my mom and Dave talk. That was when I saw it.

The campus. It was indeed beautiful. A sight to behold. It was worth every dime and true to the picture I have seen. I was gaping at the well-constructed building, taking it all in. I could see so many students and the nerves start kicking in again.

After parking the car in the general parking slots, Dave helped me with my suitcases out. Though the campus only half an hour away from Dave's estate, I still insisted on staying here and enjoy all the typical college stuff. Good thing I had Dave on my side.

It didn't take for my mom to become teary-eyed. Looking at her worried face, I was a little girl again. At that second, I noticed how much she has aged. She had wrinkles and a permanent worry line on her forehead. She still looked beautiful. I held her tightly and fought off the tears.

"Don't forget to call every day" she said, making me chuckle, though it sounded almost choked. It was getting harder to hold in the tear.

"I would miss my favorite girl" Dave said, smiling warmly and I couldn't help, I hugged him back, taking him by surprise.

"And I would miss my dad" I said cautiously, testing out the word. Dave froze, pulling back, surprise and shock etched on his face. It made me smile. I knew part of my mom's worry if we could be a family and this is the first time I ever considered anyone my dad.

", honey. I can't believe she just called me dad" I and my mom chuckled at his baffled reaction. My mom smiled softly at me and hugged me once more. And it was finally time for the goodbye.

I did it, even if it was hard for me. We really have become a family. Doing little things that normally other families do. And Dave. After all the bad relationship my mom had since she had me, Dave was too good to be true. But I was glad my mom finally had someone she could settle down with.

Magnolia med-school looked like a highly modernized building with dark glasses. A huge logo stood in front of the main campus, surrounded by a well-kept garden, that added a stark contrast to the western-styled building.

I finally reached inside the main campus, managing to get my dorm keys.

"Welcome to Magnolia med-school, Ms.Mcafree, we wish you all the luck" the woman said kindly, shaking my hands. I nodded mutely. After getting the directions to my dorm and also a map, just in case, I left the woman.

Luckily, finding my dorms wasn't as hard as I still had another day before my classes. Enough time to gather up my courage and Dave had been willing to bring more things to make my dorm room feel more like home.

If I thought the main campus was amazing, the dorms were even better than I expected. It looked more like the apartments I used to see in ads. I took the lift to the 4th floor, looking at my mom's texts.

*I love you, Harley. And I am proud of you*

It made me smile, as I entered my dorm room. I was greeted to a spacious living room, leading to a room on one side and the kitchen on the other side. It was well furnished, enough for two people. The room had two twin beds, both empty. There was also a balcony with a small table and a chaise for two.

Besides the living room was table huge enough for me and my roommate to study, if there was one. And a bulletin board. Wow. The dorms really were cool, a space that's homely but also good to focus. Better yet, the kitchen was loaded with enough groceries with a note.

'Students interested in dorm meal must immediately report to Mrs. Stokes. The groceries will be provided once a week and will be considered as part of your dorm meal fees. No extra payment required unless there's a need for extra groceries. Have a good year in Magnolia'

I saved the number just in case. Looking at the food, I remembered there weren't even any groceries we used to have. Takeouts and leftovers were the only sources we had to fill our stomachs.

I shook my head, coming out of the memory. I decided to shower. When I entered the bathroom, the lights turned on immediately making me squeak in surprise. After a quick shower, I managed to get some of my clothes in the closet on one side, locking it in with my fingerprint.

Calling it a day, I decided to sleep earlier than I usually did. The next day, Dave brought more stuff and my mom's homemade cookies. He helped me unload.

"I am really proud of you, kiddo" he said, hugging me. Strangely, my thoughts were on my mom. How she used to hopeless in love, falling for the wrong guys, who were responsible in making our lives miserable. But she had been right about Dave.

"Thank you, dad" It seemed easier, right even. Dave really was my dad, now and that made me happy.

"No boy, chico" Dave warned with a teasing glint in his eyes. I didn't know if he was serious or not. But I could imagine Dave getting all protective if I bring a guy to our house.

"I have no time for any boy" which wasn't a lie. The last thing I wanted to do was be in a relationship. Dave seemed reassured and he finally left. By the end of the night, my stomach was in knots.

While arranging my room had been distracting, I was nervous. I never did well in any social setting. I barely had friends in high school. Only bullies.

"I feel sick" I said to myself, looking at the ghastly reflection of myself. It was almost midnight before I slept, the worry still lurking in the back of my mind.


Well, do u guys like Harley? The first chapter came out better than I expected and as always, I hope you guys like this story.

Tune in for the next chapter.

Goodbye for now ;)

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