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It had been a month since my encounter with Josh. Yes, I was keeping track. He had texted me and I had taken that chance to get to know him. Except, that plan totally backfired. His text had gotten distant and he never spoke to me inside the college.

I saw him with a couple of girls and I had backtracked before gathering up my nerves to talk to him. A few times, I was even tempted to ask Meredith but that would only give her more reasons to tease me.

"Still thinking about him?" Meredith asked. I shook my head and withered against her knowing look. Damn, I hated that she knew too well.

"I am fine, Mer" I assured her and maybe even a part of myself. While she didn't seem convinced, she was off my back for now. I only hoped that lasted.

On reaching the class, I opened my Facebook account, and immediately Josh Gilberg was off-limits. He had his arms around a blonde goddess, grinning for the picture. A gory feeling settled over me and my face paled, which caught Mer's attention. 

"Harley, what's-" 

She was interrupted by our professor coming in. I sighed in relief. I barely listened to the class, a part of me still hung-up on Josh which was pathetic. I wasn't really anyone special and I had my passion. I shouldn't have diverted from that. Reality is a cold, heartless bitch. 

Yet, my mind still recalled waking up to his friend request and funny doctor posts which always made my day. He has a girlfriend now, so it doesn't matter.

The day passed in a blur and I was able to dodge Meredith for the whole day. I wasn't ready to talk. Not yet. Mindlessly, I walked to my dorm. It had almost been a week since I talked to my mom. The article was still hidden in my books.

I watched my mobile mournfully. It had been a week since I spoke to my mom. I tried to text her as much as I could but it still doesn't feel the same. I considered calling her when my phone rang.

I made a run for it. I wouldn't miss this call if it was my mom. My stomach clenched uncomfortably as I looked at the caller's name. Josh. I contemplated letting it go to voice mail before taking the call.

I held my phone against my ear, steeling myself to hear that sexy voice again. I blushed at that thought.

"Harley" the way he said my name made my heart skip a beat but I frowned when he grunted in pain.

"Josh, what's wrong?" I asked in concern, the last month forgotten. I already had my keys, ready to get to him.

"How good are you with stitches?" he asked, his voice breaking. 

"I am good but I haven't tried it with any live patients" I confessed, remembering all those practice sessions I had.

"What's the injury?" I asked. My hands were shaking now. While I know I could pull off normal stitches, it was bullet wounds that worried me. 

"I need you to come to my dorm. Room 230" he managed to say before hanging up. I huffed in annoyance, before leaving my dorm.

The way towards Josh's dorm was deserted. My head was filled with questions. After a month of giving me the cold shoulder, why did he call me? Maybe he did need me. 

His dorm was a couple of building away from mine. I walked past a few students who were too busy arguing to notice me. I entered the sleek glass elevator. Code? Just then my phone pinged with an incoming message.

2712 and 2nd floor

I typed in the code and made a dash for his room which wasn't far away. Josh's dorm room was slightly ajar and I assumed he was waiting for me as I closed the door behind me. My heart was thumping loudly and I was filled with worry.

"Josh-" all I could hear was a painful grunt. Well, politeness doesn't matter now. I rushed to where I heard the sound. My eyes wandered as I made my way towards him, realizing how much bigger his dorm was compared to mine.

"Josh" I called, feeling a little lost. There must be at least four other people staying here.

"In here" I heard his voice from the room in front of me. I opened the door and gaped at him. My eyes widened at the sight of him. There was so much blood on the sheets. I rushed inside, walking fast to see what was wrong.

"You..were shot?" my voice was panicked. I took a deep breath before going to his bathroom to get a wet towel. I used it to clean the wound and watched his eyes close in pain.

"Do you have any kind of anesthesia?" I asked, moving his hair out of his face. He groaned in pain, breathing heavily.

"It's not that deep. I only need you to take out the bullet and stitch the wound" he whispered. I held back from arguing. I had more pressing issues.

"I don't want to hurt you" I said nervously, my fingers shaking holding the first aid kit he gave me.

"Harley, look at me" he whispered, his voice firm and persuasive. I looked up at his blue eyes, getting lost in its depths. His other hand squeezed mine.

"I trust you" he said as he inched closer. I took a deep breath. I have to do this. I had a little aversion to blood but I hoped to go through this without puking my guts out.

I used his belt as a tourniquet. I filled a huge cup with boiled water from his bathroom. I moved methodically, making sure to sterilize all the tools I need. Forceps , needle, and thread. And finally the scalpel and some alcohol.

"Here goes nothing" I whispered to myself as I slowly deepened the wound to get a better view of the bullet. I started applying a small amount of alcohol to sterilize the wound. I slowly probed for the bullet and held my breath as I used the forceps to take out the bullet. I sterilized one final time before starting my stitching. My hands moved, slow and precise before I cut the excess thread.

Josh's eyes were clamped shut and his breathing was ragged. I sighed in relief and slumped down on the floor. My head was still reeling from what I had just done. My hands were shaking now and my cheeks were wet. 

Shit. I am crying.

"Don't cry, babe" I heard Josh say. He was looking at me, trying to reach out to me with his uninjured hand. I moved away, almost instinctively. He was off-limits. I kept chanting the words in my head. I wouldn't be that kind of a girl and take advantage.

"Harley" Josh's voice was desperate. When he tried to move his injured arm, I rushed to his side.

"Are you out of your mind?" I asked, scowling at him. He smiled faintly, his fingers on my cheeks. My heart skipped a beat after noticing his look. His gaze fell on my lips and reciprocated his action. The room was silent except for both of our ragged breathing. 

"Maybe I am out of my mind" he replied 


Woah!! A sudden change in the atmosphere. Also, I used Google to find out how to remove a bullet. I tried to be as factual as possible. If I wasn't, I hope nobody minds it haha.

So, where is this headed?? And how did Josh get shot?!!

Tune in for the next chapter

Goodbye for now ;)

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