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Feather's Point of View

"Ooof!" I let go of Ki as my body slammed into the shelf. It sent me flying back into the brick, knocking the wind out of me. Panicking, I begin Hyperventilating.

"Owwwww......" Ki groaned. He landed a few feet away. I slowly closed my eyes as my breathing started a a steady pace.

"Ha....... Ha........ Ha...... Ha...." I slowly laugh. Ki craned his neck to look at me.

What are you laughing at?

We're alive.

..... Wow.. Well.... I guess we ar----- WATCH OUT !

A ghostly green sword flew past my face and nailed a skeleton in the ribs. Ki stared in my direction, his sword in hand. His eyes drifted over to me.

"Whoah..... Um..... Thanks?" I say, uncertain if that's the right response.

"No problem." Ki instantly sprung to his feet. Uggghhh.... How is he able to do that?? Well.... I guess he didn't crash into a shelf---

I'm just stronger than you.

I rolled my eyes and pried myself off of the bricks.

"Let's.... Urrg... Keep moving..." I groan. My back is killing me.

I limped over to Ki.

"Where to?" He asked. I motioned my head to the door in front of us.

"Come on!" He quickly opened the door and slammed it shut.

"We shouldn't go that way." He said, panicked.

I pushed him off of the door.

"Oh come on. It couldn't be as bad as what we just faced."

Ki's Point of View

Feather stupidly opened the door and then immediately shut it. Her eyes were wide and her face pale.

"Yeah... Um.... Let's not go that way." She said. But instead of walking in another direction, she hesitated.

"There's another chest in there...." She said with a blank stare.

Feather, no.

Faster than I could stop her, she kicked the door open and charged.

"COME GET SOME, BONE-BAGS!" She screamed.

"FEATHER!" I shouted.

I quickly rushed into the room to see many skeletons charging at Feather. She quickly turned around and kicked one in the jaw, it hurling towed as the wall. She leaped from a table and slashed a skeleton and then elbowed another one into the ground.

She panted heavily, all of the skeletons dead.... Well.... Even more dead than they already were. She sheathed her cutlass and dusted off her hands.

"Now. Let's see what we have here!" She said, cheerfully.

She crouched beside the golden chest. Her eyes were shimmering and a small smile appeared on her lips

Ahah... I knew she'd be feisty. Though... It's kind of cute how excited she got over loot.

I snapped back to attention once she pulled a dark blue sword.

Wait a minute.....

She slowly stood up, never talking her eyes off the sword.

"Muramasa" she said, quietly. She sliced through the air, amused of the light it emits when it's swung.

"..... Hey wait.... How did you---"

"Huh.... What a cool sword!" Feather said.

She examined it closer. 

"It seems magical!" She said. Feather quickly put the sword inside her bag.

"Though... I wish I knew more about it! .... Hey! There's a bookshelf!" Feather was practically bouncing off the walls.

I.... now see why she starts getting loopy when she'd underground. She walked over to the bookshelf and started reading off names.

"Birds of a Feather? ... No.... The Terrarian Chronicles?..... No....FoxX's Story? No...... Blue in Terraria? Ehh...nah....The Glorious Autobiography of Pigglepickle? Ech... No...... All of these are just boring history books!" Feather said in annoyance. (Ouch.)

"Hey.... Feather... Remember we're looking for someone--"

"Ah! Here we go!" Feather pulled a thick book off the shelf.

She started thumbing through it.

"Feather... We need to keep going..." I remind her. She waved her hand towards me.

Oh my gosh.... I forgot how off topic she gets.... Like... A bunny on crack. I have no idea how she can just jump from topic to topic.

"Ah Ha! Here we go!" Feather said, motioning me over to her.

"The muramasa in this dimension says to have once belonged to Kyrie, a magic Warden and Mage. Said to have concealed power, and if joined with other weapons, could increase the power!" Feather read off. She nudged me.

"See, Kyrie? I told you you'd make it into the books one day!" Feather looked at me and smiled. I could of sworn her eyes flickered gold.

What is up with that?

"HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I heard a high pitched voice squeal. Feather looked at me, wide eyed.

We stood there momentarily

"Well??? What are we waiting for!!?"

She shoved the book into her bag and took off in the direction of the scream.

I rolled my eyes.

Now she's back on topic.

"Hey! Wait up!" I shouted. Just as I was about to run after her.... I stopped and looked at the bookshelf.

My hands quickly traced over the cover of one of the books Feather mentioned. I quickly put the book in my pocket of my robes and ran after her.

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