Chapter 116: Growing Restless

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Brandon's Point of view

"Feather?!!" I called out into the woods. Where in Terraria is she?!! It's not like her to leave without telling me.

I sighed as I sat down on a rock. I shouldn't be doing this..... I shouldn't waste my time looking for her..... She's bound to go on more adventures and forget to tell me......

.... Sebastian was right.

She will forget about me...

But..... Gah! Brandon! You say that as if she cared about you! Where was she when you had nightmares? Where was she when you didn't feel okay...

Where was she when you started burning?

I bowed my head as a searing pain burst through my body.

Feather's Point of View


I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my neck. That.... Hurt.... A lot.... I cringed as I tried to get up, but inevitably fell back onto the grass.

This loot better be worth the pain I'm enduring. After a few minutes of concentration, I strained myself to a sitting position.

My eyes scanned the cave for any immediate danger. Once I found it safe,  I quickly stood up. But that was a mistake. I heard a small click as the world started spinning as I swayed side to side.

The pain in my neck grew as I tried to stand still.

I stuck my arms out to the side, Partly to balance, and partly to find something I can hold onto.

I felt a myself steady a little.

This is.... Weird....

Why wasn't I this dysfunctional when I fell those other times?

I look down at my feet to see a steady stream of blood along with and arrow sticking out of my ankle.

.....Ahaha.... Poison....

To the side of me, with blurred vision, I see a pressure plate.

I let out a half-amused chuckle as the world began to fade.

The next thing I realize is that my head slams against the ground and I black out

Brandon's Point of View

"What happened?? You were doing so well!" Molly sighed, Wrapping my arm in another bandage. I shrug.

"Accidents happen.." My voice replies.

Darius stares at me for a moment.

"You thinkin' 'bout somethin there, Brandy?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I don't respond, instead, I look down at the wooden floor.

"Aww... We both know that he's thinking about Feather." Molly says, Nudging me.


When am I not thinking about Feather.

"Say... Brandon... When are you going to tell Feather how you feel?" Molly asked. I sucked in a rigid breath through my teeth.

"..... Well.... It's best I be going. Thanks again you two." I reply, avoiding the question. Before they could ask any more questions, I'm already slamming my door shut.

Stay calm, Brandon.

I put my hand on my forehead.

J-just.... Read.....

Y-yeah.... I'll... R-read.

Don't think anymore about fire or Feather...

Just..... Book.... Where's a book?

I immediately go over to the chest and start rummaging around, frantically looking for a book that I haven't read before.

Immediately, I pull out a thick, worn book and flip to a random page, desperate to get my mind off of Feather. I start reading

Excalibur from thus dimension once belonged to King Arthur, But through the ages, was passed down to Aerin. This sword is a beauty compared to its counterpart, The Night's Edge. Scholars say that if combined with a.......

Feather's Point of View

... You really need to get up.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up again.

All the feelings of grogginess and the aftermath of that poison hit me like a wave.


After a few minutes, The feelings of nausea subside.

I look up and notice soft sunlight streaming from the mouth of the cave. Birds were singing a melodious tune outside. I felt my lips lift into a small smile.

The birds remind me of Brandon.

I stood up and looked around for any more pressure plates, careful to avoid the incident that occurred earlier.

With most of the cave being illuminated, this made my task easy. I knocked out a few dart traps quickly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a faint glimmer. I turn my head slightly as I notice a chest, resting on the opposite side of the cave.

Ah.... This must be the loot Ki was talking about.

Without hesitation, I run over to open it, Excited to find loot.

With a loud creak, the chest opens, revealing the loot.

Inside the glittering chest was a pair of green boots, along with a yellow potion, flares, and a gold coin.

I shove the items into my bag, but examine the boots closer.

Ah... You found a pair of Hermes Boots!

Hermes boots?

The green boots were shiny, and looked oddly like my water-walking boots.

You should try them on and run around. Something cool happens.

Though, considering what Ki did a few hours ago, pushing me into a cavern and all, it wouldn't be wise to trust his judgement.... But that doesn't stop me!

I quickly put on the boots.

Now run around!


Okay.... If you---

As soon as I took a step, I felt my body fling forward as my feet take off.

"WHHOOAAAH!" I shriek as the world moves past me in a blur. I dig my boots into the ground and I halt to a stop. The sudden stop of motion leaves me disoriented.

These boots make you run fast! Isn't that cool!!


....... Yeah... I suppose the boots are pretty cool. I'll just have to get used to them. Other than that, they'll probably go with the other boots and shoes I don't wear on the shelf back home. More shoes.

Speaking of home......

I found my loot..... I was poised.... And I need a nap... I suppose it'd be best to head on home. I want to get back to----


I stopped as I was pulling my magic mirror out of my bag. Ki sounded worried.

S-sure.... You can go home.... If you don't want to see the meteor....


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