Chapter 117: Feel the burn

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Feather's Point of View

Y-yeah.... There's a meteor not that far from here....You can collect meteorite and make cool stuff with it!


With a little disappointment, I put the mirror back into my bag. But quickly, the disappointment turned into curiosity.

Meteorite? ...... I wonder what I can make out of it...

Well... W-what are you w-waiting for?! Go! Adventure some m-more!

......are you okay, Ki?

Yeah.... I'm fine, Feather. I just don't want you to miss out on the meteorite.... There's still more for your to do... More to see!

Alright.. If you think so..

I guess seeing Brandon will have to wait a little longer.

Maybe.... Maybe the next time I see him... I'll tell him.... I'll tell him how I f-feel.....maybe...

Go Feather! Meteorite isn't going to mine itself!

I shook my head, trying to get the thoughts of Brandon out of my head.

I just have to focus on this adventure, then....I'll be with Brandon....

I took another step as the boots seemed to be easier to control.

In a few quick steps, I was already climbing up the cave wall.

Brandon's point of View

"Brandon..... Are you feeling alright?" I ignored Gus' question and continued flipping through the pages of my book.

"Brandon. Answer me." Gus demanded. I sighed and looked up at him, an unamused look on my face.

"Yeah, Gus. He's fine." I narrowed my eyes at the figure who walked into the room.

Gus turned to look at Sebastian.

"Let him speak for himself, Sebastian" Gus glared at his brother before he turned his attention back towards me.

"Are you alright, Brandon?" His eyes drifted towards the bandages on my arm. Fresh bandages that is....

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Ah... I bet you miss Feather, Don't you....." Gus nudged my shoulder and smiled.

"Ahh... To be young and in love again." Gus said, Wistfully. I couldn't help but blush, a small smile on my lips.

But then, I looked at Sebastian. His eyes were narrowed at me.

I squeaked and looked back at my book, heavy-hearted.

Gus must of noticed this

"Hey.... You know you can tell me what's wrong, right Bud?" Gus asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I shook his hand off.

"He's fine Gus. Just stop bothering him." Sebastian's scornful gaze never left. If anything, It intensified.

Gus looked at me with a sad look.

"I-... I'm f-fine, G-Gus..." I managed to stutter out.

"Brandon... Tell me what's wrong..."

He wouldn't understand....

I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. I didn't dare to look back at Sebastian

Gus sat down next to me.

"Hey..... What's up?" Gus really wanted to know... But I can't tell him.... Or anyone....

Sebastian slammed his fist on the table, startling us both.

"For the Warden's sake! Leave him alone! He needs to learn how to man up!"

And with that, Gus stood up slowly, and socked his brother in the jaw.

"There is nothing wrong with showing emotions." Gus turned his head over to me.

"He's only human...."

"S-so!" Sebastian shouted defiantly,"You're a weak-hearted wimp, Brandon! Be a man! I don't care that you will die in a fire! We all have to make sacrifices!"

And that was it.

I was done.....

Past my limit..

My eyes went wide as I felt my breath catch in my lungs. I felt my lip start to quiver. Slowly, Tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"I suggest you start running, Sebastian." Gus snarled towards his brother.

With a quick shhhhhhiiinnnkk, Gus has readied his throwing knives.

Feather's point of view

I took a deep breath as I climbed up the last pile of sand.

My eyes scanned over the horizon as I took another breath of the salty sea air. Though the jungle was nice, I was partly relieved to get out of there. The humidity was driving me wild!

Further down the beach, I spotted a large crater.

That's it, right there.

I slid down the sand dune and ran to the meteor. The noon sun shone brightly onto the sand, giving it a glorious golden color.

Soon, I stood on the edge of the crater. Light embers bounced off of the shiny meteorite.

The longer I looked at it, the more colors I saw in it. Varying shades of red and maroon played off of each other, some even shifting to a dark purple.

I pulled out my copper pickaxe.

Time to get to work.

I took a step on the meteorite and instantly regretted it.

I felt heat seep through my boots as they caught on fire.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as the fire spread up my legs....... This wasn't a good day to wear wood armor....

Instinctively, I start running around, hoping to calm the flame. As the flame started to scorch my legs and rise to my torso, I had an idea.

I dropped down to the sand and starting rolling around. Bits of sand got inside my armor, making it rub against my skin.

Once the flame died down, I stood up and tried to shake sand out of my armor.

Oh! I forgot to mention! Meteorite is hot and if you stand on it, It will burn you.

I narrowed my eyes.

Yeah... I kinda know now....

I approached the meteor again, standing off to the side.

Carefully, I swung my pickaxe and starting mining the meteorite.

I picked up another piece of meteorite and put it in my bag. It seems like after I mine it, It cools down immensely

Most of the meteor was gone, But the middle of it remained.

The sun was starting to set again. I figure it's about time I head home....

I started to pull out my magic mirror before I heard the ground rumbling behind me.

I quickly turn around, just to see the meteor... The same as I left it.

I shrugged and turned back around, before I heard rumbling again. Cautiously, I turn around and examine the meteor closer.

I squinted, But all I could see were the flames, slowly dying.

... That is.... Until I saw the flames start to shift and a chunk of meteorite formed into a sphere.

Suddenly, It charged towards me.

I dropped the mirror on the ground and my cutlass appeared in my hands.

With one swift movement, I sliced through the... Thing..

Oh! And watch out for meteor heads! They are extremely weak, But they group up fast!

Little late there, Buddy..... Wait.... What was that last part????

With more rumbling, more meteor heads rose from the ground and starting flying towards me.

As soon as I cut two down, four more appeared. Soon, They started to swirl around me, many of them starting to ram into my armor, making it scorched.

One meteor head dove for my magic mirror, pushing it closer to the edge. I swiftly kicked the meteor head and slashed it down the middle.

More meteor heads seemed to appear behind me.

It.... Would be best to get out of here.....

As soon as I crouched down to grab the mirror, I felt a huge force ran into my back, making me loose balance and fall head first into the meteor.

Author's note:

.... I may of taken inspiration for Brandon's part of the chapter from FoxXtrap 's recent rant....

Other than that....

I better go before the migraine sets in....

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